Ryan White's mom recalls time with MJ

I love her :)
I am only 22, so I was very young when Ryan was around, but I recently bought and read his self written book (cried the whole way through), and I try and follow his mum's work as much as I can. The last video made me want to cry.
Thank you so much for posting. What a great thing Michael did for her son. I remember I bought the Gone Too Soon single when it came out. The only single I ever got to buy from the Dangerous album. I also can't forget when I saw the video for the first time. It never leaves your mind.

I really believe when Michael talks about not many people know how he want to be treated, because they always wanted something from him. Children are different, and that is way he connected with them so much.

I love him.
im so near to cry right now :(. Miss u so much michael, words can not describe how much I love u.
I cried. :cry: What a strong lady. Michael was a true angel.
R.I.P. Ryan and Michael
Wow! that story touched my heart. He even brought a car to Ryan and what a great tribute the Gone to soon video was. I will always be inspired by Michaels big heart and do good in this world.
Michael is really gone to soon! Miss him, our angel...

I remeber Michael also helped a little boy who needed a new liver, isn't that great! Maybe that boy has Mihael to thank for his life...
I remeber Michael also helped a little boy who needed a new liver, isn't that great! Maybe that boy has Mihael to thank for his life...

Yes, that was in my country, Hungary. The boy is now 19 and totally healthy. He got adopted (he was an orphan) and changed his name so that the media cannot disturb him any more but his doctor spoke after Michael's death and said he knows he has a lot to thank to Michael. The doctor also said that Michael not only paid the operation but kept contact with them and when he returned to Budapest for a concert in 1996 he invited the boy and his new parents to his hotel bought him gifts and all. The doctor said Michael was always very nice and polite and she doesn't believe he molested children.
Thats an honorable lady, is really good that she has spoken, the good things Michael did should be remembered and immitated, Michael kept in touch with her after Ryans death, other celebrities just forget the whole thing, but again Michael was not average, he was not just a celebrity, he was real, all his care for the world and children was real not faked like many celebrities, and i dont consider Michael a celebrity, thats for actors and common singers, Michael was a genius with a wonderful heart, thats why he died soon, magical people die young, but all the good he did remains for the ones that believe in love like us.:yes:
Now this is why I cannot understand why people say Mike is a molester. This boy had AIDS do you think Michael would of molested someone with AIDS.

So sad that all his good deeds were overlooked.

Love you michael.
that was real nice, what a great mom for letting her son meet with Michael when he called!!!!!
love the photos too.
She seems so lovely. God bless Michael, probably met up with Ryan now :)
Wow nice lady...I remember ryan white...I remember watching the news one night and it was said that he had passed...so sad...then I remember seeing the service on tv mj was there in the front row...that is when I knew he truly cared about children..he went all the way to cicero indiana to attend ryans funeral. I will always remember that. God bless them both.
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Very nice. This is part of Michael's legacy, it's what he was about...I too hope this lives on about Michael more than anything else.
These videos are so lovely...thankyou for sharing with us.
Michael and the little things...
I've been thinking about Ryan and the other dying children Michael helped. I'm sure Michael is grateful and happy about how long he lived his life compared to these kids. That's one consolation for me, personally.
thanks for sharing this video!
I love watching such videos about MJ but at the same time they make me feel so sad :(
The Ryan White exhibit at the Indianapolis children museum is pretty fascinating, if you ever have a chance to come to Indiana I do truly recommend you stopping by..

She's a wonderful lady!
The Ryan White exhibit at the Indianapolis children museum is pretty fascinating, if you ever have a chance to come to Indiana I do truly recommend you stopping by..

She's a wonderful lady!

I didn't know an exhibit featuring Ryan is at the childrens museum....When I head to Elkhart in a few months ....I will be sure to stop in nap to view. Thanks for sharing. :)
The amount of people he touched was extraordinary!
That was his gift above all else.

and the fact that he kept in touch with Ryan's mom is touching....
long after I'm sure most of the celebs who were looking for some shine at the time by being around Ryan were all gone........
You're right on with that last statement micaro7, other celebs would have been long gone.

I know MJ's heart was pure.