Should there be a neverland amusment park?

Michael Jackson was Neverland, exactly :yes:

to me his spirirt IS there, on Neverland, i really believe it, his aura is all over Neverland
I can understand both viewpoints. I certainly understand why many don't want it used as a memorial - I know he left Neverland after THAT period and never lived there again. He must have felt it had been contaminated. I wonder if he felt he was driven from his own home.

I have read other fans comments here that he is no longer there etc but as a UK fan it is still probably somewhere I would want to see when I get the opportunity just for the sake of it.

Realisitically it is not well sited for an amusement park and I'm sure the residents nearby would not welcome an invasion of fans.

On the other hand I think all fans would like to see some kind of permanent memorial to Michael. I know there will be the memorial/museum in Gary but I think fans also want something in LA too.

IMO Neverland was Michael. He absolutely loved that place. He created that place, and was happy and at peace there for 15 years. I know what he said, but we all say things that we may not want to say at times of distress or emotional anguish. All I know is that I hope they never sell it.

As far as a memorial for him there- it would be ideal if it weren't for the logistics and the opposition by the neighbors.

The estate I believe will create a place were all fans can gather every year to pay respects and celebrate him. There has to be another place than just Gary to accomplish this. FL is not that place.
I also think Neverland should be opened. I would probably visit annually. It should be opened just like Graceland so his fans can come and celebrate his life.

I know there's a lot of talk about how small the road is and how it's out "in the middle of nowhere," but it's really not. They could also expand the road to have two lanes going in each direction. If I remember correctly it's only about five miles from the freeway.

I think the neighbors could get used to it. I mean it is 2800 acres for pete's sake. That is more than enough room for a parking lot (out of view from the road) and all the facilities.

I visited Roosevelt's house in upstate New York last summer. I think Neverland should be just like that. Visitors can walk around the grounds, take guided tours, and have the house accessible but certain areas roped off.

I think they should set up the house exactly like Michael had it.

Boy I would love to take a ride on the train.
I hope the estate can buy back the share that Colony Capital owns. The estate certainly has enough money. They should buy it back, put all his belongings back, and at the very least keep it for the three children. Maybe they would want to live there someday.

I know if I were one of the kids I would be devastated if the ranch were sold to someone else. I'll repeat: They have plenty of money. Just buy it back!
Neverland needs to stay dead with Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was Neverland.

Neverland should NEVER be opened to the public and I know for a fact that Santa Barbara will never, ever allow it.

I dont know why some of you fanatics dont get it.

Neverland is out in the middle of no were.... The road it small. It simply would not work. This has been discussed over and over.
if you talking about making money of michael's death then its a bad idea
last strange romour i heard/read is that someone has already moved into michael neverland home and are do not know if they want to make ito a neverland theam park?
from the video clips i have seen of the empty neverland home
i have seen a spirt/ghost of michael still living there
i kind of know that michael wants his fans to be happy and rembmer his legacy
Whether it's opened as a place for disadvantaged and sick children again or a place for fans to visit as some sort of museum, I don't think it should just be left there to decay. It makes me sad seeing photos of Neverland all empty.