Shy or anxious?

He was a naturally shy person as many of us feel. AND he grew up in a spotlight with so many eyeballs on him, which only made him more shy.

One thing I have a problem with is, some people look at his shyness as if it's all negative. I think I can bring up "introvertness" here and say shy, introvert people like Michael sometimes are not appreciated in a society where streotypically outgoing, extrovert characters and images are put on a pedestal. But, in fact, shy people do have strong points like, deep understanding about others (even if they don't show it much), compassion, empathy, etc.

And shy men are likely to be picked on cuz they are not considered to be "masculine" enough. Some people laughed at Michael for not showing typically "macho" or "tough guy" qualities. They only show how superficial their mindset can be. Michael was tough, period.