Should we look at other possibilities?

I agree. While my instincts are to hate and blame this guy, that would be hypocritical. We don't know his reasons and we haven't heard much of a story, outside of the media reports. I say try to wait until the trial. =/
We are relying mainly on media sources which we SHOULD all know are not 100% reliable. Michael would not want us to blame someone who has not been proven guilty. As this is what happened to him. I not saying we should not be suspicious of him. I just think we should let it play out in court and then form opinions. That is what i truly believe Michael would do.

I agree with your Princess that it is hard not to hate and blame the guy. I want to do that right now but I just keep thinking how Michael would react.

Also, I still do not think he had a motive. There was someone else involved.
murray could be a small part of the big picture.
mj had something that a lot of powerful people wanted, beatles catalogue.
so many fed off mj over the years and so much happened,so it widens the suspects list even further.
ied be very suprised if it was just murray involved in this
Murray was the one who had michael on an IV with drugs, Has he denied this NO! So there u go! And yes, theres others to blame, the ones who got MJ addicted in the first place. Murray thinks just because they are others, he can be safe! lol

But, dude u played along with everyone else. He said he tried to help mj get off propofol.....? WHAT? By giving him other drugs! Like seriously how is that a defense? But, even after he said this, he still gives it to Mj and it kills him with the other drugs! He gave MJ a COCKTAIL!

Yea, My ASS that sounds like a dr. trying to help someome off drugs!

Try REHAB bitch! Or QUIT your F@cking job next time! God dumb F@cking people like murray with sorry ass excuses make me SICK!