

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Here is something, what is build in Berlin in a trade-center.
In this moment many fans lay down the feelings in form of letters, poems, photos, flowers and soft toys. If you want to see, what the german fans done, say to me and i will post here more photos of this.

Have a look:

OMG, I LOVE IT! That is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Wow!!!! Amazing... :clap:

On the other hand.... Bubbles... is Michael hustler? :lol: :toofunny:
LOL, Haustier is 'Pet' in German, if I remember correctly from studying it at school a few years ago.
Wow!!!! Amazing... :clap:

On the other hand.... Bubbles... is Michael hustler? :lol: :toofunny:

LOL, Haustier is 'Pet' in German, if I remember correctly from studying it at school a few years ago.

LOLLLL no wonder all this german came up when i tried googling it. i was like what the heck is this 'haustier' and why is all this german coming up! then i thought it was 'hustler' in another language. boy, i was wrong. thanks for the clarification.

but, i like the dangerous cover
now someone needs to make a Mike snowman or make an ice sculpture... cuz its december now...yea.
OMG that is freaking awesome. This might be a dumb question lol but how long does it stay there for? I love it. Post more if you have them :) I hope it doesn't get vandalized or anything.
It stay there till july 2010. But nobody will destroy it there, because some securities watch there. is inside of a hall with many shops.
I go there every two weeks for cleaning, bring away old flowers, tidy up, speak with the security-man (not all are friendly and dont like, when somebody lay downs something for Michael). Its a important doing for myself. i am 130 km away, but i go there and need it to go there.
here more photos:

Some fanarts and pictures of sculpture follow:

thats of me:

also of me:

i also bring things from other fans, which have no chance to go there to this place and make photos for remembering.

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OK enough!!!!!!!!! If somebody want more photos or want that i lay down there something, speak with me here :)

Here i do my "work" (now hair other colour and a bit shorter...) ... you see, public around me*lol*

Angel011980 - Thank you for sharing the pictures.
Do you know for how long it will be there?
Oh my God, so good! Amazing! My uncle used to do this when he was younger.
Anyone want to send me something for lay down there?
Poems and so on.
U want more fan-stuff from there, what the fans lay down there or is not so interesting?
Thanks for your nice words.
And is a pleasure for me to share the photos. ;-)
this looks awesome :clapping:
i especially like this one

thanks for posting :D
I have been there when the sculpture was built. And simply watching those guys creating this incredible work was really fascinating. :eek: The finished project is amazing.