Scariest Michael Song?

Blood on the dancefloor, Little Sussie and Smooth Criminal, all those songs have tragic stories, they scare me, they are incredible... in order it would be first Little Sussie, then Smooth Criminal and then BOTDF,

there are others too, like the sounds in Mind Is The Magic, that scares me, even though what it says is not really meant to scare
Definitely Little Susie...there's something beautiful about the song...the emotion in his voice..but the humming in the beginning is creepy as hell!
Definetly Ghosts!, those "Aaaah" chorus and the music, the effects, the lyrics, everything!
Morphine, i didnt said it before, but i mean, a dramatic confession, i didnt want to put it, but it is scary
'Morphine' and 'Little Susie' are scary .. But LS is the scariest , with the strings and stuff :S
I'm always have to skip "Morphine" when it comes on my ipod, it sends disturbing shivers down my spine. It's a brilliant song though. I'm just to scared to listen to it.
Agreed with "Little Susie". Chilling and haunting.

I cannot listen to "Morphine". :no:

"Thriller" gave me the creeps when I was a kid (especially the video), but that has since changed. :D
Gone!!!!! :hug:

Little Susie for sure :ninja: The hole intro is just creepy :ninja:
Little Susie for sure. It's actually alot different from many of the songs we are used to hear Michael singing about. I think it's the melody etc. Plus the lyrics are like a story/poem, it's beautiful.
Try listening to the begining of Little Susie and and play Eminem's Music Box....have a good night sleeping..
Morphine is the scariest song on many levels...I can't listen to it anymore, It makes me sad and angry.. :(
Is It Scary when turned up really late at night



The start and end are really freaky.
Little Susie and Morphine scared me....

Both of the songs have an eerie dark atmosphere....