Searching for my little half-sister

It's so nice you've found your sister! Thank god for the internet, it has made our life is much easier in so many different ways!
Thx everyone !!!!!

Hi hun,
i'm ok thanks. How are you? I don't know her name or where she lives. My dad & I don't get along so won't be asking him for anything info. Only have a birth year & time of year. She's about 6 months older then me.

I'm sorry to hear that. Couldnt you ask someone to ask him in a smart way without him knowing that you're searching for her ? I dunno how good those family trees websites are but maybe you could try that as well.

Since she seems to be your dad's daughter, wouldnt it be possible for you to get in touch with the woman he had the child with ? Or someone who knows that woman ? By using the phone, mail or emails i dunno. I wish i could help you more. I used the internet as there were people i wanted to avoid too. Good luck !!!!! :)
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Thx everyone !!!!!

I'm sorry to hear that. Couldnt you ask someone to ask him in a smart way without him knowing that you're searching for her ? I dunno how good those family trees websites are but maybe you could try that as well.

Since she seems to be your dad's daughter, wouldnt it be possible for you to get in touch with the woman he had the child with ? Or someone who knows that woman ? By using the phone, mail or emails i dunno. I wish i could help you more. I used the internet as there were people i wanted to avoid too. Good luck !!!!! :)

My dad's family is pretty close. One of my cousins told me I have a half sister about 5yrs ago. he kinda overheard his mum & my dad talking. I kinda ignored it for about 6 months but it was eating at me so I rang my dad he denied it at first then rang me back saying its true. He said something about the mother being sick or something I can't remember. He said she (sister) knows about us but doesn't want to know us. The only person who knows who the mother is is my dad. My cousin with the big mouth & ears aren't that close & him & his brothers have a great relationship with my dad.
Everyone in my dad's family were told same time my cousin told me. So a 20yr secret. I was told i was the only grand daughter & kinda felt special. When I found out I my dad cheated on my mum got another woman pregnant at around the same time as my mum I was angry but thought it's not my sister's fault. Most adoption sites cost money.
I'm the black sheep of my dad's family I only exist when they want me to. They all have me on facebook but only message me to see if i'm working & have my driving license yet if your not working & driving your not good enough.
I want to find my sister so she knows that i love her no matter what :)
My dad's family is pretty close. One of my cousins told me I have a half sister about 5yrs ago. he kinda overheard his mum & my dad talking. I kinda ignored it for about 6 months but it was eating at me so I rang my dad he denied it at first then rang me back saying its true. He said something about the mother being sick or something I can't remember. He said she (sister) knows about us but doesn't want to know us. The only person who knows who the mother is is my dad. My cousin with the big mouth & ears aren't that close & him & his brothers have a great relationship with my dad.
Everyone in my dad's family were told same time my cousin told me. So a 20yr secret. I was told i was the only grand daughter & kinda felt special. When I found out I my dad cheated on my mum got another woman pregnant at around the same time as my mum I was angry but thought it's not my sister's fault. Most adoption sites cost money.
I'm the black sheep of my dad's family I only exist when they want me to. They all have me on facebook but only message me to see if i'm working & have my driving license yet if your not working & driving your not good enough.
I want to find my sister so she knows that i love her no matter what :)

Oh wow, she doesn't want to know you ? Are you sure its true ? I dunno if i can ask u what u plan to do to find her as some people you do not like might see what you'll write but i wish you luck, keep us posted if you do not mind. I'm sorry if my thread made you sad in any way. I really hope you'll find her.
No your thread gave me hope :)

As for the not wanting to know us not sure probably not true. Not sure what to believe anymore. Will keep posted.