Should Obama Attend a Michael Jackson Memorial?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
If there's anything going on June 25th that is memorial-related, Biden should attend. I don't think anyone is particularly happy with Obama at the current moment, especially after this BP mess. Obama belongs in Louisiana right now.

I think a Michael Jackson memorial is definitely a very important event in American History. Someone from Washington should attend the event. Either Biden or Clinton. Just not Obama, due to his current circumstances.

His "response" to Michael's death was pathetic, too. I feel that if he showed up, it wouldn't feel genuine.
At this point in time he should start pulling his weight in this oil spill situation. Michael would want the most influential man in the world (The president, not just as Obama) to be helping the planet and all the animals and people affected by the spill.
I think President Obama should be there to pay his respects to Michael. Remember that He was overseas at the time of Michael's memorial. I know he has alot on his plate and The Government Administration before him is to blame for this not Obama.Obama has to try to clean and Mop up the mess that the previous administration has put onto his lap inwhich since the Bush administration had done things under the microscope that is now seeing the light of day,They are blaming Obama everytime they find something wrong.This man is trying all he can.They should give him a break. When this man makes a decision concerning the country and the pockets of the Rich are involved to see if the Rich can contribute helping the Poor and the Middleclass,These people will always find ways to stop his ideas from happening, leaving The Poor and The Middleclass to suffer more.When it comes to solutions,everything can not be worked out in the speed of light. Everything has to be thought out carefully and tried until they can find a solution. Noone comes into High Office knowing alot of things,that's why he has a cabinet to think out things along with him and sometimes they are on the money and sometimes they make misatkes just like the previous Administrations before him. Give him a break. Had he been White,They wouldn't be complaining as much. I would love to see this on TV when the Pres.and Mrs. O and Mr.and Mrs Clinton and all who has meet him can give a speech at This Memorial. Hopefully it will be somewhere at Forest Lawn so the Spirit of Michael can be allaround all the fans allover the world. Michael has given us so much in life,It would be fitting that The 1st African American President can be there to commend his love for this true genius. Aw if Only Michael was alive to receive The Library of Congress Gershwin Award and Seeing a Concert in his honor in the Eastroom of the Whitehouse and even the Kennedy Center receiving the Kennedy Honors and also gave a small concert for everyone in the room less crouchgrabbing ofcourse unless it's alright with the Pres. LOL...
I am more interested in seeing if Obama will have the balls to award Michael with a Kennedy Center honor something he should have gotten when he was still alive

PRESIDENTS, are not envolved with selecting the KENNEDY HONORS. They show up to pay their respect.

It is not fitting for the PRESIDENT or the VICE PRESIDENT to attend a celebrity's memorial.
When MJ passed no one was asking OBAMA for a press conference in the rose garden. Releasing a statement would have covered all bases.
I think there is misunderstanding in the subject of the thread.

The starter of the thread meant the memorial on June 25th 2009.

Now, there was no "need" for Obama to attend the memorial and celebrate him as the artist.

He was and is a loser, badly and idiotically advised and influenced by his advisors not to release any press/public statement regarding MJs death. Period.
The guy who wrote the below on the comments section should get a medal:

Michael Jackson was one of the best, if not the best, ambassadors the USA ever had. He made jingoistic, myopic insulated Americans tolerable to the world. Michael Jackson conducted himself with dignity, diplomacy, kindness, humility and respect as he traveled around the globe which I understand he did about eight times. Not one time have I ever heard that he acted as the entitled, pompous “ugly American”. Never caused an “international incident” if he and his entourage could not access a French boutique after it had closed. (Hermes, anyone?!) In fact, he would be the customer for whom they would gladly close the store. Michael was treated as a beloved Head of State wherever he went. People from all ages, cultures, religions, ethnicities and political persuasions gravitated to him because they saw a peaceful, kind, gentle soul who gave over $300 million to 39 charities, visited orphanages and the sick in hospitals, who cared for the well-being of children, loved animals and the environment. There is no one today that comes close to what Michael Jackson did for international relations for the last 25 plus years. People are motivated to learn English to understand him; inspired by him to make a difference in the world. Paul: Now, you see how foolish you look calling Michael Jackson out of his name?

Unfortunately, MJ's good deeds don't seem to resonate with some Americans including President Obama who seems to be monitoring his political blowback rather than making one timely, unqualified statement as to the great loss suffered on June 25, 2009. At this point, I don’t care to hear Obama’s thoughts on Michael Jackson. Who wants to hear another mealy-mouthed tribute to Michael? What I care about now is the president’s blatant disregard for these austere times by irresponsibly using taxpayers’ money on his personal hamburger run when he has at his disposal world-class chefs and a myriad of staff who could easily and less expensively satisfy his greasy yearnings. By the time you factor in his per hour salary, the presidential luxurious motorcade, secret service detail, medical staff, etc., (not to mention tying up traffic) the burgers cost the hardworking taxpayers about $800 each! Don’t get me started on his joyride to Copenhagen to appear before the Olympic Committee while he drags his feet on the BP Oil-Spill debacle.

perfection. this should be quoted , not just on the forum.