Second Autopsy Completed

already? wow, very quick! I mean, I thought it was going to take longer to be completed. aaanyway, thank you for posting!

"...why? why?..." :boohoo:
I thought his body was given to the Jackson family and he was at a morgue??

The Jackson Family ordered a second autopsy this morning and hired a private pathologist. The L.A. coroner didn't give the family any answers so they have decided to get answers on their own. I applaud them.
the family wanted a second one done just in case.

and wow, this one was long. the first one was only threehrs. like they rushed it
Yeah it was been announced that they were getting a second one and now it just being complete. Much longer then the first one. Oh I don't like to think about the meaning of the word.
Glad that the jackson family were able to get a second autopsy done. I hope that it will answer all these questions we are asking...:(
i wonder if they found something and what, if anything can be done to contest the initial one if this one found something the other one did not
is there any more news on this?

I wouldnt think the family would let alot out and i dont want them to but i would like to understand the reason behind his death and have some sort of closer.
I hope that both toxicology reports someback with the same info. Unless the family got some additional testing.
oh good. I hope this means clarity soon. Thanks Trish for the update.
wow two autopsies? I really hate the fact that michael's body is being "examined" this much but I guess it is necessary.
Though it pains me to know he had to go through 2 autopsies, I agree that everything should be done to learn the truth.

If there is one thing I've always admired the Jackson family for, it is how they stand up for each other.

Fight for him, Jacksons!!! What happened to Michael is the biggest injustice and the truth needs to be known!
I think they usually put them bodies all back together at the end of each autopsy. So it shouldn't affect MJ's body too much. Not that it matters now of course, his soul is in another place feeling free at last.
I think they usually put them bodies all back together at the end of each autopsy. So it shouldn't affect MJ's body too much. Not that it matters now of course, his soul is in another place feeling free at last.

Oh god, dont say that, it's so hurt. That's the body I love most in my life, can't bear that it's suffered anything
I don't think anyone knows yet. It depends whether they decide to make it public or not.