Rumors: Anyone tired of them?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las vegas Nevada United States
I don't mean to make a post that might create hostility, but does anyone feel the same way? I am tired of reading about some these ridiculous rumors. I mean I know some will say, then just don't read the them. Well it's not that easy when they are right there smack in the middle.

What I am happy about hearing is about MJ appearances, and photographs. Now that is something to talk about. The rumors though, most of them are from reading them off of myspace bulletins from other MJ fans. I mean it's kind of absurd to post them on an MJ board, and let it get out to the press if it's not even fact!

I am just tired of reading about things that are not factual. Mainly I am just tired of reading all the hostility all these rumors create.
I Am Fckckcing Tired Of Hearing That Every Single Fckcking American Idol, Xfactor Or Grammy Show He Doenst Attend Or Perform On Is Because He Is Too Scared. Its A Fckcking Joke!!!! Tabloids Need To Get A Fckcking Life!!!!!!
sorry guys this is is the world of Michael Jackson, rumours and speculation both from the media and fans are a way of life. Its been like that for over 20 years, it just seems now, with the internet, we hear alot more alot quicker!! Years ago before the internet, it was just the same, but it took longer to hear them!
I don't know about the rest of you but I miss Michael...and the rumors help with that longing to have some new encounter with his energy. I don't care if the story is true long as its regarding Michael and it makes me remember the feelings that he produces in me. I LOVE HIM. and I think he knows the value of any publicity...bad or good. Even the most horrible of lies about him can work to his advantage. he has been dealing with this stuff for 40 years or more...I think he is not harmed by it...he lives in such a lofty place in his mind he is truly invincible. Untouchable, unscathed by any of it... untill he comes back...its all we have... he knows he has left us with the rumors.... I even think many of them are controlled by him. He has managed to parlay those rumors into a vehicle to keep him in our minds...
Oh, so tired...
I hate the fact they just won't leave his plastic surgeries alone after 30 years... They are so boring. Plus, the nose jokes are just plain dull IMO...
I'm tired of rumors. especially when they involve things like the AI mess that were never confirmed. Like I mentioned in another thread regarding AI:

I knew this was going to happen. It always does. Somebody says that Michael might be somewhere just to get attention for their show. And when he doesn't show up, they tell the media that he either got scared and pulled the appearance or started making ridiculous demands and so they told him not to bother coming, just to cover their butt. Then Michael gets fried by the media once again for nothing but innocent speculation at the very least or an outright lie at the very most. I'm sorry. But IMO, Paula should have kept her mouth shut.

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^^ Yes. This is the second time this year it's happened. Even once is once too many IMO.
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It's ALWAYS been that Michael "should" perform when he appears somewhere. I have got used to it for a long time ago, so I just don't care. I think there's no need to wait for him to perform before the new album is said to be out.
I'm not tired of the rumours per se, lets face it as long as Michael is alive, there's always going to be some type of rumour (positive,negative,doesn't matter) about him. You just have to get used to it.

What I'm REALLY tired of however, is some fans hear some rumour from an unreliable source about Michael that speculates on a performance, new tour, FAKE album news etc., get all excited and then when they find out they've been fooled, they either lash out at Michael and accuse him of "lying to them" or they start posting tabloid articles in an attempt to validate their opinions. Gets on my nerves everytime! :glare:
I'm not tired of the rumours per se, lets face it as long as Michael is alive, there's always going to be some type of rumour (positive,negative,doesn't matter) about him. You just have to get used to it.

What I'm REALLY tired of however, is some fans hear some rumour from an unreliable source about Michael that speculates on a performance, new tour, FAKE album news etc., get all excited and then when they find out they've been fooled, they either lash out at Michael and accuse him of "lying to them" or they start posting tabloid articles in an attempt to validate their opinions. Gets on my nerves everytime! :glare:

soo totally agree, its the nieve fans who endlessy believe and get excited about all the rumours Im sick of!!! Trust me, when officiall news about a new song/album/tour is released though reliable sources, thats the time to get excited!! It drives me mad to see nieve fans believing these rumours, and then turning on Michael when the rumours turn out not true.

The WORLD MUSIC AWARDS spring to mind, soo many fans believed the media reports that he was going to perform, yet fans who met Michael in the days leading up to the awards asked him and he knew nothing abut it. This was posted all over the fan forums, yet hours after the award show, fans posted on the forums and were interviewed by the media saying how disapointed they were he didnt perform!!
The WORLD MUSIC AWARDS spring to mind, soo many fans believed the media reports that he was going to perform,

I was one of those fans :blush:........although despite the event being so chaotic and disastrous, it helped teach me a very important lesson regarding Michael, his relationship with the media and the treatment he gets from them.
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well all of the fans in London, outside the hotel, knew he wasnt going to perform, yet the majority of fans online chose not to believe us and instead believed the media hype!! Then soo many were disapointed when the so called "performance" never happened!!! Nieve fans believe media reports over actual direct quotes from Michael himself!! That soo bugs the hell out of me.

Rumours and speculation play a huge part in promomtion but they should only be used as information and to gauge public response. Its no good burying your head in the sand and refusing to acknowlege the exsistance of rumours but under no circumstances should rumours be believed. Always try to find a source for rumours as usually rumours start from a piece of real info, but like in the game of chinese whispers, this real piece of info gets added to and changed and by the end, the real info has disappeared and the rumour is beleived to be fact!!
Ladies & Gents,
We have to remember that Mr.Jackson is a human conglomerate. People will use & abuse to get their mitus touch...

Rumors can get to be very annoying...hang in there...Mr. Jackson won't let us down...the evil ones will be eating their words soon enough...

Keep the Faith and always believe in the power of Karma...what goes around eventually comes around..!

Heal The World~~~
I don't really understand why so many MJ fans (of all people) sometimes get so carried away by rumours. Especially the rumours about MJ showing up/performing at AI, the Grammies or whatever. We go through that whole process at least once a year lol. I mean I also get excited and hopeful at some rumours, but we should all know by now not to take it so seriously. Just relax, wait and see.
Ugh...tired as hell...
I know that it's been like that for ages but come on...enough is enough...
Please do you have to swear in here? I don't know how it's possible but I read from time to time posts like that..
Well, let's face it. If it weren't for all these rumours, Mike would just dissapear out of the medias' attention which would do him no good at all. Even though they are annoying when they promise Prince-like concerts at the 02 or brand new albums in November 2007, it keeps people talking about him, which is good if he's going to make a comeback.
MJ is the world's biggest star. with that comes rumours. the media wants attention, and they know they'll get it if they put his name in their headlines. as long as we are MJ fans, our task will be to seperate fact from fiction with a level head. :)
I want some 'reals' :chichi:

and who is swearing ?? I don't see swearing in here :unsure:
What if Michael is nervous? Like after all he has been through in the past decade....all the shitty media reports, im sure he knows what they say. And after that trial he might be very worried about performing again. Thats reasonable I'd say. Personally I just think Mike needs a really strong manager who pressures him into public performing again. Remember in the 80's and 90
s Mike had had very strong managers who always were organizing things for him and that obviously gave him pressure to keep all his words. Now he has nobody pressuring him to stick to any plans. I believe he is scared and feels a bit ashamed. I just hope he one day does a big public event...he is takin baby steps with the small parties and stuff but he needs to sing!
What if Michael is nervous? Like after all he has been through in the past decade....all the shitty media reports, im sure he knows what they say. And after that trial he might be very worried about performing again. Thats reasonable I'd say. Personally I just think Mike needs a really strong manager who pressures him into public performing again. Remember in the 80's and 90
s Mike had had very strong managers who always were organizing things for him and that obviously gave him pressure to keep all his words. Now he has nobody pressuring him to stick to any plans. I believe he is scared and feels a bit ashamed. I just hope he one day does a big public event...he is takin baby steps with the small parties and stuff but he needs to sing!
What is Michael ashamed of? What did he do wrong? And please tell me why he needs to sing if he doesn't want to:(
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I Am Fckckcing Tired Of Hearing That Every Single Fckcking American Idol, Xfactor Or Grammy Show He Doenst Attend Or Perform On Is Because He Is Too Scared. Its A Fckcking Joke!!!! Tabloids Need To Get A Fckcking Life!!!!!!

i just saw that...and laughed..

in a way...those rumours about him being scared.. could give him the biggest viewership.. when he does take the stage.. becuz people will be wondering

I don't let it bother me..maybe Michael can use those rumours to his advantage
What is Michael ashamed of? What did he do wrong? And please tell me why he needs to sing if he doesn't want to:(

He could be ashamed of being arrested and charged with heinous crimes, although we know he was innocent. Datsymay, you're acting like the allegations don't matter, but Mike is probably embarrassed and ashamed because of them. He also has possible money issues with the Neverland foreclosure etc. All of the gossip could be taking a toll and Mike probably is nervous because of them
i just saw that...and laughed..

in a way...those rumours about him being scared.. could give him the biggest viewership.. when he does take the stage.. becuz people will be wondering

I don't let it bother me..maybe Michael can use those rumours to his advantage

People will watch and go in with the mindset that he will be crap, because what else are they led to believe? Even if he is amazing, people will still hang on him.

I found it disgraceful that my google news alert email this morning had like 20 different headlines about how MJ is too scared to perform. THAT annoys me. Lets start out own rumor that the owner of one of the British tabloids like The Sun or the National Enquirer did something horrific and see how they like it. If they dish it out sure they can take it.. right?;)