Rodney Darkchild Jerkins Vlog _ Can Michael Jackson Make a Comeback?


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
he just to busy to be bothered right now
he doesnt want to be tied down in vegas _

Well at least he ackowledged MJ is the BEST :)

Darkchild Vlog #5: Can Michael Jackson Make a Comeback?

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Wow --- that was a nice little positive video --- though I do find it strange he doesn't want to work with Michael ? I mean why would you not take the opportunity to do that again. it's Michael Jackson !
Nice video, Rodney speaks the truth Michael needs to tour if he wants a successful comeback as he said we all love his voice but we want to see him perform again
Nice video.

He is right, give us performances! That's what people want.
Nice little interview, I am a fan of Jerkins, I still think the work he done with Michael is good, Interesting that Michael called him aswell, and yes Michael, your fans need to see you perform, lol, he has a whole new generation of fans since the last time he stepped on stage, I really dont think Michael knows how big he still is.
Wow --- that was a nice little positive video --- though I do find it strange he doesn't want to work with Michael ? I mean why would you not take the opportunity to do that again. it's Michael Jackson !

He didn't say he didn't want to work with him at all...he simply stated that he didn't want to be locked down for a long period of time working with MJ as we know how long it takes MJ to perfect things to his liking. He did say that he wouldn't mind coming in at the end to work on 1 or 2 songs. So he hasn't indicated that he doesn't want to work with MJ altho if he said it, I might understand. Poor dude still gets raked over the coals by fans who don't like Invincible. They put all the blame on Rodney for how it turned out even tho he isn't the executive producer (the person who has the FINAL say about how songs turn out). I like a lot of Rodney's work (past and present) so I'm not shuddering at the idea that MJ called him and he "might" add something to the project at some point.

Thanks for posting the vid. :flowers:
Ok, I can't watch the video for various reasons. Can someone be kind and do a transcript of sort as to what Rodney said? Thanks.

I have my opinions about Rodney but he is a cool dude. I like the work he did with other people. Can't say the same about what he did for Mike. I tried to like the songs, but I honestly didn't like them. I have to admit, I would be shuddering if MJ wanted Rodney to work with him again. I think there are far better producers out there for MJ to work with.
MJ should never work with Rodney ever again. Rodney is not bad but him with MJ just don't create sparks.
MJ should get back with Quincy or Teddy Riley.
He's right about MJ having to go on tour. MJ is at his best when he is performing on a stage and that's what the people want.
Good to hear Rodney talkin good about MJ. Now that Rodney has worked w/ MJ he knows full and well how long it would take to lay some tracks with him!
I have to agree - Mike needs to tour. It doesn't have to be a tour straight out. He can do a North American tour for at least a month and two weeks. Take a break and then do an international tour for a month and two weeks. Take a break then do another North American tour and end it. People would love to see him on stage and I believe MJ knows this. When it was his birthday, I was watching the Early Show and a writer for Rolling Stone stated that if MJ were to have a world tour right now, it would be the biggest selling tour of the year. That is a very true statement. Just imagine the promotion and the press - awesome-ness. LOL.

I would love it if someone can do a transcript of what Rodney stated. Some of us fans lack speakers.
Whew... I read at another board that he was "working" with him but apparently he quashed the rumor here, lol.

And Rod, join the club of "Please Michael, Tour Again". :lol:
Michael should work the majority of his album with Will.I.Am. I have a feeling they would make great music together.
First the OP needs to update the summary. He knows Janet is touring, but was talking about the past when she hadn't done any touring for a long time and she needed to with the new album.

Second and most importantly, as much as I dislike Rodney, he speaks the truth. Michael needs to show the world of today's generation who the King of Pop is. He needs to raise the bar on music and entertainment altogether, so other artists will follow his lead. I understand that he is getting old, but both Prince and Madonna are still touring under extreme conditions. Even James Brown, his idol, worked till he couldn't shake his body any more. Michael needs to make one final bow to the public that he still has what it takes.

Yes, he has children and doesn't want to kill himself by touring too much like Brown, but there are still so many cynics that still doubt whether he can perform like he used to and yet he says he can. He tells us that he is working on things that are amazing and fresh but hasn't shown us. The producers tell us he still dances while making music, but we don't get to enjoy it. The last few time he has performed live have been badly reviewed by the critics.

One Final Bow to put the haters to rest and usher in a new generation of Jackon lovers. Then instead of leaving while your legacy is overshadowed by court sessions and charges of molestation, you leave while your at the top of the charts. You leave for personal reasons and relax with your family while making records leisurely instead of wanting to up Thriller each time. "Retire" as the King of Pop and just make music you want to, when you want…
First the OP needs to update the summary. He knows Janet is touring, but was talking about the past when she hadn't done any touring for a long time and she needed to with the new album.

Second and most importantly, as much as I dislike Rodney, he speaks the truth. Michael needs to show the world of today's generation who the King of Pop is. He needs to raise the bar on music and entertainment altogether, so other artists will follow his lead. I understand that he is getting old, but both Prince and Madonna are still touring under extreme conditions. Even James Brown, his idol, worked till he couldn't shake his body any more. Michael needs to make one final bow to the public that he still has what it takes.

Yes, he has children and doesn't want to kill himself by touring too much like Brown, but there are still so many cynics that still doubt whether he can perform like he used to and yet he says he can. He tells us that he is working on things that are amazing and fresh but hasn't shown us. The producers tell us he still dances while making music, but we don't get to enjoy it. The last few time he has performed live have been badly reviewed by the critics.

One Final Bow to put the haters to rest and usher in a new generation of Jackon lovers. Then instead of leaving while your legacy is overshadowed by court sessions and charges of molestation, you leave while your at the top of the charts. You leave for personal reasons and relax with your family while making records leisurely instead of wanting to up Thriller each time. "Retire" as the King of Pop and just make music you want to, when you want…

Michael is probally thinking the same thing. This is probally why it's taking him so long, because he wants everything to be perfect, and to go out with a bang
First the OP needs to update the summary. He knows Janet is touring, but was talking about the past when she hadn't done any touring for a long time and she needed to with the new album.

Second and most importantly, as much as I dislike Rodney, he speaks the truth. Michael needs to show the world of today's generation who the King of Pop is. He needs to raise the bar on music and entertainment altogether, so other artists will follow his lead. I understand that he is getting old, but both Prince and Madonna are still touring under extreme conditions. Even James Brown, his idol, worked till he couldn't shake his body any more. Michael needs to make one final bow to the public that he still has what it takes.

Yes, he has children and doesn't want to kill himself by touring too much like Brown, but there are still so many cynics that still doubt whether he can perform like he used to and yet he says he can. He tells us that he is working on things that are amazing and fresh but hasn't shown us. The producers tell us he still dances while making music, but we don't get to enjoy it. The last few time he has performed live have been badly reviewed by the critics.

One Final Bow to put the haters to rest and usher in a new generation of Jackon lovers. Then instead of leaving while your legacy is overshadowed by court sessions and charges of molestation, you leave while your at the top of the charts. You leave for personal reasons and relax with your family while making records leisurely instead of wanting to up Thriller each time. "Retire" as the King of Pop and just make music you want to, when you want…

I was agreeing with you until you started to talk about what the haters are saying. i am disappointed.
I don't know how many times I need to say this. If MJ hasn't proven himself already, he will not do it again. It is MJ that the young kids are copying, not the present artists. MJ has nothing to prove.
Yes, Madonna and prince are still doing it, but MJ owns the that the whole world sings.l He is doing another business which earns much more money than him going on tour. MJ has long since diversified. he has no need to go on tour or to record again. Don't forget that he started much earlier than the others he is compared to, and his compatriot has also semi-retired, ie, Lionel Richie, his brothers and stevie wonder.
IF Mj tours it will be because he wants to, not because he needs to prove anything to anyone. If I were MJ and heard this kind of talk, after all he had achieved and all the changes he made in the industry and after all the present artist ripping my style, I would tell everybody to kiss my err..I would sing to my friends and family.
I was agreeing with you until you started to talk about what the haters are saying. i am disappointed.
I don't know how many times I need to say this. If MJ hasn't proven himself already, he will not do it again. It is MJ that the young kids are copying, not the present artists. MJ has nothing to prove.
Yes, Madonna and prince are still doing it, but MJ owns the that the whole world sings.l He is doing another business which earns much more money than him going on tour. MJ has long since diversified. he has no need to go on tour or to record again. Don't forget that he started much earlier than the others he is compared to, and his compatriot has also semi-retired, ie, Lionel Richie, his brothers and stevie wonder.
IF Mj tours it will be because he wants to, not because he needs to prove anything to anyone. If I were MJ and heard this kind of talk, after all he had achieved and all the changes he made in the industry and after all the present artist ripping my style, I would tell everybody to kiss my err..I would sing to my friends and family.

Exactly. He doesn't need to prove anything. People want him to tour to satisfy them. If he's motivated and enthasiatic about touring, then he will.
I was agreeing with you until you started to talk about what the haters are saying. i am disappointed.
I don't know how many times I need to say this. If MJ hasn't proven himself already, he will not do it again. It is MJ that the young kids are copying, not the present artists. MJ has nothing to prove.
Yes, Madonna and prince are still doing it, but MJ owns the that the whole world sings.l He is doing another business which earns much more money than him going on tour. MJ has long since diversified. he has no need to go on tour or to record again. Don't forget that he started much earlier than the others he is compared to, and his compatriot has also semi-retired, ie, Lionel Richie, his brothers and stevie wonder.
IF Mj tours it will be because he wants to, not because he needs to prove anything to anyone. If I were MJ and heard this kind of talk, after all he had achieved and all the changes he made in the industry and after all the present artist ripping my style, I would tell everybody to kiss my err..I would sing to my friends and family.

Yes Michael has already proven himself. He could have retired at age 15 if he wanted to and still be a famous singer of the past. Many artists have emulated his style and still look to him as an inspiration. He has the #1 album and the greatest music videos of all time. His tours have sold out throughout the entire world. HE IS THE KING OF POP, but what has he done in the last 10 years?

Well he has released Invincible which, although sold millions, failed commercially. He went to court and, although vindicated, tarnished his career and public perception. He recently "performed" live 2 times to horrendeous reviews and he still loves to play pretend while being pushed around in a wheelchair and dressing up in masks. So the haters overlook his incredible career and focus on his outlandish exploits. Regardless of how us fans view Michael Jackson, the world sees it differently. FACT.

The reason he is the King of Pop is because of his musical genius and artistic entertaining shows. The reason Michaelmania ever happened is because he was unique and fresh and entertained the world with out-of-this-world dance moves and electrifying tours. Artists today refer to Michael Jackson of the 80s. They don't care what he has done recently. Non-fans or those that claim to be fans love songs from Off the Wall, Thriller, and Bad, but the rest of his career is dead to them.

So yeah, Michael has proven himself and his new album will sell roughly 3 million regardless of hype and promotion. Why? Because he is Michael Jackson and his fans are still around. But he needs to prove himself to the new generation IF he wants the glory days to return. I never cared for the Beatles and Elvis Presley, because they stopped making music and touring when I was alive. They stopped being a huge force in the music buisness, but yeah they proved themselves and will go down in history as great musicians.

It all depends on what Michael wants. Does he want to be on the top again? Then go on tour and make music videos and promote the heck out of the album. Does he want to just make great music and move on? Then write and produce it yourself and release it finally…
He should not tour just to be on top. Actually he doesn't need to be on top next to some Britney or American Idols... he should tour and do it well to clean his image and be remembered as the king of pop. The gossips and rumors and charges of the last years have distroyed his image, now is so difficult to talk about him without having to listen to terrible things. He should go back to his music and his way of entertaiment.
He should do it for himself and his carreer, That's why he should do something about quality and not quantity (numbers one in the charts are so easily forgetfull if they aren't really timeless music.)
Trying to be the number one after everything ha has been through is not a good thing IMHO, he should focuse on doing something that will be remembered. And a live tour is just what is needed.
So yeah, Michael has proven himself and his new album will sell roughly 3 million regardless of hype and promotion. Why? Because he is Michael Jackson and his fans are still around. But he needs to prove himself to the new generation IF he wants the glory days to return. I never cared for the Beatles and Elvis Presley, because they stopped making music and touring when I was alive. They stopped being a huge force in the music buisness, but yeah they proved themselves and will go down in history as great musicians.

I disagree. Michael Jackson does not need to prove himself to a new generation and his glory days will not return. Now, don't get me wrong -- he will always do well, but there are at least a hundred reasons why there will be no repeat of Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and History's sales.

And while you may not care for the Beatles and Presley because they stopped making music, there is a whole cottage industry out there that immortalizes that music. Not to mention that you can't really compare Jackson to the Beatles or Presley, because with the exception of McCarthy and Starr, they have passed on.

Now, to some people, success means commerical success. Success means that they want the rest of the world to love MJ like they did in his hey day. I have to let you in on a little secret here: there were a LOT of haters during his hey day. A lot of those haters made a lot of money off of Jackson and as human nature would have it, when there is a tidal wave of adoration, the haters lay silent until a slip up is made and then they pounce.

As it stands now, while MJ has a huge contingent of fans who would make any CD release a success, there is no getting around the fact that many others have moved on from MJ. Perhaps a stellar CD would interest them again, but a lot of these people have a different view of him than we do -- and I think you know what they think without it being said.

The haters have moved on too -- to other acts that they make their living off of. Of course they don't want to see Jackson get any love for any future project, because they will not be in his mix.

So you see, there's really nothing to prove here. The younger generation of MJ fans most likely have not ever seen him perform live. They've seen the videos of times past and longed to have that kind of experience. I can certainly understand this, especially considering that no one artist of today can come a fraction close to having that kind of effect.

But as I stated before, Michael has to want to do it because he wants to -- for the love of entertainment. Not to prove anything to anyone. He has certainly sacrificed most of his life -- as well as his freedoms and anonymity to his craft. If he feels so inclined to tour, it will be because he can balance his competing priorities that he didn't have in his glory days.
Michael's album will get to number one, that's all you need to know. And it will sell extremely well. His albums always do those two things.
Nice video and very positive. I can understand Rodney not wanting to work with MJ now because maybe he feels MJ takes to long to make his album and Rodney probably wants to profit much sooner than that. Get a album done and put it out. That way Rodney profits much quicker than if he has to be in the studio 1 or 2 years waiting for when MJ finally releases the album.
the phrase goes...'leave em wanting more'.

everybody wants Mj to do the one thing he says he won't. and they think that's the solution. well...they're wrong. because the more you get..the more you want.

i don't know where people get the idea that MJ needs to make a comeback, when he causes more delirium out in the streets right now, than anybody else in the the point of some fans complaining that other fans are rude and scary, and scare his kids. i don't hear that about other artists..who tour and tour and tour till the James Brown syndrome hits. Jerkins didn't say that he didn't want to do more with Mj..he just said maybe later when the album is about finished. i think that he was worn out by the first workout with

All those producers, Rodney KNOW better than to try to work on THIS record. :smilerolleyes: :lol:

If he does, that adds another year in waiting. :giggle:
am glad he is not working with michael...his music isnt something special and michael need really good and fresh sounds if he wants to make a comeback
Isn't it amazing? Even when MJ is taking his time working, or kicking back, he's still bigger than all the others that are doing what some view as everything. His comeback really isn't going to be a comeback. It's more so going to be a picking up where he left off type of thing. He had to take a break and he had to get some things off of his plate. These things were going to be constantly bugging him if he didn't get a chance to do something about them. If someone is a perfectionist and something is out of order, you know it's gonna bug 'em. These things had a lot to do with someone else getting in his way, but it's been handled. Now that he's got things back under control, and the waters have calmed down, he'll be able to concentrate again. It took a lot for him to get to this place where he is right now. It was a lot of hard work.

I like much of what Rodney said, but I hope he knows that the only reason why he's able to say such is because MJ hasn't given up on MJ.