Rolling Stone Magazine crowns Jay-Z as the new King of America


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
Out in stores June 24.

He's had more Number One albums than Elvis Presley. He hangs with Barack Obama at the White House. And he's riding high after leaving his longtime label Def Jam to work a $150 million deal with Live Nation, delivering some of his best live performances ever. At the age of 40, Jay-Z qualifies as an elder statesman of hip-hop, a fact that's more remarkable considering other rap peers have hung up the mike to pursue careers in Hollywood. So how does he run the game?

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the one delivered to homes
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Well you can all guess my opinion on that fact without me having to mention it. but for people that don't know me I'll tell you 4 famous words that I've been using alot lately. OVER MY DEAD BODY.

Sorry guys its nothing personal nor an attack against anyone that likes him but I can't stand stand the guy unfortunately.
no offense to any one but why everyone is so obsess to find new king;
KING is gone and he took crown and chair with him.
so get over it.:bored:
These folks crack me up. LOL! They're forever "trying" to CROWN somebody, i.e.

Justin Timberlake, Usher, Chris Brown, the "new" Justin, the Jonas Brothers. What happened to all of their CROWNS? LOL!
These folks crack me up. LOL! They're forever "trying" to CROWN somebody, i.e.

Justin Timberlake, Usher, Chris Brown, the "new" Justin, the Jonas Brothers. What happened to all of their CROWNS? LOL!

no offense to any one but why everyone is so obsess to find new king;
KING is gone and he took crown and chair with him.
so get over it.:bored:

I just wish there really was someone on the musical landscape that had the magic, diverse talents, excitement etc. etc. etc. to justify the title since apparently so many are eager to give it to someone.
They didnt Crown him king of 'music' or even pop Music, it was used more as a Metaphor , you people get worked up over nothing, the things he's accomplished since 96 as a black hiphop artist from Brooklyn are amazing, and like misschanel said what has this got to do with MJ, 11 number one albums even Mike doesnt have that

Yea... but that's because Mike didn't release albums every year.

Also... I acknowledge his accomplishments but many older folks don't even know who he is. I don't really get hip hop. I tried but I like the old school more. Sorry for the bias.
lol. I don't get it? He's the King of America? haha. How exactly? What is up with all these "King of *fill in the blank*" titles? Nobody's creative anymore. lol.

Whether this is just an expression or a title or whatever...Michael will always be the one and only "King" to me.

Honestly, I don't know Jay-Z's music. I wouldn't recognize a song by him if I heard one on the radio.
WTF does this have to do with MJ? Did they call Jay the King of Pop? I understood the complaining when they "crowned" Justin Timberlake as the new KOP because that pissed me off too, but this is dumb.

"I don't get it I don't even listen to hip hop!"

Whether you silly overzealous fangirls who associate someone breathing air as a Michael Jackson diss like it or not, Jay-Z is a big deal today. It's not like "King of America" is officially his new handle either (I believe "King of New York" has been one of his handles for a long while, however, so this is probably a play on that). It's a freakin' Rolling Stone cover glorifying him. Because it's Rolling Stone magazine and he's a major artist in the music industry. Ohnoez.

I'm gonna make a comparison that's actually relevant to Jay-Z and just add that Eminem is about to reclaim his spot as the biggest legend in the rap game who's still going strong :cool:. Recovery!

BTW I'm right now imagining what the responses here would be like if Rolling Stone had called Mike the King of America. I believe it would go something like this:

"That's stupid Michael was the King of the WORLD and besides America treated him like dirt and now they're just jumping on his bandwagon because he's dead! I'm unhappy!"

And you can add those last two words in a hypothetical reaction about more or less anything lol.
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Great post Master S


Yea... but that's because Mike didn't release albums every year.

Also... I acknowledge his accomplishments but many older folks don't even know who he is. I don't really get hip hop. I tried but I like the old school more. Sorry for the bias.

Thats was Mike's problem then not Jay's

Old Folks dont know him then they shouldn't bash/diss him for no reason, isnt that we say to the Non-MJ fans who dissed and Mocked Mike throught is late career?
Great post Master S

Thats was Mike's problem then not Jay's

Old Folks dont know him then they shouldn't bash/diss him for no reason, isnt that we say to the Non-MJ fans who dissed and Mocked Mike throught is late career?

Good for him for having more no 1 albums than mike but mike achieved more with less.How many of his albums are on the best selling list,having said that ,this news had nothing to do with MJ and it amazes me how he is constantly brought up in non related news.
^ Is there anyone here who argued that MJ is more successful than Jay-Z? Mike is in a completely different league in commercial success that can really only be compared to with Elvis and The Beatles. I find it kinda sad that a highly successful artist's achievements can't be listed here without someone adding "yeah but MJ accomplished a lot more." All I saw was one person pointing out that Jay-Z had more number one albums. Good for Jay. Hasn't Mike accomplished enough that you can let Jay-Z have that without feeling the need to point out that "IF MIKE PUT OUT MORE ALBUMS HE WOULD HAVE MORE NUMBER ONE ALBUMS" or "YEAH BUT MICHAEL'S ALBUMS SOLD MORE THAN JAY'S ALBUMS" to put a damper on it? Who friggin' cares?

This Everyone vs. Michael Jackson mentality needs to gtfo. Jay-Z has never show MJ anything but the utmost respect.
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ahahahahaha!!! this is a good one man :rofl:, jeez!!! i had a good laugh, im happy :D Lord have mercy...:smilerolleyes: :hysterical:
Who is Jay-Z?
That American rapper? or the husband of Beyonce?

And what abut Elvis? he is not the King anymore?
How can be a black man a king of America, if no black artist cant be better than Elvis.
there is the restriction on a title King for Michael... so if Michael is gone, Jay-Z can be King?
king of what?
Oh please! Jay Z hasn't had but a few hits and his albums sales are hardly something to brag about in comparison to others. He's not even that well known. I mean, come on! That must make Britney Spears the Queen of the Universe since she's much more famous and has outsold him by far in both albums and tours.

There is only one king and we all know who that is. And yes, I realize they aren't calling him the king of pop but I'm so tired of a having one crowned every other week. It's so insulting and ridiculous.
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WTF does this have to do with MJ? Did they call Jay the King of Pop? I understood the complaining when they "crowned" Justin Timberlake as the new KOP because that pissed me off too, but this is dumb.

"I don't get it I don't even listen to hip hop!"

Whether you silly overzealous fangirls who associate someone breathing air as a Michael Jackson diss like it or not, Jay-Z is a big deal today. It's not like "King of America" is officially his new handle either (I believe "King of New York" has been one of his handles for a long while, however, so this is probably a play on that). It's a freakin' Rolling Stone cover glorifying him. Because it's Rolling Stone magazine and he's a major artist in the music industry. Ohnoez.

I'm gonna make a comparison that's actually relevant to Jay-Z and just add that Eminem is about to reclaim his spot as the biggest legend in the rap game who's still going strong :cool:. Recovery!

BTW I'm right now imagining what the responses here would be like if Rolling Stone had called Mike the King of America. I believe it would go something like this:

"That's stupid Michael was the King of the WORLD and besides America treated him like dirt and now they're just jumping on his bandwagon because he's dead! I'm unhappy!"

And you can add those last two words in a hypothetical reaction about more or less anything lol.

Oh please, Jay Z is NOT a big deal today and quite frankly very overrated as far as what he has done for rap and hip hop.

There have been more pioneers before him including one of his rivals Nas back in the 90's that are FARRR better rappers than JayZ. The whole title is just for sell and it really means nothing. Now I will give him his props because his older material before he got hyped up more for things besides his MUSIC was better back in the 90's but Jay Z last couple of albums have been crap and not to mention he is not really relevant anymore as far as hip hop goes... he doesnt even do hip hop, he raps...

Alot of great rappers/hiphop mcs that never get there due are artists like KRS-ONE, Rakim, Wu tang, and Nas far better than watever Jay Z has ever done..

But like with anything the media hypes up artists like Jayz because they want to paint artists like that and build them up, hype them up but it means NOTHING..
Oh please, Jay Z is NOT a big deal today

I wish I stopped reading at this point, but I didn't.

There have been more pioneers before him including one of his rivals Nas back in the 90's that are FARRR better rappers than JayZ.

I didn't say anything about Jay-Z being a pioneer, nor did I say anything about there not being better rappers. Surely you don't think Nas is as big as Jay-Z, even if he's the better MC.
I wish I stopped reading at this point, but I didn't.

I didn't say anything about Jay-Z being a pioneer, nor did I say anything about there not being better rappers. Surely you don't think Nas is as well known as Jay-Z, even if his lyrical skills surpass Jay's...

No I dont which is why I mentioned Nas as well as the other pioneers that I mentioned. Regardless if you said Jay Z is a pioneer or not that is how the media portrays him to be which is not really accurate. Nas is a far better rapper and lyricist that Jay and just because Jay is POPULAR which is the only reason why he gets the recognition he gets... ditto being that most mainstream artists do because there mainstream it doesnt mean his important just because he is and that is a weak opinion because that doesnt make him the best or a "big of deal" especially when there are more important rappers that dont get that recognition. Thats why when I look at magazines covers like this and hear what the media says I laugh because it means nothing. Most of the time its just for sell and for publicity but its sad that the public feeds into it
^ Well popularity is really what a musical title like "King of America" (not that I think he's actually the King of America... it was just a glamorous title for a magazine cover) would be based off of. For the record, I don't think Jay-Z is the best but I do think he's a big deal in the industry today based on his commercial success. That doesn't mean I like people just because they sell a lot of records, but I still acknowledge their success when talking about who's hot today.
^ Well popularity is really what a musical title like "King of America" (not that I think he's actually the King of America... it was just a glamorous title for a magazine cover) would be based off of. For the record, I don't think Jay-Z is the best but I do think he's a big deal in the industry today based on his commercial success. That doesn't mean I like people just because they sell a lot of records, but I still acknowledge their success when talking about who's hot today.

But since like I said above, commercial success means nothing if the music or talent isnt there it really isnt a big of deal unless someone is a person into hype and whats hot.
"Whats hot" can change in a matter of seconds and it doesnt take much I dont think that means a whole lot because it doesnt... its just once again for sell and for money. But if that is how you feel okay then. I feel that his "commercial success" really should not have to be acknowledge because its already a given that if a artist is popular its naturally going to be easier for them to be successful (as far as money and fame goes) whether there talented or not but most singers/ rappers of today are not talented .Thats how the industry works in todays market, lol it doesnt mean much and not that important to make a thread about.