Rush Limbaugh on MJ and the Media.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Okay, I must admit i've never been a fan of the guy and his conservative views. In fact I agree with the book "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot". But let me tell you his comments are remarkable. Its rare for someone in the media to speak like this...

From Wikipedia:
Certain personalities have questioned the extensive media coverage given to Jackson's death. American conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh criticized the media coverage as "a horrible disgrace" and lent his support to Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson as they fought to stem the tide of lies. "We don't know anything yet. We don't know diddlysquat yet," Limbaugh told listeners on June 29. Later in the show he rebuked a caller who said he thought Jackson was a child molester:

"You're no different than the media! He was acquitted. I'm going to tell you something about Michael Jackson. We haven't talked about this. But he was acquitted of that charge... So if you're out there saying, "I'm still convinced he's a child molester," you're no different than the media lying about what was in the autopsy report, lying about all the drugs he was supposedly taking, lying about this and that. We don't know diddly-squat yet... This guy's talent was incomparable! We build 'em up and we tear 'em down in this culture, and it's wrong. I'll tell you, it's the first time in my life... The media in this situation has been so bad they're making Al Sharpton look credible. They're making the Justice Brothers look like they have a reasonable reason to intervene here. That's how bad it's gotten."

Good for him. Even if normally I can't stand the man.
Well how do you like that. I never thought I'd see the day when I would find myself in total agreement with Rush Limbaugh. I'm going to give credit where it is due and say that he is handling this issue the right way.
Never been a particular admirer of Limbaugh, but I thank him a lot for saying that. He's very fair, objective, and respectful of Michael. Only wish the rest of the media would follow suit. Whatever happened to credible journalism where personal biases are put aside to report on the truth.
Limbaugh is a nice guy who loves his country, I've always liked him and now I like him even more...

I must say that a lot of conservative news guys have said good things about Michael's passing
I'm in shock! I shouldn't be though, MJ's music had no barriers. I'm sure Rush is a fan based on this. As much as I don't like the guy, you've got to respect the wide reach of MJ's gifts.
Wow I can't believe Rush said those words :clap:
I have heard so many journalists now saying they are a huuuuugggeee Michael Jackson fan. I wish they had done so during those dark ugly days.
All the fans who went in the closet are now coming out.

Michael I am your fan and will always be your fan.
Well how do you like that. I never thought I'd see the day when I would find myself in total agreement with Rush Limbaugh. I'm going to give credit where it is due and say that he is handling this issue the right way.

I know.
uh....Rush may be saying something that I agree with with regards to MJ, but I'm sorry. I won't be applauding him and there is a myriad of reasons why.
Oh now people are supporting, now it's too late, it doesn't matter now. He's right about what he says, but why NOW? Should've been supportive when it still mattered, all of them idiots!
I've never been particularly fond of Limbaugh's comments on a lot of topics. He has always been very passionate about what he believes in though.

You know the media has been f****** up if RUSH LIMBAUGH is coming to Mike's defense!

Haha me too.

Don't get me wrong, I still dislike the man (hate is far too strong of word for a man I've never even met) but its nice to see someone with some clout actually calling out the hypocrisy of the media.

I was jus saying to a friend of mine the other day, when Michael passed the local radio station dedicated the weekend to him running his music all thursday night (which they were VERY self congratulatory about, playing several calls thanking them for doing so instead of calls talking about michael) and then running several specials over the weekend. good for them right?

well 5 years ago when he was first ACCUSED of molestation they decided they were no longer going to be playing michael (for some time). Not because of any guilt. Just because he was ACUSED.

How quickly they forget...
Dang, Liza minnelli was right-All Hell HAS broken lose!!!

Who wuold have ever thought that Rush could be a reasonable man.
Well, blow me down and call me George!

I am a Keith Olbermann fan and for Rush to be fairer to Michael ....
No way. :swoon: Rush Limbaugh said something and I don't want to smack him upside the head?! There truly is a first time for everything. Good for him for speaking up. Good. For. Him. :clapping:
the media is one of those strange things. I've been interviewed twice for our local (but somewhat reputable/well known) newspaper since michaels passing (on the night of literally minutes after it happened and then again the next day) and the difference between interview one and two was astronomical.

the first woman didn't know what thriller was, and didn't even know michael was black... I kid you not!

the second was a wonderful guy who agreed when I said billie jean is the greatest album of all time.

i think for every 100 mean spirited, terrible, horrible, two faced, nasty, scumbag media person out there there is one good kind hearted soul who really does care about what they do.

and then theres TMZ.
I remember he was pro-Michael during the trial, cursing anyone out who were dissing MJ. Good for Rush.
Without words! well, almost...

I wouldn't have ever thought Rush would come to Michael's defense like that. I was almost afraid to open the thread, nevermind actually reading the quote. Again, wow! Well, I reckon because he himself was raked over the coals by the msm a few years back he can empathize.

Good on him.
Without words! well, almost...

I wouldn't have ever thought Rush would come to Michael's defense like that. I was almost afraid to open the thread, nevermind actually reading the quote. Again, wow! Well, I reckon because he himself was raked over the coals by the msm a few years back he can empathize.

Good on him.

Same here. I totally thought this was going to be another ultra-negative thread but for once it's not. This guy is the biggest talk radio personality in the country so I am glad he is being positive.
Limbaugh is a nice guy who loves his country, I've always liked him and now I like him even more...

I must say that a lot of conservative news guys have said good things about Michael's passing

He has also made several racist comments unapologetically, and poor jokes on Bill Clinton's daughter at the young age of 13 years old, in regards to her looks. Imagine the media having the focus on you as a child and repeatedly calling you ugly (sounds familiar?).

But conservatives are always depicted as 'loving their country' no matter what. :no:

Excuse me if I won't be jumping on the 'O HAI GO RUSH!' sailboat.