Sen. Ted Kennedy dies


Sen. Edward Kennedy dies at 77
Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the liberal lion of the Senate, has died after battling a brain tumor. He was 77.Kennedy's family announced his death in a brief statement released early Wednesday. The arc of Kennedy's 46-year career in the U.S. Senate provides a cautionary reminder of how first impressions can turn out to be woefully wrong. When Kennedy entered the Senate in 1963 he was widely viewed as callow and unqualified, ridiculed as the playboy baby brother of a glamorous president and a hard-driving attorney general. A distinguished Harvard law professor, Mark De Wolfe Howe, spoke for many when he archly called Kennedy "a fledgling in everything except ambition." The young senator's image suffered further a few years later when a car he was driving after a night of partying in Chappaquiddick, Mass., went off a bridge, killing a young woman passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. At the time, many predicted that his political career was over. Yet Kennedy persevered. By the time he died early Wednesday morning, after a valiant battle with brain cancer, he was known as "the Lion of the Senate," lauded by political friend and foe alike as one of the most effective legislators in the nation's history.

Over the decades, he became the canny and persistent driving force behind efforts, many of them successful, to expand the availability of health care, education and housing and advance the rights of immigrants, women, minorities, gays and the disabled. While drawing crowds with his skillful political oratory on behalf of Democratic causes, Kennedy — more so than many of his younger, hyper-partisan congressional colleagues — found ways to reach across the aisle to get things done. He helped push President George W. Bush's education reforms into law. He worked with some of the Senate's most conservative Republicans on AIDS research, health insurance and common-sense immigration reform, among other issues. One of those conservatives, Orrin Hatch of Utah, even wrote a song in praise of Kennedy. Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., who served more than a half-century in the Senate and is the guardian of its traditions, recalled a couple of years ago, "I did not particularly like him at the beginning. He did not like me." The two battled both over legislation and leadership posts, but became close. When the news broke of Kennedy's diagnosis with cancer last year, Byrd broke into tears on the Senate floor, calling out, "Ted, Ted, my dearest friend, I love you and I miss you."
The nation will miss Ted Kennedy, too. He overcame great tragedy — the death of one brother in war, and two by assassination — and personal failures to redeem himself through public service. If life were like the movies, an ailing Kennedy would have been wheeled into the Senate chamber to cast a final, decisive vote on universal health care, an enduring cause of his long career. Alas, that cinematic finale was not to be. Yet Kennedy's towering legacy as a senator proves that contrary to F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous maxim, there are second acts in American lives.
I would not say it was so much the Kennedy curse. He was not brutally murdered like his brothers, he was ill. He had brain cancer. Poor man!! He is finally at peace. He fought it long and hard. What a brave soul. I saw him on TV while he was at Obama's Inaugration, and I just wanted to hug him.

God speed to Heaven, Senator Kennedy!
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Rot in hell you fat drunk tub of lard! Better late than never for justice for Mary Jo Kopechene:

On July 18, 1969, Kopechne attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island, off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, held in honor of the Boiler Room Girls. It was the fourth such reunion of the Robert Kennedy campaign workers.[10]

Kopechne left the party at 11:15 p.m. with Robert's brother Ted Kennedy, after he — according to his own account — offered to drive her to catch the last ferry back to Edgartown, where she was staying. Kennedy stated he made a wrong turn on the way and came upon a narrow, unlit bridge without guardrails. Kennedy drove the 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont 88 off the bridge and it overturned in the water. Kennedy extricated himself from the submerged car but Kopechne died, after what Kennedy said were several diving attempts to free her.[5]

Kennedy contacted several aides that night, but failed to report the incident to the authorities until the car and Kopechne's body were discovered the next morning.[5] Kopechne's parents said that they learned of their daughter's death from Ted Kennedy himself[1] before he reported his involvement to the authorities, but that they learned Kennedy had been the driver only from wire press releases some time later.[3]

A funeral for Kopechne was held on July 22, 1969, at St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church in Plymouth, Pennsylvania, attended by Kennedy.[11] She is buried in the parish cemetery on the side of Larksville Mountain.

A week after the incident, Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a two month suspended sentence.[5] On a national television broadcast that night, Kennedy later said he was not driving under the influence of alcohol nor had he engaged in any immoral conduct with Kopechne.[5]

The Chappaquiddick incident and the death of Kopechne became the grist for at least fifteen books, as well as a fictionalized treatment by Joyce Carol Oates. Questions remained about Kennedy's timeline of events that night, about his actions after the accident, and the quality of the investigation and whether official deference was given to a powerful politician and family.[12] The events surrounding Kopechne's death damaged Kennedy's reputation and are regarded as a major reason that he was never able to mount a successful campaign for President of the United States.[13]

On July 19, 1969, Kennedy attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts . At about 11:00 PM, he borrowed his chauffeur's keys to his Oldsmobile limousine, and offered to give a ride home to Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker. Leaving the island via an unlit bridge with no guard rail, Kennedy steered the car off the bridge, flipped, and into Poucha Pond..

He swam to shore and walked back to the party, passing several houses and a fire station. Two friends then returned with him to the scene of the accident. According to their later testimony, they told him what he already knew – that he was required by law to immediately report the accident to the authorities. Instead, Kennedy made his way to his hotel, called his lawyer, and went to sleep. Kennedy called the police the next morning and by then the wreck had already been discovered. Before dying, Kopechne had scratched at the upholstered floor above her head in the upside-down car. Kopechne was able to stay alive for a while breathing a bubble of air inside the car.

One source notes “A diver was sent down and discovered Kopechne’s body at around 8:45 am. The diver, John Farrar, later testified at the inquest that Kopechne’s body was pressed up in the car in the spot where an air bubble would have formed. He interpreted this to mean that Kopechne had survived for a while after the initial accident in the air bubble, and concluded that: ‘Had I received a call within five to ten minutes of the accident occurring, and was able, as I was the following morning, to be at the victim’s side within twenty-five minutes of receiving the call, in such event there is a strong possibility that she would have been alive on removal from the submerged car.’ ”

The Kennedy family began “calling in favors”, ensuring that any inquiry would be contained. Her corpse was whisked out-of-state to her family, before an autopsy could be conducted. Further details are uncertain, but after the accident Kennedy says he repeatedly dove under the water trying to rescue Kopechne and he didn’t call police because he was in a state of shock.

It is widely assumed Kennedy was drunk, and he held off calling police in hopes that his family could fix the problem overnight. Since the accident, Kennedy’s “political enemies” have referred to him as the distinguished Senator from Chappaquiddick. He pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, and was given a suspended sentence of two months.
I really thought he would win this.. - not only am I greatly saddened he has died, but it all scares me. My baby sis has been dx'd with a brain tumor- first scan was back in Dec 08 and they did another scan June 26th 2009 to see if it was growing and how fast. Then on July 6th she met with the brain surgeon and found out how bad it is.
She has 6 months to decide (it's growing dangerously close to her brain stem now and fast) , and has two choices to attempt to rid of it. I gave her my thoughts on which choice, which is the same as her husbands choice. She's still on the fence on what to do and how to pay for it. Sadly she now has started drinking (she had quit for over 10 years) and now won't answer any of the family's calls or emails etc.

I can't remember but was Kennedy's Tumor on the Left lower side, near his left ear? That is where my sister Salinas' tumor is. For the past 10+ years she has only used and OFTEN used a cell phone. Only recently has she tried to use the hands free cell phone head set instead of having it stuck to her head for hours at a time. She told me it's hard to break old habits and what is the point of changing now when the damage is already done...


RIP Ted Kennedy - you will be greatly missed
Aww...oh no...:(

The Kennedy curse strikes again...

I don't think that really applied here. He was diagnosed with this inoperable tumor over a year ago, it was just a matter of time. The news stations already had tributes done and were airing them within minutes of the news.

Two siblings died in plane crashes, and two were assassinated. He was in a plane crash in the 1960's, but survived, albeit with a broken back.

His sister Eunice died just over two weeks ago. :(
God bless Teddy. :( He had great connections with Ireland and helped a lot with the peace process. Rest in peace, brother.
What a tragic month for the Kennedy family.
Check this out, guys:

Ted, Michael and Shirley MacLaine

God rest Ted and Michael. :( x
How hard is it to believe that two of the people in this photo are gone. :(
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well to say I was a Ted Kennedy fan would be a lie. That poor girl that was murdered and he got away with it. Accident my a$$. However I am glad he is not suffering anymore. Not even a dog deserves to suffer.....Maybe ....seeing as he has met Michael before,,,,maybe Michael will see him in heaven.
I really thought he would win this.. - not only am I greatly saddened he has died, but it all scares me. My baby sis has been dx'd with a brain tumor- first scan was back in Dec 08 and they did another scan June 26th 2009 to see if it was growing and how fast. Then on July 6th she met with the brain surgeon and found out how bad it is.
She has 6 months to decide (it's growing dangerously close to her brain stem now and fast) , and has two choices to attempt to rid of it. I gave her my thoughts on which choice, which is the same as her husbands choice. She's still on the fence on what to do and how to pay for it. Sadly she now has started drinking (she had quit for over 10 years) and now won't answer any of the family's calls or emails etc.

I can't remember but was Kennedy's Tumor on the Left lower side, near his left ear? That is where my sister Salinas' tumor is. For the past 10+ years she has only used and OFTEN used a cell phone. Only recently has she tried to use the hands free cell phone head set instead of having it stuck to her head for hours at a time. She told me it's hard to break old habits and what is the point of changing now when the damage is already done...


RIP Ted Kennedy - you will be greatly missed

Cindyrilla I am so sorry for your sister...I hope she makes the right decision, if there is one in this situation. I will be praying for a miracle for her...hugs to you.
well to say I was a Ted Kennedy fan would be a lie. That poor girl that was murdered and he got away with it. Accident my a$$. However I am glad he is not suffering anymore. Not even a dog deserves to suffer.....Maybe ....seeing as he has met Michael before,,,,maybe Michael will see him in heaven.

That's a nice sentiment. You have a good soul. Michael did a lot of great things but I doubt even he'll be able to convince heaven's landlord to let Ted Kennedy in.
I don't get how he is applauded when he left a girl to die yet they shun Michael who was cleared as not guilty. Make sense of that if you will.
Teddy will be missed God blessed him and his family.
I will first start off by saying that I am from Boston MA. I have lived here all my life. And to even go on further I will tell you that my family has ties to the Kennedy family. My grandparents campaigned for Jack Kennedy when he ran for the Senate seat here in MA back in 1952. Jack Kennedy marched in a Parade here where I am from and my Grandfather marched with him (we have a picture of him marching with JFK). After the parade that day JFK came to my home for the after party and sat in a particular chair that was very comfortable for his back. Each time he came to my part of Boston to campaign he would come to my home and ask for that chair. Today my brother has the chair. And I was born over 20 years later but did grow up in that home that JFK came to many times during that run for the Senate seat here.

Of course when JFK ran for President my grandparents campaigned for him too. The night of the election in 1960 my Grandfather stayed up late to hear the results. He came to bed after hearing JFK had won and said to my Grandmother he could die now a Catholic is in the White House (we are Catholic). The next day my Grandfather, while coming home for lunch on his break, saw a young girl being physically assaulted. He was able to get one of the men, drag him to the Police Station. When he got there he told the Police what he saw. As soon as he got it out my Grandfather dropped dead of a Heart Attack....

My Grandmother had received in the months after my Grandfather's death and invitation to President Kennedy's Inauguration (I have the actual invitation in a Frame here hanging on my wall). My Uncle would have turned 6 in the time my Grandmother would have been there. So she opted not to go and leave her son on his 6th birthday so soon after my Grandfather had passed.

So at the reception JFK went over to a delegation of people he had invited from where I live. He noticed my Grandmother was not there and asked a woman that was from my town where she was. He knew my Grandfather had passed (he sent my Grandmother a letter of condolence), but did not know that my uncle's birthday would pass over the time on the Inauguration. He was truly touched that my Grandmother opted to stay home (after all the work they put into his campaigns) with her son rather than come to a once in a life time opportunity.

A day later my Uncle received a Birthday card in the mail from President Kennedy.

The connection with the Kennedys did not end there. My Grandmother was invited to countless events for Ted, and other Kennedys over the years. All of her children and grandchildren got to met Ted and the other Kennedys over the years. My Grandmother would even be invited to Rose Kennedy's Birthday each year (JFK's Mother). And one year I went with her. I met everyone. And yes that includes JFK Jr. He was even more handsome in person.

Aside from the personal connection I have with the family I can not even tell you how many people I know that Ted Kennedy has helped in his position over the years. Countless amounts of people. People who aren't from MA always wonder why we would re-elect him each time. Because quite frankly he was the greatest Senator we could and will ever have. It was not all talk, he really did do so much for the people of this state.

And while yes I will be the first to admit he has had his share of failings and wrongs. What happened in Chappaquiddick with Mary Jo Kopechne was truly horrendous. There will be no argument from me here on that. That is something that Ted Kennedy had to live with and was sorry for the rest of his life and now it's between him and God and that is where we should leave it.

I am not comparing the two at all-but we as Michael's fans do not like at all when anyone bashes him-even more now that he is gone. We should now have the same resolve to Ted Kennedy. I know Michael never was involved in anything as bad as what happened in Chappaquiddick, but at the same time-none of us are without fault either. I believe in second chances and being given the chance to atone for your wrong doings. And to me it's how we atone for our wrong doings and go on from that point that mark who we are as a person. I think that Ted Kennedy's actions in the years that followed working for the people of my State can reflect his wanting to atone for what happened that day.

Having said that, I can say from first hand experience living here in MA that in the years after Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy did so much for so many-more than those of us who never did anything nor ever would do anything like he did at Chappaquiddick-to maybe, just maybe atone for what happened on July of 1969. That is where I will leave that. I respect what anyone else has to say on the matter for or against......just remember the saying he who casts the first stone......

I just saw this topic and had to jump in here. I did go to pay my respects to Ted Kennedy as he lied in repose at the JFK Library. In the 2 days he lie there in repose it is said that 50,000 people were there. I was there, I saw the people, I believe it.

The Memorial Friday night, Funeral Saturday and his burial at Arlington National Cemetery were all truly moving. I am sure for my mother's generation that lived through the assisnation of both JFK and RFK it was a sad trip down memory lane for them. For someone like me-who was not alive in that time but is a student and lover of our country's history-it makes me sad for our country. As they showed the graves of JFK and RFK today it made me think of how different this country would have been had they both not been killed and served two terms as President......Maybe Chappaquiddick would never have happened and Ted may have been President too.....

Having said that I will leave you with this link to what Ted said at his brother Bobby's Funeral about just that........
I will first start off by saying that I am from Boston MA. I have lived here all my life. And to even go on further I will tell you that my family has ties to the Kennedy family. My grandparents campaigned for Jack Kennedy when he ran for the Senate seat here in MA back in 1952. Jack Kennedy marched in a Parade here where I am from and my Grandfather marched with him (we have a picture of him marching with JFK). After the parade that day JFK came to my home for the after party and sat in a particular chair that was very comfortable for his back. Each time he came to my part of Boston to campaign he would come to my home and ask for that chair. Today my brother has the chair. And I was born over 20 years later but did grow up in that home that JFK came to many times during that run for the Senate seat here.

Of course when JFK ran for President my grandparents campaigned for him too. The night of the election in 1960 my Grandfather stayed up late to hear the results. He came to bed after hearing JFK had won and said to my Grandmother he could die now a Catholic is in the White House (we are Catholic). The next day my Grandfather, while coming home for lunch on his break, saw a young girl being physically assaulted. He was able to get one of the men, drag him to the Police Station. When he got there he told the Police what he saw. As soon as he got it out my Grandfather dropped dead of a Heart Attack....

My Grandmother had received in the months after my Grandfather's death and invitation to President Kennedy's Inauguration (I have the actual invitation in a Frame here hanging on my wall). My Uncle would have turned 6 in the time my Grandmother would have been there. So she opted not to go and leave her son on his 6th birthday so soon after my Grandfather had passed.

So at the reception JFK went over to a delegation of people he had invited from where I live. He noticed my Grandmother was not there and asked a woman that was from my town where she was. He knew my Grandfather had passed (he sent my Grandmother a letter of condolence), but did not know that my uncle's birthday would pass over the time on the Inauguration. He was truly touched that my Grandmother opted to stay home (after all the work they put into his campaigns) with her son rather than come to a once in a life time opportunity.

A day later my Uncle received a Birthday card in the mail from President Kennedy.

The connection with the Kennedys did not end there. My Grandmother was invited to countless events for Ted, and other Kennedys over the years. All of her children and grandchildren got to met Ted and the other Kennedys over the years. My Grandmother would even be invited to Rose Kennedy's Birthday each year (JFK's Mother). And one year I went with her. I met everyone. And yes that includes JFK Jr. He was even more handsome in person.

Aside from the personal connection I have with the family I can not even tell you how many people I know that Ted Kennedy has helped in his position over the years. Countless amounts of people. People who aren't from MA always wonder why we would re-elect him each time. Because quite frankly he was the greatest Senator we could and will ever have. It was not all talk, he really did do so much for the people of this state.

And while yes I will be the first to admit he has had his share of failings and wrongs. What happened in Chappaquiddick with Mary Jo Kopechne was truly horrendous. There will be no argument from me here on that. That is something that Ted Kennedy had to live with and was sorry for the rest of his life and now it's between him and God and that is where we should leave it.

I am not comparing the two at all-but we as Michael's fans do not like at all when anyone bashes him-even more now that he is gone. We should now have the same resolve to Ted Kennedy. I know Michael never was involved in anything as bad as what happened in Chappaquiddick, but at the same time-none of us are without fault either. I believe in second chances and being given the chance to atone for your wrong doings. And to me it's how we atone for our wrong doings and go on from that point that mark who we are as a person. I think that Ted Kennedy's actions in the years that followed working for the people of my State can reflect his wanting to atone for what happened that day.

Having said that, I can say from first hand experience living here in MA that in the years after Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy did so much for so many-more than those of us who never did anything nor ever would do anything like he did at Chappaquiddick-to maybe, just maybe atone for what happened on July of 1969. That is where I will leave that. I respect what anyone else has to say on the matter for or against......just remember the saying he who casts the first stone......

I just saw this topic and had to jump in here. I did go to pay my respects to Ted Kennedy as he lied in repose at the JFK Library. In the 2 days he lie there in repose it is said that 50,000 people were there. I was there, I saw the people, I believe it.

The Memorial Friday night, Funeral Saturday and his burial at Arlington National Cemetery were all truly moving. I am sure for my mother's generation that lived through the assisnation of both JFK and RFK it was a sad trip down memory lane for them. For someone like me-who was not alive in that time but is a student and lover of our country's history-it makes me sad for our country. As they showed the graves of JFK and RFK today it made me think of how different this country would have been had they both not been killed and served two terms as President......Maybe Chappaquiddick would never have happened and Ted may have been President too.....

Having said that I will leave you with this link to what Ted said at his brother Bobby's Funeral about just that........

ENJOYED this post so much. I was not born until 1967, but I loved the Kennedy's and their legacy. I still do now!! My friend and I are going to Arlington Cemetery today (Sunday) to go to the Kennedy's graves. We feel the need to do this.

I saw a few disturbing posts in this tread hoping he would rot in Hell, etc., but I gnore such comments. Ted Kennedy did a lot for his fellow americans and a lot of us love him, and his family! I know I do.
I didn' mean anything really about the 'Kennedy curse'. Just that many Kennedy's seem to die such horrendous deaths, and cancer is a horrendous death in my eyes. I would never wish it on anyone.
This is so sad, the Kennedy family has had to endure so many tragedies, it seems like they've spent their whole lives going to funerals. I hope Ted rests in peace. I'm shocked by some of the comments on this thread, a lot of people have condemned Michael in the same way Ted has been by a few people on this thread, I can't tell you how many MBs I've read where people used exactly the same words about Michael and think he deserved to die, Ted was never proven guilty of murder, I don't think it's up to anyone on here to convict him, he would have been the first to admit he made a lot of mistakes and was a very flawed man, but it's between him and God, only they know what happened that night, and God is the only one who can judge him. He also tried to do a lot of good for the disadvantaged, maybe it was his way of making up for what he did, I'm sure he always lived with the guilt. I can't believe there are Michael fans that would talk that way about another human being, it's just disgusting and I think Mike would be very disappointed.
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This is so sad, the Kennedy family has had to endure so many tragedies, it seems like they've spent their whole lives going to funerals. I hope Ted rests in peace. I'm shocked by some of the comments on this thread, a lot of people have condemned Michael in the same way Ted has been by a few people on this thread, I can't tell you how many MBs I've read where people used exactly the same words about Michael and think he deserved to die, Ted was never proven guilty of murder, I don't think it's up to anyone on here to convict him, he would have been the first to admit he made a lot of mistakes and was a very flawed man, but it's between him and God, only they know what happened that night, and God is the only one who can judge him. He also tried to do a lot of good for the disadvantaged, maybe it was his way of making up for what he did, I'm sure he always lived with the guilt. I can't believe there are Michael fans that would talk that way about another human being, it's just disgusting and I think Mike would be very disappointed.

Agreed, especially since non fans of MJ talk mean about MJ and we don't like it and we get angry when it happens, so why talk mean about Senator Kennedy? His family is grieving now, as is MJ's! MJ was not found guilty on any charges and neither was Ted. Can't we all just go on about MJ's legacy and heal the world, instead of being mean and making it a disgusting and vile place? Just a thought.

God is the judge, no one else. He who is without sin cast the first stone!
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Oh yes I just heard about Teddy Kennedy when I just came back form shopping. Yes now there's no more Michael & Teddy they are now in hevan where they belong. RIP to Mr.Ted Kennedy
Agreed, especially since non fans of MJ talk mean about MJ and we don't like it and we get angry when it happens, so why talk mean about Senator Kennedy? His family is grieving now, as is MJ's! MJ was not found guilty on any charges and neither was Ted. Can't we all just go on about MJ's legacy and heal the world, instead of being mean and making it a disgusting and vile place? Just a thought.

You can't seriously be comparing Michael to Ted?! Michael NEVER plead guilty to anything in his criminal proceedings. Ted plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, and thanks to the wealth and power of the Kennedy name, got a slap on the wrist, two measly months. The fat drunk tub of lard was criminally negligent, at the very least. Will you forgive Dr. Murray for being criminally negligent in causing Michael's death?! Mary Jo, although not as famous, deserves the same consideration as a victim that Michael does.

And I haven't even got to the part where Red Ted LIED right to the face of all Americans in describing the consequences of the Cellar-Hart Bill (1965).
You can't seriously be comparing Michael to Ted?! Michael NEVER plead guilty to anything in his criminal proceedings. Ted plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, and thanks to the wealth and power of the Kennedy name, got a slap on the wrist, two measly months. The fat drunk tub of lard was criminally negligent, at the very least. Will you forgive Dr. Murray for being criminally negligent in causing Michael's death?! Mary Jo, although not as famous, deserves the same consideration as a victim that Michael does.

And I haven't even got to the part where Red Ted LIED right to the face of all Americans in describing the consequences of the Cellar-Hart Bill (1965).

Well, I am entitled to my views, and you are yours.

I just don't think it's nice to be so hateful when someone dies. That's all I have to say on the matter.
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So much hate in here, and hostility. I really have no opinion on Ted Kennedy either way because I never really followed him all that much, but most ill feelings I have towards someone can be ignored (atleast publically) once they pass. That is just common courtesy and respect for the dead and their living family...
So much hate in here, and hostility. I really have no opinion on Ted Kennedy either way because I never really followed him all that much, but most ill feelings I have towards someone can be ignored (atleast publically) once they pass. That is just common courtesy and respect for the dead and their living family...

I am giving you a high five, Strawberrypie!! So right on!!
I am giving you a high five, Strawberrypie!! So right on!!

Thanks :) I just really know first hand how it feels to lose a family member and have people think it is 'okay' to trash talk them because they didn't agree with things they did in life, or how they died. I had an Uncle hang himself in his garage and people thought it was okay to s$*(t talk him because he took his own life. Yea, maybe what he did was wrong, but I loved him and I was mourning and had to hear everyone else's opinion and their bull sh$&#*(t. And I'm sure no Kennedy's are on this message board but still...sensitivity is key in everything. Don't make yourself look like an a@*() yanno?? lol Not saying anyone here necessarily has, just don't.