Send Michael a Christmas Greeting


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
We will be doing our monthly visit to MJ on the 3rd. Since it is Christmas time I thought It would be wonderful to take him a tree and some cards from his fans.. If you would like to send something to MJ for us to take to him, now is your chance. For the next two weeks If you would like to send a card or maybe a Christmas ornament I will be providing an address where you can do so. One of our members has generously donated her P.O. box to allow this to happen. She has requested this only be for a two week period and no perishable item's be sent. I think it would be wonderful for us to make sure MJ knows we have not forgotten him over the holidays. I am sorry it is short notice but I just came up with the idea the other day and I had to work out the details. Please hurry, go today or as soon as possible and get what you want to send in the mail. Thank you all who wish to participate.. Michael gave so much to us..I would like to do something for him.
Please mail your item's to:
7201 Haven Ave # 273
Rancho Cucamonga CA
Remember this address was donated by a fan so please be respectful.
********plese watch video link***********
I also wish to share with you the last Christmas message that we will ever have from MJ, enjoy!
Merry Christmas to all of you,
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I am sure this will be a sad Christmas for Elizabeth Taylor. She knew him all his life and never turned her back on him. She always loved him and defended him and let the world know that she believed in him. I'm so glad Elizabeth showed MJ how magical Christmas can be.
^^^^ This is sweet. I'll be mailing a card. Thank you for doing this.

I am sure this will be a sad Christmas for Elizabeth Taylor. She knew him all his life and never turned her back on him. She always loved him and defended him and let the world know that she believed in him. I'm so glad Elizabeth showed MJ how magical Christmas can be.

I wish there was something I could do for Liz. :( I'm grateful for every day Michael had her in his life... she was a true friend.
To the poster from UK if you get it in the mail in the next day or should make it. you have Intel the second. Please send your card. It would mean a lot to Micheal.
I think this is a beautiful idea and will do it right away. I live in CA so it won't take me long.

Oh that video made me tear up ...yet it's inspiring.


If this had been announced earlier I would have suggested that we create a toy drive or something of that nature in honor of Michael Jackson
You know like to Toys for Tots or the Salavation army or just to your local shelters like.

With this year's bad economy, families have lost their homes, jobs etc, and children as you know don't understand this at all. I mean it's bad's even worse now. I may not have much. But dang it ...I'm going to try my darnest to do this and get a radio station to pump it up more in honor of Michael.
I'm in the UK. I'll get mine in the post tomorrow. I hope that gives it enough time!
I will post something tomorrow. Hopefully it will arrive with enough time. Thanks so much for doing this. It's a very nice idea. Will you be taking a photo when you lay everything out?
Hey guys for those of you that want to send a card to the children..please indicate that on your card. We will be dropping them of at the Encino Compound!
Such a beautiful idea. When is the last possible date we can send it if we're from the UK? If I get it in the mail tomorrow hopefully it'll arrive in time.
I'll try to mail a card. I hope it makes it in time.

Oh my, that video ...
Now Mikey can sing that song together with Karen Carpenter in heaven. (I loved her voice so much and was really sad when she left this planet in 1983 ...)
We will be doing our monthly visit to MJ on the 3rd. Since it is Christmas time I thought It would be wonderful to take him a tree and some cards from his fans.. If you would like to send something to MJ for us to take to him, now is your chance. For the next two weeks If you would like to send a card or maybe a Christmas ornament I will be providing an address where you can do so. One of our members has generously donated her P.O. box to allow this to happen. She has requested this only be for a two week period and no perishable item's be sent. I think it would be wonderful for us to make sure MJ knows we have not forgotten him over the holidays. I am sorry it is short notice but I just came up with the idea the other day and I had to work out the details. Please hurry, go today or as soon as possible and get what you want to send in the mail. Thank you all who wish to participate.. Michael gave so much to us..I would like to do something for him.
Please mail your item's to:
7201 Haven Ave # 273
Rancho Cucamonga CA
Remember this address was donated by a fan so please be respectful.
********plese watch video link***********
I also wish to share with you the last Christmas message that we will ever have from MJ, enjoy!
Merry Christmas to all of you,

Sweet idea! I just have 2 questions.

1) When you say you're taking the cards and the tree to him, do you mean you're taking everything to Forest Lawn to be put at his tomb? Sorry if it's a dumb question. It feels like a dumb question so again, sorry. :blush:

2) How big is the Christmas tree? Is it one of those mini-sized trees that can fit on a desk? Just trying to gauge the size of the tree to get an idea of what size ornament to send. Don't wanna send something too heavy?

3) Do you have something for the top of the tree already?

Thanks for giving us fans a chance to do something for the holidays for Michael. :):(
We will only be getting a small tree maybe 3ft high. We don't want them to say it's too big to take inside. all of the cards and ornaments will be taken inside to be near MJ. I really want him to feel the spirit of Christmas.
This is a BEAUTIFUL idea I will surely send something asap!
thank you for allowing us to do this.
One question... I know it's a lot of work, but will you be able to confirm to us privately (maybe to pm or sth) if our cards were received?
If it's too much to ask, kick my a** ;) I'm forever grateful for the opportunity anyway! :huggy:
what email adress can we send our message to, because a card would take too much time to california :(
although i really would like to send my own card. u know..
why only 2 weeks??
Popping into town in about an hour so my card will be in the mail by 3pm. Thanks again for this, its a beautiful idea.