Rumors: Anyone tired of them?

As much as I hate it, I don't think it's possible to get rid of all the rumours. People will say what they want, and they have the right, it's freedom of speech.

The best you can do is just ignore it.
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when lies like that come out, it means the writers of those lies were dissappointed that MJ didn't make the appearance, so they took it out on him, as usual.

so that does mean that an appearance by MJ would blast the ratings through the roof.
I've learned to ignore rumors.... but it comes with time....
still it's easier that way
Simon Cowell: Stage Fright Rumour Not True

(31-5-2008) This week, the British tabloid The Sun published an article claiming that Michael canceled a performance on 'American Idol' just 24 hours before the show due to stage fright. The story was repeated by media organizations worldwide.

On Friday, 'American Idol' judge Simon Cowell appeared on the BBC2 radio show 'Steve Wright In The Afternoon'. Asked about the rumour he said that those rumours are not true:

"Not true, not true. We hear those rumours all the time."

Cowell also stated that they would be happy to have Michael Jackson on the show some time.

For an audio of the show, please click here.

Source: BBC2 Radio
People will watch and go in with the mindset that he will be crap, because what else are they led to believe? Even if he is amazing, people will still hang on him.

I found it disgraceful that my google news alert email this morning had like 20 different headlines about how MJ is too scared to perform. THAT annoys me. Lets start out own rumor that the owner of one of the British tabloids like The Sun or the National Enquirer did something horrific and see how they like it. If they dish it out sure they can take it.. right?;)

I don't know about that.. becuz despite anything.. haters and media alike.. never deny his TALENT.. that is part of what keeps him a quad-A celeb despite all the negativity thrown at him for the past 23+years...

in any case, dwelling on all the rumours.. doesn't help...I think its good to learn to decipher them a little better
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In my opinion, fans are so very desperate nowadays that they will cling on to the slightest possibility of an MJ appearance/tour/performance/album etc. MJ and rumours go hand in hand, he is the subject of a lot of interest to many people for many different reasons, good and bad. What I feel fans need to use a lot more of is their own intuition and common sense and really just try to be unaffected by it. Until absolutely ANYTHING comes from Michael or his spokesman/people, then it can simply be classed as not true. I mean, what have we had so far this year, the grammys, some concerts dates at the O2 centre in London, which I admit to being sucked in by however nowadays, for me personally, I no longer have the time or energy for speculation, all that is second guessing and I know some people think its fun but realistically, no amount of it will make it happen all the quicker, if at all.

Whenever Michael is ready to make something happen, he WILL let us know about it in one way or another. Thats all you need to know.
well all of the fans in London, outside the hotel, knew he wasnt going to perform, yet the majority of fans online chose not to believe us and instead believed the media hype!! Then soo many were disapointed when the so called "performance" never happened!!! Nieve fans believe media reports over actual direct quotes from Michael himself!! That soo bugs the hell out of me.

The fans I met whilst queuing outside Earls Court to get tickets told me that only the day before Michael had been seen and heard rehearsing at the venue! Whenever Michael is in town its absolutely crazy. Fans play off of other fans, theres a lot of oneupmanship and tons of rumours abound. The fans can often be the perpetrators of rumours to make themselves seem knowledgable and "in" with Michael and his people. Its very frustrating but if you have the nerve to stick with it, good on you, youve got more patience than I have!:clapping:
I've learned to ignore rumors.... but it comes with time....
still it's easier that way

Yeah I agree, it's best to ignore rumours. Over the years, I've really become bored of reading about rumours and negative things about Michael all the time tho so now I just ignore it for the most part. It's just old and tiring, enough already.
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