Robin Leach clearing up all the Michael Jackson rumors


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
After the King of Pop Michael Jackson postponed his first five opening shows of the This Is It run of 50 concerts in London’s 02 Arena, the tawdry tabloid tales and rumors have gotten out of control. They escalate and get worse every day.

To clear up all the craziness, I went inside the Jackson camp and got answers to some sensational scoops claimed by British reporters:

Rumor: Michael is dying from cancer!

Fact: Totally untrue, and the top titans producing his show said he’s had another clean bill of health from the insurance company. He’s ready to go!

Rumor: He’s on a hunger strike and angry about doing 50 shows instead of the original 10 that were planned.

Fact: He is not starving himself to beat cancer or protest the rehearsals schedule. He’s getting himself into shape, and both Michael and the AEG producers scheduled the additional 40 shows on the 02 Arena booking calendar if the original 10 shows sold out faster than expected!

Rumor: Michael is worried he’s not strong enough to perform every other night for 50 shows for 1 million fans and has skipped rehearsals.

Fact: He’s attended all of the preparations and rehearsals, and my insiders report that everything is on schedule. Michael, director Kenny Ortega, dancers and choreographers will relocate from Center Staging Studios in Burbank, Calif., to London in the next two weeks to prepare the final elements.

Rumor: Michael will open a $3 billion Thriller casino on the Strip.

Fact: Untrue because nobody believes the Nevada Gaming Commission would give Michael a gaming license. The hope is that part of Michael’s memorabilia and Thriller successes could be used inside a casino as an entertainment attraction

I was told that the shows will be “truly spectacular” and unlike anything ever seen. Michael has wrapped the video sequences for the giant projection screens being used in the staging. R&B singer Akon made British headlines, too, saying the King of Pop wouldn’t be singing live. Again, another exaggerated story, my insiders say. “Michael will perform, he will dance, he will sing,” I was told. “You can’t do all three at once live, so of course there will be some pre-recorded tracks. But the fans won’t have a second to be disappointed about what they will see and hear! Akon has promised to be in the front row of the July 16 premiere concert.

I am reliably told that the only reason Michael’s original July 9 comeback premiere was delayed to July 16 was because of the time needed for the load-in and construction of his giant stage and special effects. “It was the only reason,” my top insider told me. “Nothing else. It was just logistics.”

Madonna ends a two-night run at the 02 Arena on July 5, and Michael’s production people take over July 6.

“We are totally confident Michael will be onstage, healthy, strong and well. The insurance is in place for exactly that, and his doctors have given the green light. It will be the best ever show ever seen anywhere in the world,” my top insider told me.

Robin Leach has been a journalist for more than 50 years and has spent the past decade giving readers the inside scoop on Las Vegas, the world’s premier platinum playground.

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Kenny, Michael and Robin Leach photographed together in Vegas in 2007
Notice that he says that Michael will be relocating to London in 2 weeks, that means he'll be here in London soon!!!
what does this mean=?

Means he has finished them...they're done and ready. :yes: Apparently there are gonna be some kind of short films shown on the screens while he is on stage or during breaks and so on...
He has some wrong information though. The premiere is not due on July 16th but July 13th. And the date wasn't changed from July 9th to 16th but from July 8th to 13th!
lol hes entitled to screw up once in a while.

But im glad all this shite is fixed and we know the truth.:D
Hmm... did someone tell James Taylor, who has a concert on the 6th?

Probably that he has finished recording and putting together the footage for the screens!

Means he has finished them...they're done and ready. :yes: Apparently there are gonna be some kind of short films shown on the screens while he is on stage or during breaks and so on...

It means any Michael has finished filming video sequences for the show that will appear on big screens.

In the words of Michael Jackson,
thank you all:angel:
“You can’t do all three at once live, so of course there will be some pre-recorded tracks."

Does this mean that he will re record the songs or just use the original vocals like he did on the HIStory tour?
Thanks for that! I had to double check myself for a second when it said July 16th was the first date, lol.
“You can’t do all three at once live, so of course there will be some pre-recorded tracks."

Does this mean that he will re record the songs or just use the original vocals like he did on the HIStory tour?

I doesnt mean either ..
It means what it said period
no other info was given :)

Off Topic: I wanna be there also Bloodyphynix! This would be our dream come true. Hoping and praying maybe Michael might just to it. :angel:

Back on Topic:
Thanks for putting that up we need to disspell all the tabloid ish. :doh:
Well the fact that Robin claims to have spoken to 'insiders' should'nt he have at least gotten his dates correct? damn, all he had to do was go check the official website!:scratch:

Lets see if Michael and the crew actually arrive in London within two weeks time, 'cause we all know its gonna be 'on' from then!:D
:wild:I'm so freaking excited and I'm not even going!!!!!

Off Topic: I wanna be there also Bloodyphynix! This would be our dream come true. Hoping and praying maybe Michael might just to it. :angel:
Add me to the list of those-whose-dreams-will-come-true :angel:
*fingers crossed*
Well the fact that Robin claims to have spoken to 'insiders' should'nt he have at least gotten his dates correct? damn, all he had to do was go check the official website!:scratch:

Lets see if Michael and the crew actually arrive in London within two weeks time, 'cause we all know its gonna be 'on' from then!:D

Yes let's see what happens
every day is more exciting and I don't even have tickets! I'm just excited for Michae and my fellow fans!
Glad that the rumors have been cleared up :)

Yes i hope the dallas concert is true, i really hope all you usa fans will get to see them :)
“You can’t do all three at once live, so of course there will be some pre-recorded tracks."

Does this mean that he will re record the songs or just use the original vocals like he did on the HIStory tour?

Probably re-record.

He had to be lazy as hell not to re-record the OTW medley. There is no other excuse. I hope that is not the case again. His voice now is different from even Invincible probably.
Thanks you for posting this. Robin Leach has been inaccurate with some things in the past but kudos for him for speaking to the Jackson camp to get rumours cleared up and publish them to everyone, at least he is trying to be fair unlike other reporters out there.