Should there be a neverland amusment park?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
a fan was discussing this on another website and this what he/she said

" I was on TMZ and one of the commentors said that Forest Lawn wasn't a amusement park, and it started me thinking, maybe that's exactly what the estate should do with Michaels money. Build a Neverland amusement park in LA. The weather is good there so it could be open year round. The money it makes will insure his childrens future, and 20% of it will insure the childrens charities, so MJ's charitable work can continue. I am sure the Jackson's would be willing to help providing past and future talent to perform there. Even the new generation of Jacksons are talented like 3T. I am sure with all Michaels celibrity friends living in LA entertainment and live shows would not be a problem. Most of Michaels friends like Stevie, and Diana would probley be honored to sing to make Michaels theme park a huge sucess. They could put a movie theater there like the one MJ had at the ranch and show J5 cartoons, the family movie, and music video's all day. A place for grandma and grandpa to cool off and rest. They could let all children in free on Michaels birthday therfore making Michaels wish of a Childrens Day come true. I believe this would preserve his legacy, and allow us to keep his spirit alive. Please comment and let me know what you think of the idea. marson "
I think Neverland, Michael's Neverland should be opened as his official museum, i have the feeling that he is there, he's still there,

i dont forget that Larry King interview with Jermaine at Neverland in which Miko Brando shows the house around and a figure that looked like an spectrum of Michael appeared, i dont believe in all that stuff, but in Michael's case his aura was so HUGE, that in this particular case, i do believe it, to me Michael IS there on his beloved Neverland... i trully believe it.
I think it would be great if Neverland opened up...It would give the fans a common place we could all be and celebrate Michael.

Michael put a lot of his heart and soul into that place and I believe that the magic of Neverland will always be alive.
Neverland would be a wonderful place for fans all around the world to come and honor Michael.:clapping::clapping:
I think it would be great if Neverland opened up...It would give the fans a common place we could all be and celebrate Michael.

Michael put a lot of his heart and soul into that place and I believe that the magic of Neverland will always be alive.

Neverland would be a wonderful place for fans all around the world to come and honor Michael.:clapping::clapping:
i agree. i think Neverland should be opened. something needs to be done with it thats for sure. Neverland is part of Michael's legacy weather some people like it or not it is and he put so much heart and love in that place to make it more magical then even DisneyLand. He loved neverland and i dont believe for a second he that he hated it. how can he hate a place that he loved for so long and made his home? a place where he raised his children and spent time with his family and friends? Neverland is magical and Michael made it that way just by being there and sadly it did die once he left us but it should be fully restored and made in to a place where the fans, his family, friends and his children can go and celebrate him and always feel close to him no matter what. I also like to Believe that Michael is still with us at Neverland. walking around singing, dancing, and climbing his giving tree. I hope Neverland will get its magic back bc to me its just too speacial and too beautiful to just sit there forever.
Neverland needs to stay dead with Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was Neverland.

Neverland should NEVER be opened to the public and I know for a fact that Santa Barbara will never, ever allow it.

I dont know why some of you fanatics dont get it.

Neverland is out in the middle of no were.... The road it small. It simply would not work. This has been discussed over and over.
I think Neverland, Michael's Neverland should be opened as his official museum, i have the feeling that he is there, he's still there,
I thought about that too. I think his spirit is at Neverland. I think he's attached to Neverland. Even though he said he hated it, but it was just because of the police's intrusion. I know he couldn't let go of Neverland in his heart, and his spirit might be lingering there.

He used to say he wanted to be buried at where there's children, where the place is full of life. Forest lawn is just too quiet, cold and dead. I have a feeling that he doesnt like that place.

*using present tense because I believe in afterlife and believe he's still around here.

And a museum like the one that Joe jackson and his partners have planned to open would sure gonna be unsuccessful. Graceland, on the other hand, is different coz the owner lived and buried there. Everything is untouched as it was. That's why it always could bring in visitors.
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I think they should build another one (a replica) somewhere that isn't in Santa Barbara. That area is, to be honest, a little iffy with Tom Sneddon and company crawling around. Even if he was to retire, the kind of people that live there can't be very nice or open-minded if they elected him to begin with...

I would love nothing more than to visit Michael's old home, though. It would be a kind of bittersweet experience. I know that Michael opened his home to people young and old alike, so that they could forget everything and be kids again. I think he would love for that to happen again, since he always liked to make others smile. I hope they do open it at least as a museum, however, I don't know if that is at all possible given the various circumstances which surround the prospective plan.

I at least hope for a replica, if the original cannot be opened for whatever reason.
I thought about that too. I think his spirit is at Neverland. I think he's attached to Neverland. Even though he said he hated it, but it was just because of the police's intrusion. I know he couldn't let go of Neverland in his heart, and his spirit might be lingering there.

He used to say he wanted to be buried at where there's children, where the place is full of life. Forest lawn is just too quiet, cold and dead. I have a feeling that he doesnt like that place.

*using present tense because I believe in afterlife and believe he's still around here.

And a museum like the one that Joe jackson and his partners have planned to open would sure gonna be unsuccessful. Graceland, on the other hand, is different coz the owner lived and buried there. Everything is untouched as it was. That's why it always could bring in visitors.

I agree with you in that I do not think he likes where he is buried. I had a dream months ago that he was trying to get out of the tomb and had a candle to light his way. The tomb seemed dark. Now that you bring up his ideas about burial it brought my dream to mind, and like you I believe in an after life.
I think they should build another one (a replica) somewhere that isn't in Santa Barbara. That area is, to be honest, a little iffy with Tom Sneddon and company crawling around. Even if he was to retire, the kind of people that live there can't be very nice or open-minded if they elected him to begin with...

I would love nothing more than to visit Michael's old home, though. It would be a kind of bittersweet experience. I know that Michael opened his home to people young and old alike, so that they could forget everything and be kids again. I think he would love for that to happen again, since he always liked to make others smile. I hope they do open it at least as a museum, however, I don't know if that is at all possible given the various circumstances which surround the prospective plan.

I at least hope for a replica, if the original cannot be opened for whatever reason.

Smooth, I never thought of this--a replica would be nice if they have all the original statues, etc. This is a good option to reopening the original property.
the replica idea is old from 2009...
not sure where it came from... it was dicussed for las vegas.
I believe although in his later life, neverland wasn't his 'home', the good times he had at Neverland MUST outweigh the bad times. I think Neverland would be a better place to go to than Forest Lawn, a cemitary only reminds us Michael is gone, in neverland we can feel michael with us, be where Michael ate, slept and raised his chidren. No place would be a more fitting fitting place to have such a thing.
Definitely. I thought of this even on the day he died. It could be like a memorial park where fans could walk around the grounds remembering how MJ used to live there and breathe in his spirit. Then maybe his actual house could be a museum with his clothes and awards and ofcourse a tribute/memorial statue where fans could come together to leave their tributes. They should try and restore it to how it used to look back in the days when he lived there.
Absolutely Not..!

Mr.Jackson "did not ever" want to return there...Society turned the innocence of a beautiful home into an ugly house..!"

As Always

IMO, If Michael hated Neverland He would have let it sale, He tried to stop it being sold so therefore it must have still had a big place in his heart. I would love to go and see Neverland if it was restored back to its prim. :)
IMO, If Michael hated Neverland He would have let it sale, He tried to stop it being sold so therefore it must have still had a big place in his heart. I would love to go and see Neverland if it was restored back to its prim. :)

Exactly!^ I've said the same thing. Michael didnt want to be rid of Neverland. If he did he would have let be sold off years ago.Its a beautiful place that Michael loved. He may not have lived there anymore but it was still a huge part of him. It should be restored. I cant understand why Elvis fans get to have graceland to go to whever they want but Us Mj fans dont get to have a place like that? why not? why go to a cementary where we will end up crying our eyes out and only be reminded of Michael being gone when we can go to a place like Neverland and celebrate Michael and what he did for us. I know everyone saids and thins that Graceland is different but who cares. We Mj fans need a place better to go to besides a cementary. it just seems more approtiate i think bc we cant gather in groups at Forest Lawn and be together to support eatch other with all the rules there but at least at Neverland we can do all that. Michael made that place magical and yes it died with him but it can be brought back with all our love for Michael. He wouldnt want us to not have a place where we can gather and happy. i hope this can be possiable someday.
Absolutely Not..!

Mr.Jackson "did not ever" want to return there...Society turned the innocence of a beautiful home into an ugly house..!"

As Always


I would like to ask when he said he "did not ever" want to return there????? because I just watch him say on 60 min YT "It's a house now not a home, I will visit Neverland, I won't live there", I find a lot of fans saying he hated Neverland, yet I have not heard him say that, I have herd him talk about how he hated what they did, and how they tainted his home, but hate it, no. It was one of his great creations, how could anyone hate that.
I heard that Michael wanted nothing to do with that place after the trial so IMO it should be destroyed.
Here's a Heads Up.
Many of the media outlets will be visiting Neverland
this week, and especially on June 25th.
For example "Inside Edition", today June 23rd. :better: