Second Autopsy Completed

Well, I don't know what they're gonna find. Honestly I don't know if they're ever find the answers they want. *sigh*
I hope we hear something soon. I don't understand toxicology in terms of the time it takes, is it because the public labs are so backed up, or do they have to grow cultures which takes weeks.

Because there is no information from the first one could it be he did have an event which caused this but with the information about possible drug use they are waiting to see if drugs influenced what happened ie heart attack or brain bleed etc.
Oh god, dont say that, it's so hurt. That's the body I love most in my life, can't bear that it's suffered anything

Seriously it's not gruesome like that, they are always VERY respectful, instrusive yes, but always always respectful. It's not like they tear bits off, things are done with tiny needles and things like that. I bet if we saw him now you'd barely see anything was done.

It's nothing to be scared about, the Jackson family are trying to find out the truth, and Michael can't feel any hurt anymore.
If the family ordered the second aupotsy..., they had the serious reason that something was wrong!!!!

They doubt ... as well as I doubt that Michaels death was caused by overdosing...!!!
If the family ordered the second aupotsy..., they had the serious reason that something was wrong!!!!

They doubt ... as well as I doubt that Michaels death was caused by overdosing...!!!

what else could it have been??
im not watching news much at the moment but i heard sth about the doctor being involved and stuff like that.
when do we get some serious information??
Even Jackson friend Deepak Chopra said Michael has been on medication a long time. And not just once a day...alot. Jermaine also on TV has said that they trried to get MJ off medicenes....but it didn't happen sadly. I really don't believe his own blood brother would lie about that.
they're basing this autopsy off the conduct of the dr. who was acting shady. and they want piece of mind. so if it comes back inconclusive then we'll just have to wait for the tox reports.
they expidited his so it should be faster than normal. and an autopsy is performed when the cause of death isn't connected w/ a physician's care. if i have a heart attack but wasn't being seen for heart problems, they'llbe an autopsy
Very wise of the family to hire an independent person for the second autopsy. I hope they are able get answers...regardless of whether they want to go public with the info.
I hate the thought of them cutting him up and pulling him apart so severely ... this whole thing is so wrong. Why couldnt he have died an old man in his sleep and with his dignity in tact???....
my heart hurts to think what he has to go through even after death
just not fair
I do not believe has been overdose of drugs. Has spoken much about it and I think in the end this will be the cause of death by drug overdose. Many have said that Michael took Demerol, but they sure? Everything is still so vague. Michael might be taking some remedy, but I think it would be very careful with it. I'm sure the children were his first in his life. He would not do anything wrong without thinking of their children. But I still think Michael's private physician has a lot to say. Is something wrong about it all. Michael's death was sudden and unexpected. I think maybe the results of examinations and autopsies will not be disclosed by the family privacy, but it is really strange was not found anything in the first autopsy. Is so confusing that I'm not understand anything.​