Septmeber 17, 2008

^^^^i like your point about poetic license. certainly that doesn't mean that David is not a good friend. it's obvious that he is a great freind.
here is website:


'King Of Pop - Hong Kong Collection' is also a big success in Hong Kong and selling extremely well.

On the overall chart of HMV, which is a big chain cd store in Hong Kong, it reached #2 last week and is still on #3 this week. On HMV's Rock and Pop chart it even reached #1 last week and is still on this position this week.

And on the Top 10 chart of Hong Kong Records, another big chain CD store in Hong Kong, it also took the top spot.


‘King Of Pop - German Edition’ drops 6 places on the Swiss Album Chart to #32 this week.


At the MTV Video Music Awards 2008, recently interviewed quite some stars on the red carpet asking what they think about Michael Jackson possibly releasing a "comeback" album.

Diana Magpapian – What do you think about Michael Jackson and his comeback? [...]

Cee-Lo – I hope so. I hope he reaches out to me, I would love to work with him.

Bret Ratner – I can’t wait. The album I’m really looking forward to, I’m his number one fan.
Diana Magpapian – You are?
Brett Ratner – Yeah.
Diana Magpapian – Maybe you might direct his video too?
Brett Ratner – Who knows? [...]

Fatman Scoop & Shandra – Whatever feelings you may have about him, musically, he is the man. I’m looking forward to whatever he is bringing out. You can’t touch him. Look at everyone that has followed him, when they are on that stage, who are they mimicking? Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson doesn’t mimic anybody – well he does have a little bit of James Brown in him.

Donnie Klang – I mean I think that’s incredible, I was just thinking, I was looking at the Janet CD, I was just thinking wow if Michael came out with one now, that would be perfect timing. I mean first of all, the whole eighties movement is back, and he could just set a new trend. I would love to do a song with him, something crazy. He’s a legend.

Brooke Hogan - Oh my god I was just talking about him, I would have two more of his babies if I could, I love Michael Jackson.
Diana Magpapian – Are you serious?
Brooke Hogan – Yes, oh my gosh, it’s a very crazy fetish, but I love Michael Jackson.

Rob Dydrek – He will always I think be embraced and welcomed back because he’s Michael Jackson, let’s just see what you got going on.

Heavy D – He has a great ear, you know he still loves, you know I see him from time to time, and have conversations about what quality music is, and he still has a great ear, in our lifetime we will never see another person like that. So if he’s coming out with an album, I’m online.

Click on the link below to watch the interview:-


Michael Jackson has always been a big influence on others - not only in the music business but also in the fashion world.

Terri Stevens was one of the contestants in the US tv show 'Project Runway 5' but was sent home from last week's double elimination episode. Generally, music appears to be a major influence on her as fashion.
“I am rock and roll,” she had said of her style, “…if you'd throw Mick Jagger, Aerosmith, Lauryn Hill, Michael Jackson, and Madonna all up in there, funking and break-dancing.”

Especially Michael Jackson appears to be a major influence,. Terri actually has been a Michael Jackson impersonator. She named her higher-end line “Michael Joseph” after Jackson, and points out how he's had an impact on the world of fashion as well as music and dance.

“I do think Michael Jackson has started a lot of trends that people don't give him credit for,” she says, “like the Thriller and Beat It jackets, the military gear he rocks, and his cropped pants with dress socks.”

Terri now lives in Columbus and works for Victoria's Secret as a visual manager. She also sells her clothes in some small boutiques in Chicago.

Click on the link below for more information:-


MJJShop customers that will purchase within September 2008 'THRILLER 25TH COLLECTOR'S USA RELEASES PACK' will get for FREE the official Thriller 25th Promo T-Shirt by SonyBMG. Don't miss it!!

Click on the link below to purchase the collector’s pack:-


‘King Of Pop: New Zealand Collection’ drops 6 places on the New Zealand Album Chart this week to #20.


‘Guitar Hero: World Tour’ track listing has been published by Activision Publishing. The list contains master recordings of eighty-six songs, spanning forty years.
For the first time, ‘Guitar Hero’ will expand beyond just guitar playing as ‘World Tour’ will include full band instrumentation. One of the tracks included on this new video game will be Michael’s ‘Beat It’.

Click on the link below to see the full track list:-


Turkish fans will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite tracks for a tribute album for Michael Jackson: "King Of Pop- The Turkish Edition".

The album will feature the 18 favourite Michael Jackson tracks as voted by the fans. Voters will also have the chance to win a special King of Pop iPod!

Click on the link below for more information:-


Italian Fans are currently being asked to participate in their own tribute album for Michael Jackson's 50th Birthday!

"King of Pop"- The Italian Edition will feature bonus tracks "Got The Hots" and the previously unreleased "Carousel" full 3.40 minute version.

The album will be released in early October and will include the 15 most voted tracks by the fans


Britain’s Got Talent Signature will be performing on the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2008 broadcast on channel Nickelodeon this Saturday 20th September 11am (GMT) and then repeated countless times over the weekend.


Click on the link below to watch Signature’s performance of ‘Thriller’ of ‘Everybody Dance Now’:-


‘King Of Pop’ drops 5 places on the UK Album Chart this week to #8. ‘The Motown Years’ drops 33 places to #67.


'King Of Pop' made another big jump on the German album charts this week (September 12, 2008) - rising from #19 to #6.
LOL @ chicken being organic without the skin. Then again, you know sometimes Michael has his own meaning for things. :lol: Maybe his definition of organic might not be the same as what we're thinking when someone says "organic". Plus the skin to the chicken or any meat probably holds more toxins than the flesh underneath so maybe he thinks by removing the skin, he's removing some of the topical toxins? I just found out a couple of weeks ago that chickens are put into a bleach solution after they are killed. Shocked? So was I. :bugeyed Apparently, they've been doing this for years and it's supposed to be legal (meaning USDA approved) and just enough bleach to disinfect the skin but not cause harm to humans or make it smell bleachy. Lawd! And that's your agricultural tip for the day, boys and girls. :fear:

Bee, I've heard about getting rid of the skin becuz of the fat/cholesterol issue. My mother takes the skin off for that reason...and gives it to me. :hungry: Sorry, fried chicken is just NOT fried chicken without the skin. That's the best part, imo....especially Popeyes chicken. Yum!

Did I just hear the collective thunder of MJ fans keeling over at the mentioning of this bit of news? :lol: Methinks Mr. Sway didn't get the STHU memo. :worried: Before anyone panics or goes into "Aww hell naw" mode, remember that we don't know if those 10 songs are part of a working list or a final list. Anyway, they could be kickarse songs so.........SMILE? :better:

Thanks to all for the news. :flowers:

Bolded part: WTF? I didn't know that. My goodness. Wow.... I mean, people can't even inhale bleach and the chicken that some of us eat could be dipped in bleach? Oh my goodness....damn.

4) said the songs sound alot like Akons songs (similar style/sound) but with MJs vocals/classic MJ vocals

Let me go to my "oh hell to the no" mode: THIS BETTER NOT BE TRUE! LOL! The last thing MJ needs to be sounding like, (well his music anyway) is Akon. Mike needs to be sounding like Michael, not some whiny sing along crap. LOL. However, let me calm down considering the obvious that this information might not be 100% true and that hopefully, Mike gets his hands on the music and produced it or something. Wendy, the Sway guy def. did not get the STHU memo. I doubt if the songs will be kickarse because.... it is Akon. Sorry, but I am starting to get a little worried because they are so many talented producers out there and I cannot understand why those people aren't working with this man. Hopefully, what this Sway is saying is not all true. *trying to be hopeful*

Unfortunately there was a recent article that gave away his exact address in Las Vegas along with a photo of the place - now anyone who can do an internet search, can find it

Yeah, it came from that heifer, Norm. I didn't bother reading the crap article but the bastard put MJ's address for the world to see and now everyone knows where he lives and where they can contact him. I feel bad for the guy. He just want to live privately.

in truth..nobody knows what he eats...there is plenty of speculation on that. but...i get into trouble saying get plenty of reports on his habits...from other people.

Really? So the very people that literally saw MJ eat KFC in front of their faces were totally seeing things? LOL. I think you personally have an issue with MJ eating meat because he said that he used to not eat meat. Sometimes, Michael doesn't have to tell people what he eats. That is not his call. I believe he eats KFC and that is final. There is no need to go into speculation type replies. Just keep it real: you think that David Gest and others who literally saw MJ eating KFC are lying about it. Just go and say it. BTW, you are not "getting in trouble" for anything, you are just in denial that Mike eats chicken.
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millions of artists work with mj on albums 99.9% of them never end up on the album.
...............ThXxX for the news!:biggrin: Get well soon!:biggrin:
millions of artists work with mj on albums 99.9% of them never end up on the album

I keep on forgetting that. Let's hope that Akon is part of that 99.9%. *crosses fingers*
I didn't know MJ like KFC that so koo!! I like popeyes better though!!
KOP's still #1 in Austria, it's slipped 1 spot to #3 in HOngkong this week :)
i hope michael ha sbeen ok and feelin well though.
There are rumors going round that mike hasnt been eating well and is really really thin :(
i hope michael ha sbeen ok and feelin well though.
There are rumors going round that mike hasnt been eating well and is really really thin :(

and where did you hear that??:smilerolleyes:
^^ yes, I agree rockstar.. MJ is just fine. Don't worry about it!Some more BS as usual!
yes MJ will be fine :yes: :)

all this news is all lies to make all the fans scary about MJ so they make it up lies news about MJ

and all the news we hear are not true

good night eveybody i'm going to bed know see yea tomorrow :waving:
In a new radio interview with Choice FM, Ne-yo was asked about his collaborations with Michael. Ne-yo again confirmed that he has/is submitting songs for the new album, but that the two hadn't physically been in the studio together "just yet". He also confirmed that he knows what Michael's new music will sound like, but that he's taken a vow not to reveal any details.
In a new radio interview with Choice FM, Ne-yo was asked about his collaborations with Michael. Ne-yo again confirmed that he has/is submitting songs for the new album, but that the two hadn't physically been in the studio together "just yet". He also confirmed that he knows what Michael's new music will sound like, but that he's taken a vow not to reveal any details.

Ne-yo has been "submitting songs" for A WHOLE YEAR NOW! And with Ne-yo's new album JUST coming out yesterday it will be a whole 'nother year before he even steps foot in a studio with MJ, IF HE EVEN EVER DOES... Surely if MJ wanted to use his songs sooo badly or liked his stuff so much, he would have had the call up by now? So to me, i'd GUESS Ne-yo's work wont make the cut. put his own career on hold for 6 months to be in the studio every day with MJ. Akon has been in and out of studio with MJ in between touring and promo commitments. Ne-yo has just been mp3-ing MJ songs and getting told to change them lol!
:Daww about the KFC he so cute and innocent :innocent:like a child he made me roll on the floor:punk::hysterical::rofl::jump:
What MJ said about the KFC thing is true. If you take the skin off it becomes organic :) (I like to leave the skin on but).
Actually, if you take the skin off the chicken, that is a healthier way of eating. Lots of calories in chicken skin. As far as it being organic - I don't think Gest quite understood MJ too well. That may be what he was trying to say - that he's trying to keep his diet as lean as possible.

I found this, I didn't even know this...had a feeling this was true, but this just confirms it...


What is Organic Chicken?

* Chicken has always been fed only Organic Grains. (Organic Grains - nonGMO; no chemicals or pesticides were used on the farm for at least 3 years.) Feed is checked and verified for organic standards.
* Chicken was never given any antibiotics, hormones, or drugs.
* Chicken was raised humanely and in a stress-free environment.
* Bird was free-range and had access daily to fresh air and sunshine outdoors. Bird had room to move. Outdoors area was clean and safe.
kudos to david gest for being a true and loyal friend :heart: God bless him :flowers: