Sheep gives birth to human-faced lamb

What the hellll? Can NOT be real.
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That is the weirdest, and most disturbing thing. I have ever seen.
I agree, if it had have lived this thing would have been ripped apart and tested on and all things horrible. Better to kill it quickly than to live it's life in misery. :(
A lot of ocean creatures are a lot more strange than this lamb.
True , i've seen loads of youtube videos with pictures of creatures from the ocean. The thing is most are right at the bottom of the ocean , which he haven't explored
There is also cryptozoology, which is the study of rare animals and creatures that are reported to have existed but with little or no evidence of them. There are many animals that haven't been seen by humans that exist today.
There is also cryptozoology, which is the study of rare animals and creatures that are reported to have existed but with little or no evidence of them. There are many animals that haven't been seen by humans that exist today.

Im hoping Megalodon still exists , but at the bottom of the ocean


For those who don't know what Megalodon is
Well Damn, I hope this story is not true, but from the looks of it, it is. I've heard of twisted humans do things to Animals but NEVER Believed that they could produce anything...

This is the most disgusting action i've ever heard of. And i'm sorry for the baby sheep and its Mother...They didnt deserve this just cuz they're animals! We need to do a double check cuz Humans are supposed to have the brains to think of whats right and wrong right? But At this moment, I'd trust animals to do the right thing...cuz so far humans have brought sadness to this world...:(
Well, With some exception of course...

Well Damn, I hope this story is not true, but from the looks of it, it is. I've heard of twisted humans do things to Animals but NEVER Believed that they could produce anything...

This is the most disgusting action i've ever heard of. And i'm sorry for the baby sheep and its Mother...They didnt deserve this just cuz they're animals! We need to do a double check cuz Humans are supposed to have the brains to think of whats right and wrong right? But At this moment, I'd trust animals to do the right thing...cuz so far humans have brought sadness to this world...:(
Well, With some exception of course...


very true.

it's like the old saying...power breeds corruption.

it seems since humans were endowed with the most power, they do the worst...again, with the rare exceptions.

it doesn't matter if this story is true or not. just injecting such imaginations, is a sorry a** thing to do.
I'm not sure I beleive in the whole human/animal relationship concept. But I'm no scientist..

I love animals - all kinds of animals. Even the most dangerous ones are precious to me. I hope someone takes care and watches over this little lamb the appropriate way.
OK, someone told me about this at work and I thought he was putting me on.

Oh man, I'm gonna go look into this further. I don't really believe it at the moment and frankly, it's reminding me of the fake "mermaid" that someone stitched together.
If this was real, why would the head look like a grown-up's head and not a baby human's?
WTF kind of world do we live in!? I'm ashamed of some places. Animals are not here to be experimented with - if this is indeed an 'experimentation'
Yikes! That's really freaky. Poor thing.
I'm not sure I beleive in the whole human/animal relationship concept. But I'm no scientist..

I love animals - all kinds of animals. Even the most dangerous ones are precious to me. I hope someone takes care and watches over this little lamb the appropriate way.
There is no concept, human can not reproduce with animals it scientifically proven, as for the lamb, it was born dead.
There is no concept, human can not reproduce with animals it scientifically proven, as for the lamb, it was born dead.
Science has also said that DDT & Flouride are safe for humans. Just because a scientist says something doesn't make it true. There was a 5 year old girl named Lina Medina who became pregnant in the 1920s or 1930s. That's not possible according to science.
Honestly, I have my serious doubts about this story. If it was true it would have been in the news everywhere because this would have been a scientific sensation. And pictures are no proof anymore today ... :scratch:
There is no concept, human can not reproduce with animals it scientifically proven,
has it ever been tried.why wouldnt it work both are animals at the end of the day
Reminds me of a Buddha quote:

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
Reminds me of a Buddha quote:

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

Nice one! :)