Should People Separate the Man from the Music? I say NEVER!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I keep hearing people say how they separate the man from the music or how that is how people will be able to remember his musical legacy.

I just don't understand it. I don't understand why you would want to do so and how you would ever understand and truly enjoy the words and sound of his music without knowing him as a man. "Will You Be There" stands out to me when I hear how he sings the words "I'm only human." To me, Michael's music was what it was because of the person-the man-that he was. His lyrics-even in the sexiest songs-still found their way to be respectful and easily accepted by those of all ages. That is no longer common and expected in music lyrics today. But, that was because of Michael's standards as a person.

The themes of Michael's music came from what he was a man cared about and thought about. All of those different but powerful themes. They were in his heart and thoughts.

How he composed music, recorded music, and danced to music --all intensely tied to his personal persistence, reach for perfection, internal connection to the beats and rhythms that few ever feel or hear in music.

The emotion in the songs-whether happy, sad, or angry-were built on his own emotions and experiences. We got the intensity because that is how he experienced things; his own emotions were intense. We got the contradictions because he was a man of complexities (not simplification that for some reason our society seems to celebrate so much even though it is proving to stifle our society in every stretch of the imagination).

The music and dance was accepted across generations, races, ethnicities, borders because he as a man embraced and emboldened and made it his priority to put all around him at ease. It had to come out through his music to those that listened.

And most importantly, the spirituality in his music was there because of the deep spirituality in him as a man. The spirituality surpassed religious identification. It upheld oneness with nature, spirits, and the Heavens.

Michael Jackson did not ever try to present himself as perfect with no flaws or imperfections. Actually, more than anyone he wore his heart on his sleeve. He didn't try to hide who he was-the good or the bad. The world simply chose not to look at who he really was--a man who experienced pain, misjudgments, hurt, sadness along with incredible joys, pride, happiness, and extreme generosity. He was a humble man who had a creativity and imagination that were both larger than life.

So, for me, I don't think that one could ever separate the man from the music. The music was all about the man. Love you forever, Michael Jackson!
Yes I'm sick of hearing people say 'you have to separate the man from the music' NO YOU DON'T. They seem to have no idea of his humanitarian work and the loving, kind, gentle man he was.

This man comes with the music imo.
No frickin' way. The man and the music are one in the same. It doesn't makes sense to separate them and there isn't a need to.
People saying this see Michael in a totally different way to us and a totally different way to how he actually was. They see him as the media created monster and I'm sick of it, as we all are!
I was just watching a conversation on the Today Show, I think, and Toure' (of all people) seemed to have gotten it when he said that Michael is now gone and should be remembered for the bad because who among any of us want to be remembered for our mistakes and flaws and gossip instead of for the good we did. He was so right. I think that people need to start putting themselves in Michael's shoes for awhile.
I loved the man just as much as his music. He was beautiful in all respects. I love you Michael.
I love Michael the man and the music exactly the same. If anyone has serious issues with Michael, and believed all the media negativity he faced in life but can seperate Michael the man from his music, then those people are serious hypocrites with issues of their own they need to address.

I always found Michael's music was very personal to him, and he shared a lot of his soul with us through his music. Which is why I can't show how one can serperate Michael the man from his music, considering he's the source and creator of his greatest songs etc.
Even the songs he didn't write expressed something close to his heart in some way. A person's work reveals something about that person. You would lose something by trying to separate the man & the music. So, the answer to your question is no.
No!! Without the man, there wouldn't be the music ! The man and the music are in the same, sad that so many people don't see it
I became a fan during a very hard part of my childhood. There was no one to look for me. I turned to Michael and his music.
I never thought this would hit me as hard as it has. I've always been the strong one. I never cry. Here I am tears running down my face.
You can't love his music if you don't understand where he's coming from.
they can't. if one came in any other composition other than Mike came in, they wouldn't be able to come up with his music. and there's nothing they can do about it.
Well you can't separate Michael from the music because he was the music. The words came from his heart, you can't write it if you don't feel it.

The media haters will be trying to put a negative spin on today, they will say Paris's words were staged, she was forced to say it etc. But who is listening to these people any more?

I remember Jane Fonda in a documentary being asked about plastic surgery and she say who are we to judge, who knows what drives someone to do it and are we going to wait until he is gone to appreciate him? She said that years ago, and she was so right.
I wouldn't love anyone so much just because of her/his music. for me, the music was the way to the man, the heroe, the angel Michael Jackson.
I loved the man just as much as his music. He was beautiful in all respects. I love you Michael.

I think that's why he turned out to be the greatest, his love was in his music.And people
not only lived his music and moved, but also the man himself.
I'm a fan but at the same time i can only say that i like his music, i mean, i do not hate him at all, but i didn't get to know him personally or be around him so i can say that i know his artistry but not really the man, thats why i kinda seperate the man from the music in my mind.
Michael was a beautiful person inside and out, and I loved him for that as much as I did for his music and performances. That being said, I think what people really should do is separate the man from the media stereotypes of him, try to see him as a human being in his own right, not just some tabloid fabrication designed to make money. Michael was a human being before he was a musician or a cultural icon, and that's what people should strive to remember.
i always remembered the man before the music
way before i cud understand his lyrics i loved him deeply as i saw him at orphanages holding and kissing little babies and saw the throngs of screamig fainting crowds
i love the man and cant understand why ppl keep sayin bull like separate the man from the music indicating the allegations crap was true
hate them so much
i for one will never forget the man
Some people can seperate then man from the music but they only get half of it that way.
Sadly, I think all of these people saying that we should separate the man from the music have no idea who the man really was.
People only say that who think he is weird and that the man should be ignored.

Michael did say he wanted to be judged by his music for a change and not what he was like as a person. Cant rmemeber where he said it.
You can't separate the man from the music because without the man, the music wouldn't have existed. So many people don't realize that Michael wrote a majority of his songs and they came from the heart. You can't get any deeper than that. To answer your question: NO!
You shouldn't really separate the man from the music. Otherwise, how can you appreciate Mike 100-percent?

I think there are two different kinds of Michael Jackson fans out there right now: those who see Michael as the superstar who sang 'Billie Jean' and 'Smooth Criminal', and those who see Michael as a superstar and a human being who sang not only 'Billie Jean' and "Smooth Criminal", but also 'Childhood', 'Will You Be There', 'They Don't Care About Us', etc. The people in the former group tend to separate the man from the music because of his eccentricities and the other bullshit surrounding his personal life. Whereas the latter group have gotten to know Michael very well through his music, which allows for a much deeper connection. I think it's a shame that people are so reluctant to truly get to know Mike.

Hello by the way. I've been lurking here for a while, lol.
Michael was his music and his music was him. There is no divide. People say that so they can admit they love him without getting weird looks. But there is no difference. I love Michael the man more then any work he ever produced. Who he was as a person means more to me then all of that. His work was simply an extension of who he was as a person.
Exactly, well said!!

Michael was his music and his music was him. There is no divide. People say that so they can admit they love him without getting weird looks. But there is no difference. I love Michael the man more then any work he ever produced. Who he was as a person means more to me then all of that. His work was simply an extension of who he was as a person.