Sen. Ted Kennedy dies

Thanks :) I just really know first hand how it feels to lose a family member and have people think it is 'okay' to trash talk them because they didn't agree with things they did in life, or how they died. I had an Uncle hang himself in his garage and people thought it was okay to s$*(t talk him because he took his own life. Yea, maybe what he did was wrong, but I loved him and I was mourning and had to hear everyone else's opinion and their bull sh$&#*(t. And I'm sure no Kennedy's are on this message board but still...sensitivity is key in everything. Don't make yourself look like an a@*() yanno?? lol Not saying anyone here necessarily has, just don't.

I know. I have lost my grandparents and two of my cousins talk $hit about them and they never ever met them. LONG story there and not worth getting into, and I was like you have NO right to say those things as you did not KNOW them PERSONALLY, and even if you had, you still have no right. My grandparents didn't make that family drama, my mom 's older sister did.

And I have lost two friends to suicide, so I feel you there. I am so sorry for your loss BTW!

One would not like it if someone posted cruel remarks about their loved ones or say them to their faces.

My mom taught me long ago, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
So much hate in here, and hostility. I really have no opinion on Ted Kennedy either way because I never really followed him all that much, but most ill feelings I have towards someone can be ignored (atleast publically) once they pass. That is just common courtesy and respect for the dead and their living family...

Thanks :) I just really know first hand how it feels to lose a family member and have people think it is 'okay' to trash talk them because they didn't agree with things they did in life, or how they died. I had an Uncle hang himself in his garage and people thought it was okay to s$*(t talk him because he took his own life. Yea, maybe what he did was wrong, but I loved him and I was mourning and had to hear everyone else's opinion and their bull sh$&#*(t. And I'm sure no Kennedy's are on this message board but still...sensitivity is key in everything. Don't make yourself look like an a@*() yanno?? lol Not saying anyone here necessarily has, just don't.

I know. I have lost my grandparents and two of my cousins talk $hit about them and they never ever met them. LONG story there and not worth getting into, and I was like you have NO right to say those things as you did not KNOW them PERSONALLY, and even if you had, you still have no right. My grandparents didn't make that family drama, my mom 's older sister did.

And I have lost two friends to suicide, so I feel you there. I am so sorry for your loss BTW!

One would not like it if someone posted cruel remarks about their loved ones or say them to their faces.

My mom taught me long ago, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Hello strawberrypie999 and Earth_Song1,

You seem like good and decent people (and not only because you are Michael Jackson fans:D). I am sorry for your respective losses but comparing them to Kennedy is like comparing apples to oranges because Kennedy was a public figure, a politician whose policies affected the lives of millions of people.

With respect, your sympathy for Kennedy is misplaced and I think that is in great part because, as strawberrypie999 said, you "never really followed him all that much."

Leaving aside the Mary Jo Kopechne affair, it is due to Kennedy's policies, especially his stance on the Cellar-Hart Bill (1965), that hospitals are shut down (84 in California alone), that those in Texas and the Southwest, especially California, are taxed to the breaking point to provide social services for those that don't deserve or qualify for them, that people in rural areas, especially Arizona have their livestock stolen or poisoned and their land turned into a latrine, that criminal aliens aren't deported who then go on to rape or rob innocent citizens, and that neighborhoods become slums that no longer resemble the safe and famliar havens they were during youth.

If you had to live with the consequences of this fat drunk tub of lard's policies, in essence become victims of them, I can assure you that you would have no sympathy for him.

Knowing these facts, it really stung when you compared him to Michael who was completely and totally innocent.
I just leave the judging to God, because he is the one who's judgement matters. My sympathy was not misguided and I do have sympathy for his family.

In reference to MJ, the only thing I said was how we don't like it when someone bashes him. Yes, he was innocent. Was not in anyway comparing him to Senator Kennedy.

And thank you for calling me a decent person. I am, and I respect your views/opinions. I hope you do mine. :) Thank you for not bashing me and coming down on me, I am just a person who hates to hear when someone dies.

I feel you are a decent person too. :)

And lastly, I love ya'll here. It's a great forum.
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