Rolling Stone Readers Pick Their 10 Favorite Dancing Musicians

That's a hands down for Michael. I would have been really shocked if he didn't come in at #1 :)
Can somebody please explain to me how the hell is Lady Gaga a better dancer than Prince, Madonna or Janet?
Rolling Stone actually writing something nice about Michael? I'm shocked! There is no other answer though is there!
Michael certainly is where he belongs, but can someone please tell me what Britney is doing over James Brown :scratch:
MJ deserves to be number one but Rolling Stone SUCKS A$$! That list is straight up stupid starting with #2 like how the hell? And Prince did not out staged MJ. MJ was the the highlight of that whole concert, James didn't even know Prince was there until MJ said yea! lol
You guys, please stop calling each other names like lunatic, ignorant, pathetic. Please.

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