Samantha Mumba Describes Meeting Michael

"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him.

Source: / Paul Martin

i like this part a lot:wub:
Don't know why she dropped off the radar, she was getting pretty big with her last album and has a cool voice.

That's awesome to read all the stuff she said, thanks for posting! I really do hope he releases another album and does a gig here, I'd probably be in tears of ridiculous happiness.
awww i like her.. she is cool
I have one of her singles :)
I want to hug him, he is so all over the place. LOVE IT
this was wonderful to read. it made me smile :) its obvious his auroa can calm you and put you at ease...once you try to get past the "OMG its Michael Jackson" thing, of corse. it seems like his calm voice, smile and his way about him would just move and soothe sure would the ppl that met him, am i right on that? thats what i would expect..i also wanted to ask if you met him how was it and what did you say to eachother? im always so curious!
