Rolling stone article


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Somewhere over the rainbow
I just read the rolling stone article,Michael must have been under a lot of stress because Joseph wanted to take over his finances & be more involved in his business. The article said that he called MJ daily to talk about his business. He even wanted Leonard Rowe to become his manager. The article basically says that Joseph bullied Michael into signing the agreement that he later withdrew with Leonard Rowe. Has anyone else read this? If so what do yu think?
I haven't read that particular RS article yet, but I do think once the concerts were booked, Michael wanted the folks around him that had served him the best professionally as an adult. (I do think Joe contributed greatly to his early successes).

But as an adult, Michael had assembled a team that helped to send his career into the stratosphere. With this comeback, I believe those are the folks he wanted and realized he needed.

I don't think Joe necessarily bullied Michael into accepting him and Rowe, but did stress the "family" card and Michael had a sense of obligation because Joe and the family had stood by him through crises. However, when Joe and Rowe actually were in deed dealing on his behalf, he recognized they were not the ones who should be in charge of his affairs in any regard, and made changes.
I don't know but I wouldn't get my info from Rolling Stone tbh.
I WON'T be surprised if this was true.
I don't know what to think about the Rolling Stone article, considering they have a tabloid view of Michael. I do question why Michael would hired Lenoard Rowe, because he may have been good for Michael and his brothers in the late 1970's and very early 80's to promote their tours when Michael was still making his way in music as a business man.

Many employees (like Raymone Bain) who Michael hired over the last 9yrs who were out of there depth working for Michael. Rowe would been out of his depth working for Michael, dealing with 100's of millions of £ and record companies etc. If this article is true and Joesph pressured Michael to hire Rowe out of family loyalty etc, Michael would have known Rowe would never have been any use to him and would have made a mess like Don King (who Joesph hired) did on the Victory Tour. My view is Michael decided to give Rowe a chance, and when he meet him he knew Rowe was not the right man to represent him as a manager.
the Rolling Stone mag has not been a music mag for a long time, it turned into a tabloid crapzine!

I really wonder why they authorize such nonsenses they have published (not only) since MJs death...!!!?
Joe Jackson, physcally and sexually abused Michael before the age of 10, give me a break, Michael only dealt with his father because Michael believed in forgiveness and honor your mother and father, but I doubt he could stand the site of that man.
Joe Jackson, physcally and sexually abused Michael before the age of 10, give me a break, Michael only dealt with his father because Michael believed in forgiveness and honor your mother and father, but I doubt he could stand the site of that man.

Sexually abused? Since when? ... Is that you, LaToya?
I just read the rolling stone article,Michael must have been under a lot of stress because Joseph wanted to take over his finances & be more involved in his business. The article said that he called MJ daily to talk about his business. He even wanted Leonard Rowe to become his manager. The article basically says that Joseph bullied Michael into signing the agreement that he later withdrew with Leonard Rowe. Has anyone else read this? If so what do yu think?

Is it this issue?


I haven't been able to get this issue yet. I really like the cover. Does it say anything inside about when and where that picture was taken? It looks like a pap shot, but it's beautiful. I'd love to see a set, if a set exists...
It wouldn't shock me, he never protected him from birth and it's a huge reason why Michael wound up letting so many slimey people in his life looking for love in all the wrong places. Dr. Murderer administered the lethal injection that killed Michael but Joe set in motion for Michael to die a premature death by being a lousy non protecting parent from day one.
It wouldn't shock me, he never protected him from birth and it's a huge reason why Michael wound up letting so many slimey people in his life looking for love in all the wrong places. Dr. Murderer administered the lethal injection that killed Michael but Joe set in motion for Michael to die a premature death by being a lousy non protecting parent from day one.

All true. But look at them... they all still support Joe... he was there with his little retiree hat entertaining the press (and himself) for two weeks from the day Michael passed away to the day of the memorial, when he proudly sat front and center amongst his family - next to Prince, a child - and looked and probably felt like the charismatic patriarch that we all know he never was and never will be. Joe may rule but he rules with fear, and I hate the press outlets that have given him his fifteen minutes because - as you insinuate - all he ever cared about was money and that makes you a lousy, non-protecting parent. Well, actually it makes you sinister and cruel and those two words should never be associated with anything that has to do with Michael. Joe was as much a part of the killing machine as the Doctor and the money men who enabled him. I just wish we'd never supported TII. All Michael wanted was to be left alone with his children and live the stress free life he'd never experienced.
Is it this issue?


I haven't been able to get this issue yet. I really like the cover. Does it say anything inside about when and where that picture was taken? It looks like a pap shot, but it's beautiful. I'd love to see a set, if a set exists...

that article is full of BS. it's THAT article that promoted the whole "hole instead of a nose" theory that the LAPD later debunked.

at this point, I don't believe ANYTHING written about Michael, least of all in Rolling "BS" Stone.
^ Well said Lucius.
However I don't think that if we wouldn't have supported TTI they would have abandoned it. There are a lot of casual fans out there and even non-fans that have seized the opportunity to get a ticket and they're not real fans like us, they don't think about the man and what it could mean for him and his health. And unfortunately the majority of ppl are like that.
So I don't think we can put the blame here or there, it's just a combination of a lot of factors.
And another thing that came to my mind, Mike would have been upset if the concerts weren't a success, he would have thought that his fans don't love him anymore ... It broke my heart what he said in one of his speeches a few years ago, can't remember which one exactly but I think it was for his birthday where he was talking about his future projects and how he's gonna make us proud or smth like that... I wish i could remember but to me it sounded like he thought he let us down with Invincible and all that stuff. Broke my heart and I hope that he knew how much we loved him and how much we loved all his music ( and Invincible, me at least) and that he could have never let us down....:no:
Still a beautiful picture, though. I might just tear off the front cover and run out of the store....

(EDIT: Sorry, this was in response to indranee's post)
^ Well said Lucius.
However I don't think that if we wouldn't have supported TTI they would have abandoned it. There are a lot of casual fans out there and even non-fans that have seized the opportunity to get a ticket and they're not real fans like us, they don't think about the man and what it could mean for him and his health. And unfortunately the majority of ppl are like that.
So I don't think we can put the blame here or there, it's just a combination of a lot of factors.
And another thing that came to my mind, Mike would have been upset if the concerts weren't a success, he would have thought that his fans don't love him anymore ... It broke my heart what he said in one of his speeches a few years ago, can't remember which one exactly but I think it was for his birthday where he was talking about his future projects and how he's gonna make us proud or smth like that... I wish i could remember but to me it sounded like he thought he let us down with Invincible and all that stuff. Broke my heart and I hope that he knew how much we loved him and how much we loved all his music ( and Invincible, me at least) and that he could have never let us down....:no:

Oh, don't worry. Michael never doubted himself, I really don't think he did. In my opinion, he was the most amazing man/creature/phenomenon the world has ever seen, and I think he was well aware of that. (This is evident in songs like Cry and Ghosts, I think.) From an early age, he had to accept that a lot of bad things came with this 'position' as a super being and that evil unfortunately sometimes overshadows good. But I think he knew all along that there was more good surrounding him than bad, and that his every move would always surpass those of others. He was better at everything he ever did and at one point, I think he just decided to stop and instead, try to be a person as much as he could - or rather, as much as he wanted to, because I don't doubt for one second that Michael wanted to be different.
Joe Jackson, physcally and sexually abused Michael before the age of 10, give me a break, Michael only dealt with his father because Michael believed in forgiveness and honor your mother and father, but I doubt he could stand the site of that man.

WTH .. :doh:
please state where you ever got that from
Joseph jackson never sexually abused his children.
All true. But look at them... they all still support Joe... he was there with his little retiree hat entertaining the press (and himself) for two weeks from the day Michael passed away to the day of the memorial, when he proudly sat front and center amongst his family - next to Prince, a child - and looked and probably felt like the charismatic patriarch that we all know he never was and never will be. Joe may rule but he rules with fear, and I hate the press outlets that have given him his fifteen minutes because - as you insinuate - all he ever cared about was money and that makes you a lousy, non-protecting parent. Well, actually it makes you sinister and cruel and those two words should never be associated with anything that has to do with Michael. Joe was as much a part of the killing machine as the Doctor and the money men who enabled him. I just wish we'd never supported TII. All Michael wanted was to be left alone with his children and live the stress free life he'd never experienced.

Excellent post :flowers:
I think this is the first time I've posted a picture in here asking when it was taken or where it was from without getting an immediate reply. How mysterious! I'm getting quite persistent now... surely SOMEONE must know? ... No?
Joe Jackson, physcally and sexually abused Michael before the age of 10, give me a break, Michael only dealt with his father because Michael believed in forgiveness and honor your mother and father, but I doubt he could stand the site of that man.

Please don't say this. You don't know this as fact.

And I don't know where they got that picture from, but I don't like it. It is not his best. There are so many great pics of Michael out there. Why pic this one with him not even smiling and looking a little bewildered?
well- when this issue came out... CNN HL news was talking about a "new article in rolling stone" that was positive.... after reading like the first couple of paragraphs..... i put it back on the rack.. it was trash.
Joe Jackson, physcally and sexually abused Michael before the age of 10, give me a break, Michael only dealt with his father because Michael believed in forgiveness and honor your mother and father, but I doubt he could stand the site of that man.

Sexually abuse MJ? That there never happened stop spreading those lies, Joe might of hit Michael but this sexuall abuse thing is taking it too far.
Sexually abuse MJ? That there never happened stop spreading those lies, Joe might of hit Michael but this sexuall abuse thing is taking it too far.

Where has it been said that Joe sexually abused Michael, in the RS article? I haven't read it. Is there an online copy? Probably not. Does someone want to sneak me a copy? ;)
Joe Jackson, physcally and sexually abused Michael before the age of 10, give me a break, Michael only dealt with his father because Michael believed in forgiveness and honor your mother and father, but I doubt he could stand the site of that man.

I have a question??? where did you get the information that Joe sexually abused Michael before the age of 10..????
WTH .. :doh:
please state where you ever got that from
Joseph jackson never sexually abused his children.

Because he did. He visibly had adulterous affairs with women in front of Michael, he didnt hide it. Michael new he was having sex with women other than Michaels mother. Michael had to keep that secret not to mention trying to even understand the gravity of it all. I have read that Michael knew his father was having sex with other women other than his mother. I have also read that Michael's brothers were allowed to have women in the same room that Michael was sleeping. His boundaries were violated in so many ways its uncountable. A child of 9 or 10 couldnt possibly understand all of that and it must have been frightening. HE was way to young to be exposed to family members sex lives...That is sexual abuse no matter how you cut it...sorry.
Because he did. He visibly had adulterous affairs with women in front of Michael, he didnt hide it. Michael new he was having sex with women other than Michaels mother. Michael had to keep that secret not to mention trying to even understand the gravity of it all. I have read that Michael knew his father was having sex with other women other than his mother. I have also read that Michael's brothers were allowed to have women in the same room that Michael was sleeping. His boundaries were violated in so many ways its uncountable. A child of 9 or 10 couldnt possibly understand all of that and it must have been frightening. HE was way to young to be exposed to family members sex lives...That is sexual abuse no matter how you cut it...sorry.

Yes, having sex in front of a child like that is considered sexual abuse. I knew his brothers did that according to Michael, but his dad? Where did you get that information?