Sewdou in hospital (RS virus)

Aww Janena. I'm sorry.. but, it's good that he has been admitted, that way you know he will be observed and you won't have to worry about what's going on with him. Hopefully after some meds and some oxygen, he will back home soon! Give him a kiss for me.. Take care girl..
Thank you.

I went in this morning and he was admitted again.:(
My husband is with him now so i can arrange things for the other 2 kids here and phone some people.
He didnt sleep at all last night and stopped drinking, he doenst get enough oxygen either... are in my prayers and your baby to.

keep us updated ok?

Awww so sorry to hear that. :better: I shall pray for him for a speedy recovery. I know how it is to have children in the hospital as it isn't fun whatsoever, but make the time you have with him as one on one attention.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes, they are very much appreciated.

Sewdou had a relative good night:

His fever went down and he is on antibiotics and prednison which makes him feel better.
Oxygyn levels are still too low and he doesnt drink much but he is making some progress since yesterday so i am hopeful he'll be home some time this week.

My husband is there now, there's someone with him all the time.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes, they are very much appreciated.

Sewdou had a relative good night:

His fever went down and he is on antibiotics and prednison which makes him feel better.
Oxygyn levels are still too low and he doesnt drink much but he is making some progress since yesterday so i am hopeful he'll be home some time this week.

My husband is there now, there's someone with him all the time.
I am happy that he had a small improvement. Do not worry that everything will right. God is watching this and I will continue with my prayers. :angel::)
..............Awwwwwwww,poor child:(:no: Get well soon,sewdou:yes::wub:
U got to see this child.. He is so gorgous.. just like his brothers. *smile. Click on the youtube links above..
janena...just saw the videos you postesd and cass couldn't be more right.Your baby is so gorgeous and sweet.
He will be with you sooner than you think.He is in Gods hands for sure.
You,and him are in prayers.
YAYYYYYYY He's home since the afternoon!

We can finnish his treatment (inhalation-stuff and antibiotics) at home now.
He'll need his rest (so do we) and hopefully he will be over this expierience soon!

This small film i made yesterday, he's feeling better already there:

And a pic:

janena...Thank God your baby is doing better.

i am so happy for you and him.The best treatment he can have is for sure the love of his mother and father.
You and him are still in my prayers.
And congratulations....your baby is so so cute and sweet