Should Obama Attend a Michael Jackson Memorial?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated


Get ready for a new wave of *****-mania later this month, the first anniversary of pop star Michael Jackson's June 25, 2009 death. Washington Whispers is getting prepared with the help of our Capitol Bobbles maker, The firm has just issued a new MJ doll in time for many memorials worldwide, prompting this question: Should the White House send a representative to attend any of the events?

Typically, the vice president attends funerals of world leaders, backed up by the secretary of State. But is Jackson so big that the president should attend? Tell us what you think in our new Capitol Bobble's Poll.

With several memorials planned for Michael Jackson, should the White House send a representative and, if so, who should it be?

No, don't send a Washington representative Yes, send Vice President Biden Yes, send President Obama Yes, send Secretary of State Clinton View Results

Obama has bigger problems than whether or not he should attend a MJ Memorial.

Id rather he fix the oil spill thats killing animals. MJ would want that too!
Obama's already being criticized for not doing enough as it is (he could find a cure for cancer and they would still find something to complain about), imagine if he were to show up to one of these. I think they should send Biden to represent.
I don't think there's an official memorial planned for June 25th - not by the estate, not by the family. So what do they expect Obama to attend?
Yeah, THE PRES plate is full. Remember his luke warm response to MJ'S death.? He did not have the guts to make a public statement, which is the norm when a notable person passes. The little he did was too late and forced out of him. I soured on OBAMA bigtime. I don't bother to read his e-mails any more. It irks me that he is more than willing to host SPRINGTEEN and SIR PAUL. He would never to that for MJ.
Even if his plate was not overflowing with problems,Obama wouldn't attend a MJ memorial,he lacks the gut and not bold enough to attend an event that might not be popular with middle/mainstream America.

Get ready for a new wave of *****-mania later this month, the first anniversary of pop star Michael Jackson's June 25, 2009 death. Washington Whispers is getting prepared with the help of our Capitol Bobbles maker, The firm has just issued a new MJ doll in time for many memorials worldwide, prompting this question: Should the White House send a representative to attend any of the events?

Typically, the vice president attends funerals of world leaders, backed up by the secretary of State. But is Jackson so big that the president should attend? Tell us what you think in our new Capitol Bobble's Poll.

With several memorials planned for Michael Jackson, should the White House send a representative and, if so, who should it be?

No, don't send a Washington representative Yes, send Vice President Biden Yes, send President Obama Yes, send Secretary of State Clinton View Results

Obama has bigger problems than whether or not he should attend a MJ Memorial.

Id rather he fix the oil spill thats killing animals. MJ would want that too!
If he attends a memorial, it should be for personal reasons. It's sad that people are making a politic thing out of it.
I'll defend Obama and he has a heck of a lot on his plate besides this. I mean he gets so much criticism even on trivial things. Although I sometimes don't agree with him politcaly, he does not have to if he does not want too.
Yeah, THE PRES plate is full. Remember his luke warm response to MJ'S death.? He did not have the guts to make a public statement, which is the norm when a notable person passes. The little he did was too late and forced out of him.

Thank you. Even Bush made a statement when James Brown passed away. Anyway politicians are fake and they only do what makes them popular.
I don't think Obama is even a MJ fan is he?? i remember he wasnt saying much related to MJ around the time he passed.

i honestly don't think he should attend. Too many real world issues going on.

BTW< are they doing a huge memorial thing? like televised? etc?
I dont see why not but I dont think that is something Obama would put on his agenda. If anything he would send his appreciation for inviting him etc etc.... Obama gets alot of flack but his the president he can do and go whereever he wants and if he really wanted to go to a MJ memorial he would... period. However, I dont think that is something he would go out of his way to go to because based on his attitude when Michael passed I doubt it.
OBAMA is nothing like a BIG COWARD who was advised not to express his condolence or at least publicly say a few words regarding Michaels death and too afraid of having his say because of his feeble-minded advisors and THEIR reasons of so-called controversies surrounding Michaels life, he prevaricated himself saying that at one press conference (I dont know exactly what is was about) nobody asked him for a statement about MJs death.

Come on...
I think someone from the American Government should be sent to an MJ function. The man's an icon, a monument, a luminary. Maybe a day at the MJ weekend at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? or one of the functions in LA?
The guy who wrote the below on the comments section should get a medal:

Michael Jackson was one of the best, if not the best, ambassadors the USA ever had. He made jingoistic, myopic insulated Americans tolerable to the world. Michael Jackson conducted himself with dignity, diplomacy, kindness, humility and respect as he traveled around the globe which I understand he did about eight times. Not one time have I ever heard that he acted as the entitled, pompous “ugly American”. Never caused an “international incident” if he and his entourage could not access a French boutique after it had closed. (Hermes, anyone?!) In fact, he would be the customer for whom they would gladly close the store. Michael was treated as a beloved Head of State wherever he went. People from all ages, cultures, religions, ethnicities and political persuasions gravitated to him because they saw a peaceful, kind, gentle soul who gave over $300 million to 39 charities, visited orphanages and the sick in hospitals, who cared for the well-being of children, loved animals and the environment. There is no one today that comes close to what Michael Jackson did for international relations for the last 25 plus years. People are motivated to learn English to understand him; inspired by him to make a difference in the world. Paul: Now, you see how foolish you look calling Michael Jackson out of his name?

Unfortunately, MJ's good deeds don't seem to resonate with some Americans including President Obama who seems to be monitoring his political blowback rather than making one timely, unqualified statement as to the great loss suffered on June 25, 2009. At this point, I don’t care to hear Obama’s thoughts on Michael Jackson. Who wants to hear another mealy-mouthed tribute to Michael? What I care about now is the president’s blatant disregard for these austere times by irresponsibly using taxpayers’ money on his personal hamburger run when he has at his disposal world-class chefs and a myriad of staff who could easily and less expensively satisfy his greasy yearnings. By the time you factor in his per hour salary, the presidential luxurious motorcade, secret service detail, medical staff, etc., (not to mention tying up traffic) the burgers cost the hardworking taxpayers about $800 each! Don’t get me started on his joyride to Copenhagen to appear before the Olympic Committee while he drags his feet on the BP Oil-Spill debacle.
I'm really upset about how he's handeled things in regards to Michael...How can you not recognize the most famous person in the world?
No. He was very reluctant to pay his respects. How shocking. I was very surprised and dissappointed.:(:no:
I'm not a huge Obama fan politically, but to be honest, I think there's alot more important things for him to worry about.
The guy who wrote the below on the comments section should get a medal:

Michael Jackson was one of the best, if not the best, ambassadors the USA ever had. He made jingoistic, myopic insulated Americans tolerable to the world. Michael Jackson conducted himself with dignity, diplomacy, kindness, humility and respect as he traveled around the globe which I understand he did about eight times. Not one time have I ever heard that he acted as the entitled, pompous “ugly American”. Never caused an “international incident” if he and his entourage could not access a French boutique after it had closed. (Hermes, anyone?!) In fact, he would be the customer for whom they would gladly close the store. Michael was treated as a beloved Head of State wherever he went. People from all ages, cultures, religions, ethnicities and political persuasions gravitated to him because they saw a peaceful, kind, gentle soul who gave over $300 million to 39 charities, visited orphanages and the sick in hospitals, who cared for the well-being of children, loved animals and the environment. There is no one today that comes close to what Michael Jackson did for international relations for the last 25 plus years. People are motivated to learn English to understand him; inspired by him to make a difference in the world. Paul: Now, you see how foolish you look calling Michael Jackson out of his name?

Unfortunately, MJ's good deeds don't seem to resonate with some Americans including President Obama who seems to be monitoring his political blowback rather than making one timely, unqualified statement as to the great loss suffered on June 25, 2009. At this point, I don’t care to hear Obama’s thoughts on Michael Jackson. Who wants to hear another mealy-mouthed tribute to Michael? What I care about now is the president’s blatant disregard for these austere times by irresponsibly using taxpayers’ money on his personal hamburger run when he has at his disposal world-class chefs and a myriad of staff who could easily and less expensively satisfy his greasy yearnings. By the time you factor in his per hour salary, the presidential luxurious motorcade, secret service detail, medical staff, etc., (not to mention tying up traffic) the burgers cost the hardworking taxpayers about $800 each! Don’t get me started on his joyride to Copenhagen to appear before the Olympic Committee while he drags his feet on the BP Oil-Spill debacle.

God so true.
I honestly don't think he should attend anything. There are more important things in the world happening like the oil spill in the gulf.
what memorial. and if obama doesnt have the balls to say anything publically after june 25th i doubt hed have the balls to go to a memorial. hes the same as all the rest.i only want ppl who love and care at a memorial. we have had enough fools attending others already
Only REAL fans should attend and even if Obama is a fan, he has other problems to deal with atm
Its a difficult situation as he has a lot on his plate already with the BP spill but Michael contributed so much to the whole world, in the UK we had both Gordon Brown and David Cameron make statements about Michael when he passed. If there was something official planned then maybe they should send someone but people would criticise Obama even if he did attend. Look at all the fuss some people kicked up about the memorial.
Who doesn't know he has bigger fish to fry? But he managed to squeeze in all those events dedicated to music&culture at the White House with many artists attending. I don't rememeber what the events were called, but I do remember that the guest list had Stevie Wonder, Usher, Mary J.Blige, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Anthony, John Legend, Except for Stevie, the list isn't a good look when Obama doesn't seem to be able to make time for Michael Jackson. It's all about political acceptance. The names are safe choices. Nobody says nothing about them being invited. And again, excepet for Stevie, it's because they're minor leaguers compared to MJ.

The dry, half-hearted statement after MJ's death, it's such a huge let-down, I wouldn't be surprised if we never hear him mentioning MJ or see him participating in any large-scale cultural events honoring him.
I am more interested in seeing if Obama will have the balls to award Michael with a Kennedy Center honor something he should have gotten when he was still alive
Obama only made a statement regarding MJ after he was basically forced too. Which means others noticed that it was odd for Obama to not make a statement, not just us fans.

At some point Obama said he has Michael music on his iPod.
I am more interested in seeing if Obama will have the balls to award Michael with a Kennedy Center honor something he should have gotten when he was still alive

Cant see it happening,Qbama lacks the balls
he cares to much about people's opinions.