Should Michael Jackson Create An Alter Ego?

Mike of COURSE has an alter ego... ALL that he put into branding himself as a sellable artist and PR moves was creating the alter ego..
what Michael needs to come up with is good music that ALL he needs
I asked this once some 4 years ago. I thought how it would work out for Michael if he created a character like David Bowie has created Siggy Stardust.

Now I don't think it would be the best choice for Michael anymore. It may have worked for him in the 80's...
He gets to be anyone in his short films so he doesn't need any more alteregos off film.
I asked this once some 4 years ago. I thought how it would work out for Michael if he created a character like David Bowie has created Siggy Stardust.

It's Ziggy Stardust, but I think you just made a spelling mistake.

An alter ego for Michael Jackson. Well I guess an alter ego can be quite a few things, one could be Michael trying out new types of music that he wouldn't do on his own album. So with that Michael Jackson could just be Michael a member of a reformed Jackson 5/ The Jacksons, because at the time of the release of Triumph Michael wouldn't have put the classic Heartbreak Hotel on a solo album of his etc. Or Michael could release an album with a completely different name, just like Paul McCartney has done under the alter ego The Fireman.

Another use of an alter can be just singing style of vocal, as Prince has done on his own albums as Camile and Jamie Starr etc. It would be interesting to see what type of alter ego Michael would come up with, but I think Beyonce has made alter egos uncool as she's not a cutting edge artist, just a bland act trying appear more interesting.

what Michael needs to come up with is good music that ALL he needs

I agree with that !
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I always thought Peter Pan and The King of Pop was his alter ego's.... .

lol not really,, but kinda.. you know what I mean :p
Michael doesn't need an alter ego. Those are for someone who wants to portray a whole different personality than what we already know them as. We all know Mike has a very diverse repetoire and that he can do just about anything musically set before him. He has already shown his talents in so many different areas, from rock to soul to pop standards to classical, so there is no need for him to have an
alter ego. He's already proved himself as himself. :punk:

um he already does...the peter pan 'roi de pop' mikuuuuuuuuuuuuuul jaaaaaaackson IS the image....or did we not know this?
Actually, Garth Brooks' alter ego is Chris Gaines. :cheeky: That's when he had the straight dark hair that came down over his one eye and he acted very sultry. Ummm. . . it didn't work.

Absolutely not. Too many people, because of the media, already don't understand Michael and criticize him, and have the wrong picture of Michael. The last thing he needs is to make it more complicated by creating a fake character of himself. I think creating an alter ego would actually do Michael more harm. I think he should just keep being who he is, but not AS trusting and allowing himself to be so vulnerable, and I feel that eventually more people will come around and give him a chance. Honesty is the best way to go, and even though Michael suffers a lot because of the media and people that take advantage of him, I think good things are still in store for him if he endures and stays strong. An alter ego will only complicate things, and people will wonder why he's creating an alter ego, and wonder what it is he's hiding of himself that he doesn't want the world to know about...and the media would have a field day with that.
No. Like others have said people may think he would be trying to copy Beyonce.
No. Like others have said people may think he would be trying to copy Beyonce.

I agree with other members that Michael has no need to create an alter ego. But if Michael did he wouldn't be seen as trying to copy Beyonce, because she seems to copy everyone else and some people in the media are aware of that.
The whole idea of an alter ego is senseless to me. Like thealbum Sascha Fierce? I'm like, no you're not. You're Beyonce'. I'm looking at you. I know what Beyonce' looks like.

Now, what would be interesting is if Michael wore a complete disguise (like Andy Kaufman did Tony Clifton, many of you youngsters may not remember that. I barely do.) and be a completely different personality and then deny that character is him. That would keep the press on their toes. :rofl:
How about "The Artist Formerly Known as Ziggy Sir Nose the Doodlebug D'Voidoffunk" :p Or he could bring back Madonna's "Dita", lol
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