Ryan White's mom recalls time with MJ

He was a pure angel. This world undeserving world did not appreciate his existence until the afterlife. What a pity...I'm so sad and heartbroken...:(
Thanks so much for posting. It made me so happy and sad at the same time. Fighting back tears right now.... Ryan and Michael, Gone Too Soon.
thank you for the vids.
that was beautiful and what a sweet lovely mom, bless her, who never took advantage of the friendship with Michael!
Those were so beautiful. Michael's humanitarian nature never ceass to amaze me.

Such a wonderful man deserved better, A LOT better.

Thank you for everything, lovely Michael :(
Going to buy Ryan White's Book.

As a 19 year old, I never really understood HIV/AIDS when I was younger,.
I didn't know an exhibit featuring Ryan is at the childrens museum....When I head to Elkhart in a few months ....I will be sure to stop in nap to view. Thanks for sharing. :)

Ryans mom donated like a bunch of Ryan's collections to it. Including the book she had in one interview. They have it glassed off but that re-created his home and his bedroom. They also had a reenactment I didn't get to see that, but I wanted too.

If your gonna read ryans book, be sure to check out his moms book too. There's a lot of fun stories and a few featuring Michael :)