Sewdou in hospital (RS virus)


Yesterday my 4 month old was admitted in the hospital, he is suffering from RS virus.

When he stopped drinking and got too little oxygen they kept him there.
I have no idea how long he will have to stay but he is doign slightly better today.

Please keep him in your prayers.
awww, I'm sorry to hear this, I'll keep you & your family in my prayers.

Please keep us updated. :flowers:
Awww. Poor baby! It's good that they kept him in so they can observe him though. I hope he is feeling alot better and out of hospital soon!

I dont have much time but Sewdou is as well as he possibly can be right now.

I'll be back later on for an update.

Here's pictures of our little one now:




Awww.. Look at the little man! He has grown and is as handsome as his brothers! I've said it before and I'll say it again. U are your hubby make the most beautiful babies. *smile

I hope he has improved since he went in yesterday and I hope for your sake and his he gets to go home with Mama tomorrow.

Get well sooon, Sewdou!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! SO cute!

My prayers are with you and your family, and I hope that everything turns out ok
I don't know what RS virus is, but I'm sure that I don't like it one little bit. And he is just a doll baby Jan and I do hope he gets better very soon.
Gosh he's a cutie!

He is in my thoughts as well as yourself and the rest of your family. here's hoping it's a short visit and that'll he'll be ok soon :flowers: :flowers:
My prayers and well wishes are with you, your son and your family. Get well soon!

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

He's such a cute little baby, Janena :wub:
omg z had to go to the er the day after he was born for jaundice and i damn near fell strong and know we're praying for u and lil S
Praying for little Sewdou! and for you!!! and also the rest of the gang.
Those are the cutest kids! Beautiful!!! All of them!!!
Awww. So adorable!

I'll keep him in my prayers, hoping he has a speedy recovery :flowers:
I hope your son Sewdou will be okay. I will be praying for you and your family.

My son was 1 month when he ended up in the hospital with RSV. My God was it terriable with him being such a little baby. I was just 18 when he was in the hospital and me being a new mom I was so stressed and emotional whenever I would walk in that room. He was there for about a week and it was the longest week of his life.

I shall keep you in my thoughts and keep us updated.
My baby had that when she was about a month old. So scary to see them in that little incubator watching the oxygen levels. They said it would make her more susceptible to other sicknesses afterwards too for about two years which it's almost been, but she's been really healthy since then. I know how frightening it is though, been there. I'll pray too.
Thanks people!

When he got in his oxygen levels were around 75% and he wasnt drinking anymore, he needed extra oxygen and some device (dont know the word for it in english, we call it a 'sonde') to get the milk directly into his stomach.
As he is slowly getting better it is now time for him to be at home with us, he's drinking again and gets enough oxygen.

I am glad to be home, the nights in the hospital were the hardests, my whole body is in pain right now (i am not sure if its because of stress or because of their beds).
We'll take it easy the coming weeks or so.
The hospitals is only a few minutes away if things suddenly turn bad again but i expect him to get better now.

I dont think i'll be online much (my middle son has his birthday this week too), i have received a few PM's and will try to get back on them sometime this week.
I'm glad you are coming home with him now :yes: Make sure you get some rest too and have a happy bday for your other lil one. Still keeping ya in prayers :yes:
I can't believe Dialo is going to be 3yrs old! Hope he has a wonderful birthday. I'm so glad to know that Sewdou is back home with you all. :) Hope you feel better after a few nights back in your own bed. :)
Its wonderful to here that everything is going to be A ok...:angel:
...............Awwwww,glad he is home again! Get well soon,little sewdou! xxxxx
Ugh, RS has struck again i am afraid...
Either that or he's having a real bad fever (ever since his last visit to the hospital he seems to pick up every virus out there).

going to the doctor tomorrow.

Things arent as bad as they were when he was admitted to the hospital last time but he's having some trouble breathing again and doesnt drink too well either, fever around 39 degrees.

I'm praying the worst day was today and that it will be a bit better tomorrow.
Its 11 pm, preparing for a long night....*sigh*
Yesterday my 4 month old was admitted in the hospital, he is suffering from RS virus.

When he stopped drinking and got too little oxygen they kept him there.
I have no idea how long he will have to stay but he is doign slightly better today.

Please keep him in your prayers.

:angel:My goodness gracious...sending you and yours all our thoughts and prayers...
janena...i have no idea what this RS virus is,but your baby is so little...39 degrees is so much...can't you call a doctor to go to your place?
I pray you and him will be fine.
Let us know how he is doing, Janena. I hope it's not RS virus again. Hope he rests good tonight... It's horrible to be all night worrying and watching over a sick little one... Bless him..
Thank you.

I went in this morning and he was admitted again.:(
My husband is with him now so i can arrange things for the other 2 kids here and phone some people.
He didnt sleep at all last night and stopped drinking, he doenst get enough oxygen either...