Rodney Darkchild Jerkins Vlog _ Can Michael Jackson Make a Comeback?

A tour would no doubt boost the sales and make it sell much better than Vince. Of course some promotion would help too! :)
Okay, this thread is not about Invincible. Let's get back on topic. Thread will be cleaned.
edit - didn't catch your post above, Mello, even though i respectfully disagree with it. the connection is there and we had some great points being raised and a healthy discussion.
OK well I have to share something here...

In 2006, Michael called ~MJIB~Co. up from the Irish countryside and shared his plans to not only only do a World Tour..but so much more!

I don't want to divulge more in case he wants to surprise you all!

So, there you go...let's put it this way--good things come to those who wait!


OK well I have to share something here...

In 2006, Michael called ~MJIB~Co. up from the Irish countryside and shared his plans to not only only do a World Tour..but so much more!

I don't want to divulge more in case he wants to surprise you all!

So, there you go...let's put it this way--good things come to those who wait!



I think that whatever was said, this is a bit dated. Again, I think we have seen the reaction here of information that cannot be fully substantiated.

So we will continue to wait on MJ to make whatever he is doing official.
Isn't it amazing? Even when MJ is taking his time working, or kicking back, he's still bigger than all the others that are doing what some view as everything. His comeback really isn't going to be a comeback. It's more so going to be a picking up where he left off type of thing. He had to take a break and he had to get some things off of his plate. These things were going to be constantly bugging him if he didn't get a chance to do something about them. If someone is a perfectionist and something is out of order, you know it's gonna bug 'em. These things had a lot to do with someone else getting in his way, but it's been handled. Now that he's got things back under control, and the waters have calmed down, he'll be able to concentrate again. It took a lot for him to get to this place where he is right now. It was a lot of hard work.

I like much of what Rodney said, but I hope he knows that the only reason why he's able to say such is because MJ hasn't given up on MJ.

Absolutely and positively the best post of this thread. That's the bottom line. Many fans can't quite understand that great things take time, patience and precision. Why do you think MJ is still relevant today? Why is it that he is the most highly anticipated and most looked up to artist in the industry? Why is it that everyone and their grandmother is dying to work with him? Do you think it's because he just things any old way just to have a record out if you know what I mean? He had to have taken his time or else he would not be in the position that he is in today.

Again, Great post AllforMJ! You speak wisdom and truth.

I think it is best to see what MJ says in the future rather than take information from two years ago.

I do not think that MJ needs to tour to prove himself. MJ has proved himself when he did Thriller. After the success of that CD, MJ basically did whatever he wanted to do. He does not need to prove himself. I am also lost - just because MJ didn't do a major tour in years, why did so many of his critics assumed that he didn't "have it" anymore? Can Mike have a life first? Have these people not realized that MJ was singing since he was a child and that he never really have a normal life? So, if he took time off from touring then he can do that. Most of the time off was not his choice because things happened. So, I do not get the whole "proving himself" situation because he showed the world many, many, many times what he is capable of. I know that he is more talented that he let people see. He stated in the GMA interview on his birthday, he is going to show that. I doubt that MJ is worried about the the young performers of today. They do not have 2% of the the talent that Michael has. Heck, they would even tell you that.

I am going to ask this for the third time, can someone please, please, please do a transcript of what Rodney said? Not everyone has speakers so they can hear what he said. Thank you.
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OK well I have to share something here...

In 2006, Michael called ~MJIB~Co. up from the Irish countryside and shared his plans to not only only do a World Tour..but so much more!

I don't want to divulge more in case he wants to surprise you all!

So, there you go...let's put it this way--good things come to those who wait!



I forgot to mention here that although this was two years ago, in June 2006 ,to be precise, it does not make it irrelevant. There is something about Michael that I know only too well and that is this--when he says something, he means it.

The surprise, ultimately, will be on us and only the King himself can decide when will be the right time!

God bless.

I forgot to mention here that although this was two years ago, in June 2006 ,to be precise, it does not make it irrelevant. There is something about Michael that I know only too well and that is this--when he says something, he means it.

The surprise, ultimately, will be on us and only the King himself can decide when will be the right time!

God bless.


lol..yeah it would be nice if it would become more of an epidemic that people would believe that MJ means what he says.
I forgot to mention here that although this was two years ago, in June 2006 ,to be precise, it does not make it irrelevant. There is something about Michael that I know only too well and that is this--when he says something, he means it.

The surprise, ultimately, will be on us and only the King himself can decide when will be the right time!

God bless.


No, you didn't forget to mention it, but the comment still stands. We will only endorse official comments from Jackson's camp as to his future.
Well, trust me... Rodney loves him some Michael! He produces videos for Angelus Temple all the time and more often than not, there's something MJ-inspired in the stuff that he does.

And his wife is SUCH a sweetie! She is so talented, so beautiful, and she loves MJ too LOL Heck, they met at MJ's birthday party at Neverland LOL
There is something about Michael that I know only too well and that is this--when he says something, he means it.

That's nice.

Minnie - About Rodney's wife: she is a Christian singer.
That's nice.

Minnie - About Rodney's wife: she is a Christian singer.

Bee, I know. I met her in Los Angeles and spoke to her and Rodney a couple of times. Joy asked me to pray for their son before he was born, that the rest of the pregnancy went well, and that the birth went smoothly LOL She is such a sweetheart. So humble
^ That is really great. I am glad that everything went right for them.
Everyone forget Michael Jackson is 50 years right now
I don't think he'll ever hit the road again ; you can't compare him with Madonna because Madonna didn't wait almost 8 years to release an album .
And even Madonna is just selling because of her fans ; she has such a huge fanbase she can do whatever she wants and people will buy it.
Maybe it's time for new talent ? Like Michael Jackson replaced all those artists of Motown back in the days I think it's time someone replaces Michael Jackson , Madonna , Prince , etc...
Michael has done the impossible but he'll never do it again like he did back with Dangerous , Bad , Thriller .
Just take a look at the intro of the Dangerous tour where MJ jumps out of the stage and look how fit he was and then take a look at the pictures of court and how many times his back hurt etc...
You rock my world is a nice video but you see MJ lost his moves , it's all camera tricks when he's spinning and dancing on the bar it's all quick shots to make it looks amazing .
The trial is a huge part of why I don't think MJ should do some touring no more . I think we had it with MJ maybe he should start an acting career or just spend all of his time with his children and be a father instead of touring all the time .
People forget MJ is a father and has three children + no wife only a nanny but that never can replace a real mother .
MJ did it well but now I think it's time for some brand new fresh talent ; everyone knows Michael Jackson ; he got great music great music videos great tours great fans what more can you expect ? He've made the level so high he can't even reach it right now and a lot of people forget about that .
Not everyone 'knows' Michael Jackson. They know the tabloid version of the greatest entertainer of all time. I agree with Jerkins. He should get back on the road, event if it's for one last time. To show the world again who Michael Jackson is outside of the tabloid world.
Everyone forget Michael Jackson is 50 years right now
I don't think he'll ever hit the road again ; you can't compare him with Madonna because Madonna didn't wait almost 8 years to release an album .
And even Madonna is just selling because of her fans ; she has such a huge fanbase she can do whatever she wants and people will buy it.
I have to say, I wish we'd stop making excuses for Michael and say 'well, Michael isn't Madonna'. No, that's true, but Madonna is 50 as well. She too is a parent of 3, and she too works incredibly hard. There is absolutely no reason why Michael shouldn't be able to do what Madonna does - if he wants to and decides to.

I believe the keyword is Michael's heart.

We need to find the balance between believing in Michael and being realistic. But constantly saying, 'well, Madonna is so much better off because..' is just not fair to Madonna imo. The same goes with the other artists we hate when people compare them to Michael
Yeah, well, Madonna didn't have a two and a half year trial she had to suffer through all the while stressing over whether she would have her freedom at the end of it all or not. DON'T compare Michael to these other people, it is NOT the same. When are some of you going to realize that? It seems to me that some here have absolutely no inkling of what it is Michael actually went through because, if you did, you wouldn't make non-sensical comparisons of his situation to others. Some understanding is needed. It's no joke, it is no joke that Michael came within an inch of losing his life and the recovery time on that is indercernable.