"See you in July!"...JULY 7

I was thinking about him saying to his fans “see you in July” when I watched this memorial last year. I sort of said to myself: well, Michael, it is still very true that you see your fans in July but there is a very sad reason behind it. :cry: I do not know if I will be able to watch it again. Another sad date is in September, the day of his funeral. :( Too many sad days….
I think the same thing when I see clips of the press conference. I think, you'll see us in July, that's right. Just, we won't see you :(
wow i cant believe its alREdy been a yr since his memorial it was vvv sad the first time i watched it the day of it... and it is vvv freaky he said this is it and see u in july!! then it happened that mj was gone (so it really is it!) :( it almost feels like he planned it in a way like he knew something would happen
If only it were under different circumstances. :no: :cry: I've only watched the memorial in parts, not the whole thing. Too hard.

Same here. :cry: I have the Whole memorial service on tape. I tape it from when CNN was showing it. I only have seen very little of the memorial service. And the little I have seen I just could not stop crying. Pretty much what I am doing now. Which was why I had to spend most of that day in bed sleeping. Just so I could not think about of what was going on in California at the time. But when I was awake all I did was just cry because I was thinking about what was going on in California. That video tape that I had taped the memorial service on. I don't even dare touch nor do I want to see it. Not now and most certainly not ever. Because is just like my This Is It dvd. Something of Michael's that I don't think I am ever going to handle watching. :sad: :weeping: :boohoo:
The saddest appointment ever given by the most loved man in the world.
We were there Michael, to witness your absence and share our grief.
I still can't believe you are not walking on this earth. :(
In the beginning of last year, Michael announced to the whole world- " See you in July!!!"....

On July 7, more than a billion people across the continents, from every nation, every religion, every creed, every generation...saw him, saluted him and showered him with all their Love, admiration and appreciation...blessing him, being proud of him and celebrating his truly beautiful and inspiring life...

We love you more and more with every passing day dearest Michael...Thankyou forever and ever for everything...we are so proud of you and we shall always do you proud!
Rejoice in the beautiful Heavens sweetest one! Hope to meet you very, very soon...

OMG. :cry: This made me cry.
Oh my God. :weeping: I remember it like it was yesterday, one of the saddest days of my life. I remember people telling me "You wait....he is not really gonna be dead...he is going to come back at the memorial"....then...nothing. I think that's when I realised and it sunk in, he really was gone. Part of me still thinks he is going to come back, just a little bit of hope I guess..
I remember this time last year I was sat in a hotel room in Berlin on the bed when everything that had happened in the last week and a half all came to a sense of realisation and all I could do was cry and cry and cry.
I was in shock and wasnt prepared at all for the casket to be taken out and be shown to us.. then I kep on staring at the casket hoping for some kind of miracle.

I also believe the memorial made me actually realize he was gone, it kinda sunk in..
^^ yeah, me too.. Even though I downloaded it later and have it in my computer, I will never ever watch it again.
yeah, me too. i have it on my ipod, but i doubt that i'll ever watch it. i saw it that one time and i cried so hard, i don't think i could bear to watch it again.
Oh my God. :weeping: I remember it like it was yesterday, one of the saddest days of my life. I remember people telling me "You wait....he is not really gonna be dead...he is going to come back at the memorial"....then...nothing. I think that's when I realised and it sunk in, he really was gone. Part of me still thinks he is going to come back, just a little bit of hope I guess..

It was one of the saddest days of my life too. Up until then I was still kind of in denial, but watching the memorial was a HUGE dose of reality. I think I cried more on July 7th while watching that then I did on June 25th.
It was one of the saddest days of my life too. Up until then I was still kind of in denial, but watching the memorial was a HUGE dose of reality. I think I cried more on July 7th while watching that then I did on June 25th.

Same here. :boohoo: Even though I saw very little of it. I guess I still couldn't believe a person who I spent nearly 30 years of my life just truly loving could really be gone. I still wanted to be in denial but that memorial service really was a huge wake up call for me. As well as all of the constant horrible vivid nightmares I kept on having about Michael during that horrible summer. :sad:
somehow all these dates from last year is still haunting us...so many sad days and so many tears...the 25th...to survive that day and then go through the whole 7th july.... birthday 29th aug...then go through the whole thing again on the 3rd of sep...

when I look at the O2 press conference again it gives me chills along the spine, going back to that day a year ago...those words he said..."This is it. I just want to say that these will be my final show performances ......" which it was....his last rehearsals we got to see...."This will be it. When I say this is it, it really means this is it," .... sigh....." see you in July".... we only saw his casket in July... :cry:

soon we wont even be able to say..."last year"...or "one year ago"..... :cry:
I'm crying: ( oh Michael, how much we love and miss u:( he didn't didn't even know he would go so soon....this isn't fair at all:(
"see you in july" , Yes he saw us in july is what i thought when the doves appeared above the O2 on july 13 2009 (we were having a vigil there).

50 of them circling above us an hour before midnight, exactly during the 1 minute of silence and it wasnt arranged.

I took a picture of it that is very dear to me and my sister has it on tape.
I know not everyone takes this very serious but i do.

He is not really gone, but still i am very sad about him not walking the earth like we do.
No wonder a lot of you are still struggling to move past this. Threads like this will only set you back a few steps.
"see you in july" OMG how can 4 words hurt so much? :cry:Is it getting easier for anybody yet? If it is tell me how you did it. Please!! I miss him more every day and I didn't think that was even possible. My beautiful Michael...
Always comes to my head, him saying "See you in July" can't remember the last time I watched that announcement of This Is It. Evil people in the world never allowed him to make the greatest comeback that ANYONE will ever see

Its hard to be positive on subjects like this but I ask everyone to, Celebrate his efforts, his music and the Man.