Samantha Mumba Describes Meeting Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Samantha Mumba Describes Meeting Michael Jackson

Singer Samantha Mumba has once again spoken about one of her visits with Michael Jackson, this time while reportedly in Dubai (believed to have been back in 2006). In 2007, Samantha Mumba also explained how she and Michael had conversed for a couple of hours at one point while in Los Angeles and how they talked about music, dancing, and recording music. At the time, Michael purportedly told her that he would love to help Mumba's musical career out and that he had written several songs that he would be willing to give to her. Mumba now balances her time living in both Los Angeles and Dublin, Ireland. Speaking about the Dubai experience, Mumba says:

"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him.

"I didn't know what to expect to be honest because you read and hear so much about him. When I walked into the room he was the most humble, warm, friendly person you could ever wish to meet. He also had a hilarious sense of humour. He kept cracking these jokes that had me in fits of laughter. It was weird because I was thinking, 'I'm standing in a room having a hoot with Michael Jackson. Nobody is ever going to believe this'.

"Everyone in the music business knows he has made history. But I can still see him making another great album. I would love to see him perform. He's a perfectionist so that's why it takes him so long to release material. But I'd definitely be going along to see him in concert if he did a gig in Ireland."


Source: / Paul Martin
Awww wow she must have loved it.

I bet it felt like a taster of heaven
Awesome! Thank you for sharing that TSCM. Again, its always the same description of Michael, no matter who talks about meeting him. They always say the same thing and use the same words. It shows that Michael's niceness (is that a word, haha) and kindness is absolutely genuine.
THanks for sharing. I hope one day when I got to meet him, I'll be able to say the same thing. :p
keep day dreaming~~~
Awwwww. I wanna hug Michael like that! Yep that sounds like a spot-on description of the Michael that we all know and love (as opposed to the media fabrication.) He is a beautiful person, and Samantha seems very nice too.
Mabye if I'll meet Michael soon enough he will adopt me >_<

That girl is so lucky!
"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him.

There goes that word again - AURA!

I have heard so many people use that word while describing their different interactions with MJ and I'm talking about women AND men. Truly Amazing!
had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical

totally agree thats what u feel when u meet him its really surreal .its like he has the soothing calming aura about him that carries on to you aswell.
OOhhh,amazing! Michael is very magical,sweet,kind man alive! I adore him very much!!!!!! I dream of meeting him some day,kiss,hug him!!!!!!!!!!! That will be awesome & MAGICAL MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!!!! I love you,my KING! ANGEL MICHAEL!
"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him.

Yes, this is spot on. I have been lucky enough to have met Michael and he does have this amazing aura. I can't describe it any better than how Samantha has because the feeling you get is really indescribable.
What amazes me is how can the media get it SO wrong, time after time....oh well.....
Yes, this is spot on. I have been lucky enough to have met Michael and he does have this amazing aura. I can't describe it any better than how Samantha has because the feeling you get is really indescribable.
What amazes me is how can the media get it SO wrong, time after time....oh well.....
yeap dito.
There goes that word again - AURA!

I have heard so many people use that word while describing their different interactions with MJ and I'm talking about women AND men. Truly Amazing!

:yes: Same thoughts here.

My fave part was that he's hilarious and cracks jokes. Ahh to have been a fly on that wall. :girl_sigh:

Thanks for posting, TSCM. Nice read. :flowers:
Yeah, it seems like MJ loves to crack jokes!! I bet he is hilarious.

Its amazing how quite a numebr of people have said about this aura about Michael...he must emanate good vibes...I can only imagine.
when i met him he was just so sweet, very quiet but gives you the tightest hug, its like your squashing me honey. He's not weak people think he is but he's not
Awesome! Thank you for sharing that TSCM. Again, its always the same description of Michael, no matter who talks about meeting him. They always say the same thing and use the same words. It shows that Michael's niceness (is that a word, haha) and kindness is absolutely genuine.

yep..and the hilarious sense of humor...

that's beautiful.

thanks tscm!
She seems like a really nice girl, and I think she's very beautiful too. And you can see she really hugs him tight, almost like she has a crush on him. :) Mike should go for it if you ask me.
Awww, that was cute. And can a picture get anymore cuter than this LOL :D
when i met him he was just so sweet, very quiet but gives you the tightest hug, its like your squashing me honey. He's not weak people think he is but he's not

Cool. He's soft spoken. It's sweet how he isn't afraid to give tight hugs. Most people are too uptight to make any contact, lol. Michael's something else though. Everyone always uses the same words to describe him. Sweet, nice, kind, etc... He's a special person. And yeah, people mistake his thiness for frailty. But that's just his build, it doesn't mean he's sickly or weak. All you have to do is watch him dance and see how quickly and powerfully he moves to know he's not.
Awww, so sweet! Lovely words from Miss Samantha Mumba. :) Yeah, you can tell Michael is just so kind, and genuine, LOL I would love to hear one of his jokes. :lol: Cooooooooooooooolness. :D

Thanks for posting.
Some of the most objective fans in the world (which were enlightened by earthshaking truths by JRTaraborrelli) always tell that he is about the same as everyone -- they mean by that him having agenda's, manipulating things 24/7 and other such "objective" views on him.

Of course, he is not saint, but still has outstanding, unique character and personality qualities.

And not "blinded fanatics" think that. Notice that no one forces various people that do not know each other and have no idea of similar experiences and thoughts about Jackson to tell the same thing about his qualities.
Aww thanks for posting TSCM! I love how she describes him as a good-hearted man. I always say, even if Mike was not THE Michael Jackson, the superstar, he would still be a star among the ones he know. You got people like that around you, right? Those kind of people who makes you drawn to and wanna be close to cuz they're so warm and considerate:) The kind of attractiveness gets never old or fades away.

Ooh the pic is so cute. Go girl, you know how to hug;D
"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him.

I didn't know what to expect to be honest because you read and hear so much about him. When I walked into the room he was the most humble, warm, friendly person you could ever wish to meet.

beautiful words. you really can tell in pictures and even interviews that he has a special quality or "aura" about him that just draws you to him. he's soo sweet and genuine. and that picture is adorable! :wub: