Septmeber 17, 2008


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey everyone. Doing the news thread today for Rasta Pasta who is traveling due to work, while I am here in bed sick and not at work. :(

Please wait for the update while I compile the news for today.
that;s cool butterfly :) that's mean that it's good year of 25 of thriller of MJ and i'm 25 too not today but 25 is a good year i love being 25 so tell your sister that being 25 is the best :) :yes:
Michael Jackson News:

:hysterical::rofl: WTF?! Please read what David Gest says about Michael when he eats KFC.

Michael Jackson's chicken confusion

Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Michael Jackson thinks peeling the skin off a chicken makes it organic.
The eccentric pop star, who is a huge fan of fast food eatery KFC, believes removing the outer layer from fried chicken renders it free from unnatural substances.
Michael's close pal David Gest revealed: "I've been best friends with Michael for 40 years and I will defend his reputation until the day I die.
"When we hang out we visit antique stores, play Frisbee and go to KFC - he thinks if you peel the skin off the chicken, it makes it organic. He cracks me up."
David also spoke about how former Busted star Matt Willis has changed his life since they met on British reality TV show 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!'.
He added to Britain's Closer magazine: "We're like brothers. We hang out together every weekend in Camden. I used to enjoy fancy Hollywood restaurants, but I'm so over that now. I'm having the best time of my life."

Apple's iTunes store faces biggest challenge yet with flexible download service

By Aislinn Simpson

Last Updated: 6:01am BST 17/09/2008

Music giant Apple and its iTunes download store faces its biggest challenge yet with the launch of a new service that allows consumers to download music without a digital lock.
Read more about The lock, known as Digital Rights Management (DRM), prevents users from listening to their downloads across all their digital devices, from Blackberries to MP3 players to iPods and mobile phones. But it also prevents people from ever changing between brands and, its critics say, encourages them to download tracks for free from illegal websites.

After months of negotiating with the world's four big record companies, the music website is now offering MP3 downloads without DRM.
EMI, Universal and Warner have been in agreement that DRM had to go for some time, and now the final big name, Sony BMG, whose artists include Bob Dylan, Metallica, Kings of Leon and Michael Jackson, has agreed to abandon the lock. The move puts ahead of Apple's iTunes as well as, which has been planning to roll out its own DRM-free online store for some time.
A spokesman for the website TechDigest said: "This is a momentous occasion because it represents a victory for consumers in the battle for digital music.
"This announcement means that all music bought from 7Digital can be played on iPods."
Consumers will be able to take their pick from around 4 million downloads, ranging from Mozart piano concertos to Thin Lizzy, The Streets and The Kings of Leon.
The firm's chief executive Ben Drury said: "We are extremely happy to be the first and only digital media company providing a full catalogue of MP3 music for the increasing number of people who are using the internet to download music onto different devices.
"The high-quality DRM-free MP3 format is what digital music consumers have been waiting for. It is a universal download format that can be copied and played on multiple devices including iPods, iPhones, Blackberries and other devices."
He added: "Consumers see DRM as somewhat of a hindrance when purchasing legal digital music. The availability of all of the big four music labels in high-quality MP3 is fantastic news for the UK music fan - everything they now buy from us they can be sure will work on all their devices."

Michael Jackson Mentionings:

(I'd vote for Michael Jackson any day, then some of these people who run for office.)

Over recent years, Elmer Fudd, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson have joined Daffy, Mickey and Elvis on the ballot, town officials said. Neighbors, spouses and former elected officials have appeared. And if the phrase "anyone but these guys" were a candidate, it would often contend for the seat, they said. But instead, the votes aren't counted.

Number eight. He has won two Oscars. Yes. Yes. Not Oscars. But I have won two robotic championships. This is actually true. Absolutely, they weren't "official" as I was round at my friend's house, but her grandma and her mum AND her dad all voted, so they've got to count for something right? (In case you're fascinated, the first award was for dancing in a stilted "automatic" way all the way through Michael Jackson's "Bad" and the second was for the "Is she actually in a box?" category.)

The husky-voiced Sarawakian lass has been selected to represent Malaysia in the Global One Project — a worldwide initiative featuring 20 incredible singers from over 20 countries to celebrate the global power of music.

The project is helmed by renowned producer Rob Hoffman, who has worked with Hollywood heavyweights such as Michael Jackson and Christina Aguilera.
R&B singer Chris Brown is helping Britney Spears make her pop comeback - he's written two new songs for the star.
The 'With You' hitmaker has already scored a big hit with 'Disturbia', the tune he wrote for rumoured girlfriend Rihanna, and he's been linked to Michael Jackson's highly anticipated forthcoming album.

With an open, pleading tone that belies a Michael Jackson jones, Ne-Yo's fantastic third CD, The Year of the Gentleman, reconfigures "grown and sexy" by detailing relationships with an often uneasy mix of heartache, reflection, wit, lust, and resignation.

Back in the Red Rock we looked around and saw one of our buddies who works for Magna Media. He’s a great guy who actually attended the same high school I did Cantwell High in Montebello, California.

Two hours later we returned back to the house and passed by Michael Jackson’s new Vegas home. A pack of little pre-teen girls waited outside in the dark probably hoping to catch a glimpse of the King of Pop.

Lim in a way, almost demystifies the magical aura that often shrouds musicians and the creative process of music making. He doesn't listen to classical music 24 hours a day _ in fact he doesn't even have a stereo at his New York apartment. Having grown up as a fan of Michael Jackson, he spends his free time tuning into Korean drama soundtracks.

Ray Ban has relied on photographs of celebrities to promote their eyewear throughout the years. The Blues Brothers, Miami Vice’s Don Johnson, Michael Jackson, and Madonna are just a few of the people who join Tom Cruise as Ray Ban wearers and promoters. Ray Ban Aviators have remained in style for decades but this company also moved with the times in terms of its other models. There were bright, colorful frames used in designer prescription glasses and designer spectacles to reflect the style of the 60’s, big flashy shades in the 70’s, and sportier designs of the 80’s.

If anyone wants to hear Akon's remake of Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Starting Something," it's there. Someone yearning for the new Guns N' Roses track "Shackler's Revenge" or T.I.'s new release "Live Your Life" featuring Rihanna, all it takes is a quick search of their name and song title. No problem. While some of the songs are posted directly by an artist's camp, others are uploaded by fans eager to share and discuss new music by their favorite act.

Michael Jackson HIStory:

1988 - Michael Jackson's single "Another Part Of Me" hit #1 on the U.S. R&B chart.

2004 - The mother of the boy accusing Michael Jackson of molestation appeard in court and gave nearly three hours of testimony. It was her first face-to-face encounter with Jackson since the case began.

Thanks, DM and get well. :)

Michael's close pal David Gest revealed: "I've been best friends with Michael for 40 years and I will defend his reputation until the day I die

David is awesome. I am happy that MJ has a true friend like David. He rocks. Loyal and true, we all deserve a friend like that. BTW, MJ and how he thinks that getting rid of the skin from KFC is "organic" is silly. However, I was told that getting rid of skin from the chicken actually makes the chicken have less fat when it is cooked. So, maybe MJ has a point of doing that. However, the chicken is still fried and fried anything is not good for you. LOL. I love/like KFC but MJ should try Popeyes - now that is some good chicken right there. LOL. Esp. their chicken sandwiches - yummy! Mike is missing out on some Popeyes chicken. LOL.

and he's been linked to Michael Jackson's highly anticipated forthcoming album

I like Chris Brown but let's hope this is a rumor and not something he said out of pure silliness or something that is true. Chris Brown wrote that terrible song, "Distrubia" for his girlfriend, Rihanna and that song is in the pits. LOL. Bad song. LOL. Mike should write all of his songs and co-produce all of them with someone that knows music.

Two hours later we returned back to the house and passed by Michael Jackson’s new Vegas home. A pack of little pre-teen girls waited outside in the dark probably hoping to catch a glimpse of the King of Pop

If true, you would think that pre-teen girls would be into Miley Cyrus or Chris Brown but it seems like they are not. LOL. (Maybe they are but prefer Michael) If they are (if this is even true) waiting outside in the dark waiting for Mike, then we would assume that they are fans of the man. LOL. Also, am I the only one that is a bit angry that some people now know where MJ lives in Vegas? I am really hoping that it would be private, but dang..... so much for privacy.
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Uk Rnb artist "Sway" was intervied on Freshly Squeezed this morning.
Part of the interview had an MJ section/questions.
Here's a summary of what he said:

1) He (Sway) has worked with Akon
2) He's a part of the Konvict Music crew and is in regular contact with Akon
3) he heard about 10 tracks from MJs new album about 3weeks ago
4) said the songs sound alot like Akons songs (similar style/sound) but with MJs vocals/classic MJ vocals
5) genrally VERY positive about MJ, his comeback and new album.

interview from freshly squeezed, channel 4, 16th sept 2008, 7.30am
I think its repeated on E4 if anyone want to see it. No doubt it will be on youtube very soon.

Sway's current single feat Lemar:
hey Dorothy_marie look like you get the news from me i send to you

is that funny so what about the KFC :yes: :lol: :toofunny:

The Loose Cannons Blues Band
Welcome! Live at the Hon Dah Casino
(Self released)
By Martin Cizmar

If I was Michael Jackson’s uncle, you’d know it. No conversation would go by without me mentioning it. Seriously, I’d have business cards printed up:

Martin Cizmar
Uncle of Michael Jackson
The King of Pop
Maybe you’ve heard of him?

Luther Jackson, front man of The Loose Cannons Blues Band, doesn’t do things that way. Near the bottom of his home-printed press materials it says he’s the brother of Joe Jackson, father of the Jackson 5, which makes him…uncle to Michael and Janet.

Well I didn't know Michael takes off the Skin of The KFC Chicken.Well that's being health conscience. I don't blame him.KFC chicken doesn't taste like it used too anyway . I don't like Boiled Chicken skin. I'll only eat it when the chicken is grilled or fried or baked.There's something I just don't like about the skin when it's boiled. As far as Mr. Guest, Someone has to talk positive about Michael sometimes.I just can't stand when the media bash him for no reason.Anyone read the Bet .com blog about His Las Vegas Neighbors are bitching because Michael's Las Vegas home is near a School, that would get your goat wouldn't it ?They should leave Michael alone and let him live where he wants to.He's not hurting anyone and I know he's isn't after anyone's children.Maybe he wants to put his kids in that school,who knows.He always wanted his kids to have a normal life but it's too bad that everytime there's a riff,Michael has to move with his kids.I do feel sorry for him.
Thanks, DM and get well. :)

David is awesome. I am happy that MJ has a true friend like David. He rocks. Loyal and true, we all deserve a friend like that. BTW, MJ and how he thinks that getting rid of the skin from KFC is "organic" is silly. However, I was told that getting rid of skin from the chicken actually makes the chicken have less fat when it is cooked. So, maybe MJ has a point of doing that. However, the chicken is still fried and fried anything is not good for you. LOL. I love/like KFC but MJ should try Popeyes - now that is some good chicken right there. LOL. Esp. their chicken sandwiches - yummy! Mike is missing out on some Popeyes chicken. LOL.

LOL @ chicken being organic without the skin. Then again, you know sometimes Michael has his own meaning for things. :lol: Maybe his definition of organic might not be the same as what we're thinking when someone says "organic". Plus the skin to the chicken or any meat probably holds more toxins than the flesh underneath so maybe he thinks by removing the skin, he's removing some of the topical toxins? I just found out a couple of weeks ago that chickens are put into a bleach solution after they are killed. Shocked? So was I. :bugeyed Apparently, they've been doing this for years and it's supposed to be legal (meaning USDA approved) and just enough bleach to disinfect the skin but not cause harm to humans or make it smell bleachy. Lawd! And that's your agricultural tip for the day, boys and girls. :fear:

Bee, I've heard about getting rid of the skin becuz of the fat/cholesterol issue. My mother takes the skin off for that reason...and gives it to me. :hungry: Sorry, fried chicken is just NOT fried chicken without the skin. That's the best part, imo....especially Popeyes chicken. Yum!

Uk Rnb artist "Sway" was intervied on Freshly Squeezed this morning.
Part of the interview had an MJ section/questions.
Here's a summary of what he said:

1) He (Sway) has worked with Akon
2) He's a part of the Konvict Music crew and is in regular contact with Akon
3) he heard about 10 tracks from MJs new album about 3weeks ago
4) said the songs sound alot like Akons songs (similar style/sound) but with MJs vocals/classic MJ vocals
5) genrally VERY positive about MJ, his comeback and new album.

interview from freshly squeezed, channel 4, 16th sept 2008, 7.30am
I think its repeated on E4 if anyone want to see it. No doubt it will be on youtube very soon.

Sway's current single feat Lemar:

Did I just hear the collective thunder of MJ fans keeling over at the mentioning of this bit of news? :lol: Methinks Mr. Sway didn't get the STHU memo. :worried: Before anyone panics or goes into "Aww hell naw" mode, remember that we don't know if those 10 songs are part of a working list or a final list. Anyway, they could be kickarse songs so.........SMILE? :better:

Thanks to all for the news. :flowers:
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Popeyes is better depending on where you go to get it. I hear certain places make the real Cajun style and Others Of the same chain like to cut corners.Maybe someday I hope he'll try popeyes .I think he might like the Dirty Rice. I miss their Onion Rings.They use to have those years ago when they first opened up in my State.But anyway ,if done right, The seasoning should soak through the chicken making it taste so good.I make some smashing chicken too.Skinless and Otherwise..I'm planning to make Chicken parm next week.Yum Yum.
latest is that michael is thinking of leaving his vegas home cause fans have found out where he lives and camp in front of his door all the time anyone heard asbuot this it was on dutch radio
and noone is taking notice about that Sway say 10 songs sound like akon songs. Well...
and noone is taking notice about that Sway say 10 songs sound like akon songs. Well...

I'm not surprised that Sway is making that claim, after all he is from the Akon camp. LOL!

Aside from the fact, I don't think anybody will know who makes the FINAL cut, until MJ finalizes this project. Akon's 10 songs can very well end up on the cutting room floor.

(I have no problem with Akon and can't really make any type of judgement, good or bad, until I hear the final product.)

The Loose Cannons Blues Band
Welcome! Live at the Hon Dah Casino
(Self released)
By Martin Cizmar

If I was Michael Jackson’s uncle, you’d know it.
No conversation would go by without me mentioning it. Seriously, I’d have business cards printed up:

Martin Cizmar
Uncle of Michael Jackson
The King of Pop
Maybe you’ve heard of him?

Luther Jackson, front man of The Loose Cannons Blues Band, doesn’t do things that way.
Near the bottom of his home-printed press materials it says he’s the brother of Joe Jackson,
father of the Jackson 5, which makes him…uncle to Michael and Janet.


What about the rest of 'em? Lol!

Call me slow but I read the whole this Joe's brother or not? Lol.
and noone is taking notice about that Sway say 10 songs sound like akon songs. Well...
i wish the same would happen with every other agenda-driven "insider leak" because you just know that when the album drops, about 70% of our thousands of posts, assumptions and debates on this issue would be flushed down the drain.
Also, am I the only one that is a bit angry that some people now know where MJ lives in Vegas? I am really hoping that it would be private, but dang..... so much for privacy.

I don't like it either. Anywhere he settles in, somebody wants to bother him. Then he has to move. That's no way for a person or a family to live IMO
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the business info answered my question about a certain song i hear on the radio
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Thank you Dorothy. Feel better, K?

LoL Thanks for that Sillouette. :dont_mention_it: I must be feelin a whole lot better because I am eating some KFC. :LOL: Thanks alot Michael for making me hungry. :cheeky: This one is for you Michael
:heart:Michael was vegeterian because he believed meat is not good for health? :-/

in truth..nobody knows what he eats...there is plenty of speculation on that. but...i get into trouble saying get plenty of reports on his habits...from other people.

the last thing i remember MJ himself saying is that he eats organic....and..that's all he said. a general statement, that doesn't reveal any specifics...

two most memorable things from other sources, besides the conspiracy book, are now, David Gest's statements..and the statement of a rapper who once visited MJ and said that MJ ate some 'weird' vegetarian concoction and drank lemonade, while the rapper ate a lamb or steak or somn..and marvelled at what MJ was eating. so..the second hand info runs the gamut.

it's sorta like everyone wondering what toothpaste he uses or somn.

it's sorta like the Akon thing. a lot of people have trouble believeing anything he says about the MJ music project tho he's in the trenches with would get the impression that if we didn't hear hold my hand..some people would not believe Akon was having ANYTHING to do with MJ, because of specualation about Akon's past statements about himself. so..the surest thing is..the mystery of Michael Jackson is still intact.

ahh...the life of an

what he is reported to have on an itinerary and what he actually eats is up for anybody's guess..but...i can clearly see this subject heading for a tornado and eventual ban, if we make a crazed convo about'm guessing it's lighthearted fun to talk about the kfc thing...but..anyway..that's just my two cents..

lol..his mother said he doesn't like to eat. lol
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in truth..nobody knows what he eats...there is plenty of speculation on that. but...i get into trouble saying get plenty of reports on his habits...from other people.

the last thing i remember MJ himself saying is that he eats organic....and..that's all he said. a general statement, that doesn't reveal any specifics...

why u so bothered about mj eating KFC. are you a vegan or work for some dodgy fried chicken place that tries to make itself out to be kfc lol.its like mj being spotted doing KFC is like him doing crack lol or are KFC paying all these ppl to say mj goes there in order to boost sales as MJ fans suddenly go rushing to kfc to buy a 10 peice bucket lol
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I don't like it either. Anywhere he settles in, somebody wants to bother him. Then he has to move. That's no way for a person or a family to live IMO

Unfortunately there was a recent article that gave away his exact address in Las Vegas along with a photo of the place - now anyone who can do an internet search, can find it.

Although the place is for sale (I personally think he is renting it) and it was mentioned in the article above that he has a place in escrow, so a sale could be pending for a house owned by him in Vegas - instead of renting - perhaps making him a more permanent fixture.

(there are several live security gated communities where he could live in peace, no traffic, no one outside the house - could be an option someday)

Outside fans, it is my personal opinion that they are not a reason for him to leave, I think he enjoys seeing them. The fans could be annoying the neighbors just by being there - although they are quiet, respectful and safe.
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I googled 'The loose cannons blues band' and the first site has info about the band and you can find out where they are playing and download some of their music. You can also buy their CD. They mention about how Luther played in the Falcon with Joe in the 40's.

I love David Guest, he presented 'MJ's top 40' which was shown on Michaels birthday. I find some of the things he says has poetic license but his heart is in the right place and he's never mean or hurtful. Im so glad that Michael has a friend who is not afraid to stand up and say so, I can definitely imagine them together, I bet they have a great laugh.

Thanks for the news Dorothy Marie and I hope you are soon feeling better.