Should Michael's Album Tell A Story???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Should Michael's album tell a story? By that I mean, say Michael wants to talk about the trial (not that I want him to), but say he did. Should he tell a story with it?? Like the first song is how he got charged, next is the arrest, next is the Tom Sneddon 'Vendetta' allegation. Should he tell a story with his album, his lyrics???
of course not.. No need to do that, since it will only bring those clowns back to the forefront.
Either a feel-good album looking towards the future, or a Ray Of Light-style autobiographical concept album..
that DOESN'T have Michael singing about how the media gives him such a hard time.
No thanks.

We already have HIStory. We don't need another one like that, even though it's the most amazing album ever made. But we don't need that anymore.
It should be a story - a torrid love story involving him and some blond bimbo with big heeled, HOT PINK PLATFORM shoes!! LOL!!
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IF it should tell a story it should be between the lines like Off the Wall!

Love that album.

The entire album has a red line!
Yeah, the story of Jed Clampett!

Now, let me tell you the story of a man named Jed
a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed....
Absolutely...HIStory...Book II

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"
It should be a story - a torrid love story involving him and some blond bimbo with big heeled, HOT PINK PLATFORM shoes!! LOL!!

My goodnss gracious...Some Blond Bimbo...with big heeled hot pink crack me up...

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"
if it's not Scarface In The Bronx-themed, then it won't sell.

and i just can't feel a concept album working for Mike.
Hmmm, I do not think that Michael's album should tell a story. I think that he should have a theme in his new album. A theme for the cd would be loev, betrayal, forgiveness, being stubborn, etc. With all of his CDs, with the expection of Invincble, the cds all had themes. I think that is the best route for him. I do not want MJ to do a CD where he talks about the trial. He seems to be the kind of person that moves on from things like that. I think this CD will be a happy, feel good CD like OTW and Thriller was. MJ is known to put the jolt in music.
Well it worked for Off The Wall, that album is like a story and its amazing :D
i love HIStory but a different story will be good
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I would like a few songs about the trial or the media. hey if it's on his heart then by all mean he should sing about it. Not a whole album though. I like it done subtle though. Leave me alone style.
Most albums tells a story amoung other artists or bands. Michael's new album can call the story about what he goes through from trial to comeback. Hope the latest album can heal his life again.
back to music itself
just as Michael once said 'let the music speaks for itself'
be creative and original
I'm looking forward mj's efforts! ^^
he can do maybe one or two story songs but not the whole album. It would end up like R. Kelly's In The Closet. Maybe a couple of songs like Heartbreak Hotel or Billie Jean. :punk::clapping::wild:

back to music itself
just as Michael once said 'let the music speaks for itself'
be creative and original
I'm looking forward mj's efforts! ^^
Mhm, I agree, and I'm lookin' forward to what his music has to say also. :) Usually in his music it explains how he's feelin', or what situations he went through, or going through right now. Almost every song of MJ is a part of him, and as he says from up above. We'll just have to see, I can't to hear it! :D
Absolutely...HIStory...Book II

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education Is The Key"

Actually I like this idea!!

Even though I said otherwise, I'll eat my words.

HIStory book II - Great Idea !!
Actually I like this idea!!

Even though I said otherwise, I'll eat my words.

HIStory book II - Great Idea !!
Oo yea I remember mentioning that in a thread once.. and it DOES seem to make sense.. like.. HIStory: Past, Present, Future, Book II. :lmao: :yes:
no.. not the whole album being a story..

of course songs that tell A story.. but not the whole album being A story..

Maybe for a soundtrack album.. Not this one though
I don't think MJ will sell much if he makes a Jehovah Witness album like that, lol.

No matter what subject he wants to talk about, as long as he's doing it well and the music is good, nothing else matters. I'm not into religion either, but that album is just awesome...
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Producers have been trying to get Mike to do a concept album for years but he won't do it. The closes he ever came to it was Bad where Quincy wanted him to write ALL the songs on the album. He wrote MOST of them but not all. Mike has said he is just interested in getting good songs onto his albums. What can we say?
