Should we look at other possibilities?


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
I know most of us think that Murray did it, including myself. But, I can't help but think that we should take other possibilities into consideration. We're doing exactly what Michael suffered and was against, we're pointing the finger and accusing without being proven guilty. And, yes there is alot which lead us to think he did it, and yes the 'writing is on the wall' in some way etc. but people said the same about Michael. I'm kinda going back on everything I've previously said but there's still that small possiblity that he didn't do it. And I just keep thinking that if he didn't do it, a man's life is ruined, just as Michael's was and after all Michael should have been given the BOTD and I know this is alot more seriously and more likely to be true but should we prepare for a different outcome? And I also want to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what happened but will that be done if we're looking at just one situation?

(Let the stone throwing begin :ermm: :( )
Murray's already said that he gave Michael the sedatives and the propofol. And that is what killed him.

So you can't get much more conclusive than that.
I've felt the same way MichaelFanNo1 at times. There could be a small minute chance that we could be wrong but as Nova said. He's already admitted what he did. And what he did has killed Michael. Simple as that. As a responsible human being in his type of profession it is fairly clear that he had some other motive than maintaining Michael's health. Not to mention his phone calls etc and gahhh. I'm getting bad images at the moment :(
well lets see...

1)Michael Trusted Murray with his life.

2) Murray was the doctor on call to help Michael with his body and keep him healthy.

3) Murray Gave him all these drugs (which i do not think Michael demanded).

4) Murray was with him the night he died.

5) Murray, Being a HEART DOCTOR did CPR WRONG!

6) He FAILED to call the paramedics at the right time.

7)He called people during which time he could have been doing a better job trying to SAVE Michael's life.

8) He yelled for Prince to come and bare witness to his failed and to late attempts of reviving Michael.

Other possibilities? I don't see any. The man waited to long to do anything right. There are no other possibilities.
Murray's already said that he gave Michael the sedatives and the propofol. And that is what killed him.

So you can't get much more conclusive than that.

Are you sure, because I've read lots of contradictory stuff, murray is supposed to have said printed in the media and the media make it up , I doubt his lawyer would have released statements on what Murray has said. I think we will find exactly what murray did or did not do when/if it goes to trial. All we know for certain is that Michael died because he was given a ton of drugs we assume it was dr murray as he was there and there is all this supposition about it which if it is true than it probably was dr murray. We don't know for certain how accurate that information is yet.
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Murray's already said that he gave Michael the sedatives and the propofol. And that is what killed him.

So you can't get much more conclusive than that.

yeah. what more do u want.
re you sure, because I've read lots of contradictory stuff, murray is supposed to have said printed in the media and the media make it up ,
read the search warrants
well lets see...

1)Michael Trusted Murray with his life.

2) Murray was the doctor on call to help Michael with his body and keep him healthy.

3) Murray Gave him all these drugs (which i do not think Michael demanded).

4) Murray was with him the night he died.

5) Murray, Being a HEART DOCTOR did CPR WRONG!

6) He FAILED to call the paramedics at the right time.

7)He called people during which time he could have been doing a better job trying to SAVE Michael's life.

8) He yelled for Prince to come and bare witness to his failed and to late attempts of reviving Michael.

Other possibilities? I don't see any. The man waited to long to do anything right. There are no other possibilities.

But all of that is being reported in the media, I'm not saying it's false as I believe most of it myself. But, are we as fans not being biased? When all of it was being printed about Michael we didn't believe any of it but when it's being printed about Murray we do?
I can't believe this...:bugeyed

look at the points above.

I'm now in shock at you all.
well lets see...

1)Michael Trusted Murray with his life.

2) Murray was the doctor on call to help Michael with his body and keep him healthy.

3) Murray Gave him all these drugs (which i do not think Michael demanded).

4) Murray was with him the night he died.

5) Murray, Being a HEART DOCTOR did CPR WRONG!

6) He FAILED to call the paramedics at the right time.

7)He called people during which time he could have been doing a better job trying to SAVE Michael's life.

8) He yelled for Prince to come and bare witness to his failed and to late attempts of reviving Michael.

Other possibilities? I don't see any. The man waited to long to do anything right. There are no other possibilities.

did he really do number 8? thats sick!!!!

read the search warrants. murray admitted it himself. this board certainly aint like it was on 03-05
But all of that is being reported in the media, I'm not saying it's false as I believe most of it myself. But, are we as fans not being biased? When all of it was being printed about Michael we didn't believe any of it but when it's being printed about Murray we do?

Because he was THERE. HE pumped Michael Full of this shit. He is supposed to be HELPING Michael. Instead he HELPED Michael into an Early Grave. Think about that.
Are you sure, because I've read lots of contradictory stuff, murray is supposed to have said printed in the media and the media make it up , I doubt his lawyer would have released statements on what Murray has said. I think we will find exactly what murray did or did not do when/if it goes to trial. All we know for certain is that Michael died because he was given a ton of drugs we assume it was dr murray as he was there and there is all this supposition about it which if it is true than it probably was dr murray. We don't know for certain how accurate that information is yet.
Of course I'm sure. HE SAID IT HIMSELF, that he gave Michael the drugs. And he told the police that. This is not just rumors that got spread through the media.
I think he probably did do it but am openminded at other forces at play that is all , like Dr Tohme who got fired in May. I know that things can be orchestrated to make it look like whatever they want and don't trust blindly what I'm told by anyone. I do my own research. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

You have to ask yourself if Dr Murray did why would he risk his whole career for this? who is behind him, there are definitely other forces at play unless you believe it was just an accident.
I think he probably did do it but am openminded at other forces at play that is all , like Dr Tohme who got fired in May. I know that things can be orchestrated to make it look like whatever they want and don't trust blindly what I'm told by anyone. I do my own research. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

You have to ask yourself if Dr Murray did why would he risk his whole career for this? who is behind him, there are definitely other forces at play unless you believe it was just an accident.

Michael Isn't the first person to die under Murray's care. Don't tell me to give this man a chance. He is stupid beyond words.
ah i feel that whilehe has the most blame, he was put there fora reason. y else would aeg agree to pay thatmuch? a doc in over his head,w/ a high profile patient.

sure it'snot just murray but he's the fallguy
I think he probably did do it but am openminded at other forces at play that is all , like Dr Tohme who got fired in May. I know that things can be orchestrated to make it look like whatever they want and don't trust blindly what I'm told by anyone. I do my own research. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

You have to ask yourself if Dr Murray did why would he risk his whole career for this? who is behind him, there are definitely other forces at play unless you believe it was just an accident.

of course it was an accident but an accident that happened because of him engaging in extremely risky negligent behavior. According to the hospital that fired him prior to MJ hiring him, he didn't have much of a career outside of doping up drug addicts.

This doctor is guilty, he should and he will end up in prison. His liscense will be suspended While in prison he'll either be in confinement seperated from the general population or he'll be killed by an angry inmate.
Here's my thinking (oh no, been drinking wine and it's 1 in the morning here, bare with me lol) Murray DID give Michael the Propofol, he said it, it's in the search warrant. He not only TOLD THEM he gave them Propofol AND other drugs. He said how much he gave him. He was the one that did administer the drugs that night, no if's and's or but's about it. He was also the one that stepped out of the room to make calls or whatever he did, if he was truly trying to "wean" Michael off of this drug, HE KNEW it was dangerous, why in the hell would you step out to make a phone call? He knew for a fact, that if he stepped out and DIDN'T MONITOR him, there was that chance of him dying, and guess what, it happened! Did he walk into that room that night with the mind set of "I'm going to kill Michael Jackson" I don't know. Only Murray knows. Or whoever. One thing that keeps bothering me is he has claimed he never met Klein, as did Klein. Then why did he decide to make a phone call to him? Did he say "oh hmm...I think I'll call Michael's other doctor just to introduce myself over the phone"! He KNEW Klein, I think Klein has SO MUCH to do with this! I've read that some people say "oh well, he went in so often because he was just doing treatments" What kind of treatments are you having to go in 3 days a week!?!?!?!! Your skin would be so messed up! There are only so many medical procedures you can do a week. I dunno, I think Murray WILL be arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter and malpractice with his license being taken away. I think that Klein will also get his license taken away and will get in trouble for prescribing medicine for himself (MAJOR NO NO!) and prescribing medicine under an alias...AND possible assistance (if he was the one that taught Murray how to inject the propofol and if he really did talk to Murray after Michaels time of death, which I assume is in the autopsy report). Ok..there is my two sense.
But all of that is being reported in the media, I'm not saying it's false as I believe most of it myself. But, are we as fans not being biased? When all of it was being printed about Michael we didn't believe any of it but when it's being printed about Murray we do?

I don't believe everything the media puts out and there were alot of people that believed the media over MJ and still do actually. MJ is the victim in this, not Conrad! Have you looked at what the media is turning it into?

This is what they are doing right now. (Not all journalists)

-Sympathy for Murray. Poor guy, he was just doing what he was told

-Michael was an addict! Just look at all the stuff he took!

-Hey they found heroin in his room too! Oh wait, it's old marijuana...yeah well it has to be Michael's!

Alot of people in the media are trying to twist this into Michael being an addict and poor Murray being the victim who just wanted to get out of debt. So now you're implying that fans are obeying the media and this is anything like Michael's trial where Michael was painted as a criminal yet Conrad actually has people who feel sorry for him?

This is quite different. Conrad was the one in the room. Conrad admitted giving these drugs. Conrad's actions speak louder than press reports when he waited a looong time to call 9-11. Conrad was giving CPR on a bed, the fireplace blazing in June.

He wouldn't sign death certificate, left the hospital, didn't come back, wasn't to be found for days.

Has reckless behavior in the past that can be found. You can dig for that.

Look at this video he made and tell me CONrad has any guilt or emotions

If you watched Michael Jackson's tape in 2005 telling the public of his innocence you can see that Conrad obviously studied that but the difference is, one person actually is innocent and truly upset and the other person is scripted and unemotional.

Michael Jackson 2005
^^you are right about that, Kizmic, that was my impression too. He studied Michael's tapes!

If someone was shot you know it was murder. It is obvious. Nobody can't deny Bloodshed. You may not find the perpetrator, but you know the victim was killed.

To Inject a lethal dosis now is a "smarter" way to kill someone. You can give someone an overdose (intentional) of - just one example - insuline. Oftenly it dosen't even get recognised as murder. I don't want to scare you, I just say that happens more often than you do and could ever imagine .
There's no doubt in my mind he did something but did he do it on his own or was he told to do this....i am not sure.
But all of that is being reported in the media, I'm not saying it's false as I believe most of it myself. But, are we as fans not being biased? When all of it was being printed about Michael we didn't believe any of it but when it's being printed about Murray we do?

your denial can't get worse than this...I mean seriously
there's a lot of crap in the media but there are also proven FACTS regarding Murray's actions
I hate it when people compare it to Michael's case. the media always did everything possible to make him look bad and because there was NO evidence against him they simply made up all kinds of stories during the trial, they were made up!
don't forget that the media will never be on Michael's side no matter how unfair it is. they will never say anything that makes Murray look bad unless it's a proven fact and they can't deny it or twist it in any way, only in that case they are left with the truth which they always hate, but even then they still find a way to blame Michael

people are trying to compare Michael's case and Murray's case as if the media treats both of them fairly. NO they will always use everything they have against Michael, if anything they are defending Murray as much as they can
Murray's already said that he gave Michael the sedatives and the propofol. And that is what killed him.

So you can't get much more conclusive than that.

But really, shouldn't this guy be locked up then? I mean..a doctor is supposed to stay professional and ethical, so when a patient asks for an illegal drug..he should say no. He did something illegal, something that eventually killed Michael. He should be charged and locked up.
Michael Isn't the first person to die under Murray's care. Don't tell me to give this man a chance. He is stupid beyond words.

I didn't say give him a chance you must have misinterpreted what I'm saying. I'm saying there are other forces other than murray at play it isn't just murray and you do not know for certain that someone else administered a lethal amount of propofol,all we know is that Michael died of Propofol and other drugs.

You can't die of the amount of propofol Murray is supposed to have given Michael, according to experts and in addition conrad murray lawyer released a statement that says the affidavit is police theory, speculative and the time line is wrong and much of the information reported is not true that Murray stated finding him not breathing at 10.40am it is just police theory. So how do we know for certain exactlly what is true. I can only have an opinion and that is that he was murdered and there are others involved.
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But really, shouldn't this guy be locked up then? I mean..a doctor is supposed to stay professional and ethical, so when a patient asks for an illegal drug..he should say no. He did something illegal, something that eventually killed Michael. He should be charged and locked up.
Yes, he most definitely should be locked up. He killed Michael. He should be in prison for the rest of his life.