Selena was a big Michael Jackson fan :)

Aw! Can someone please translate what she said? I love Selena (I posted a thread about her in the Music section) and never knew she was an MJ fan. Awesome.

She is missed.

She said that it was her dream to play in that stadium , because when she was 15 years old , Michael gave a show there , and she was amazed because 50000 people went there to watch him. So she said to herself that someday she will be playing there , and then she said to the journalist: Look at us , we are here!
I remember they were calling her the Latin Madonna. What a tragedy. I had forgotten the details of how she was killed and who did it.
Aww, Selena was also a sweetheart. I love her songs, "I could fall in love with you...." and bidi bidi bom song haha, I loved that one. What a tragedy how she died and how Yolanda manipulated her role in Selena's life. Selena trusted her! Wonder how she can sleep at night. Why do people with real talents leave us early? All we're left of now are these so called artists with lyrics with nothing but profanities every other word!
She said that it was her dream to play in that stadium , because when she was 15 years old , Michael gave a show there , and she was amazed because 50000 people went there to watch him. So she said to herself that someday she will be playing there , and then she said to the journalist: Look at us , we are here!
Thank you so much :)
i love Selena, i knew she was a fan because i remember her talking about how she was going to work with some producers who've worked with michael she was excited :) she was a very sweet and talented's a shame she was murdered by one of the people she trusted the most.
After shooting Selena, Yolanda locked herself in her car and pointed a gun to her head. She was in there for hours, and was finally arrested. She went to jail and is still alive today.

No, no, that's just the last scene of the movie. It's symbolizing her last performance. In the movie, I think they switch from the stage to the news about Selena's death.

that's one thing about the movie that I didn't care for, I know her dad was a part of the making of the movie which is why they didn't show the murder itself but I think it left too much to the imagination to the people who didn't already know the story.