Riots in Tottenham, North London

The riots are very close to my house now. They are destroying down all my local shops. I won't be able to sleep tonight.

UPDATE #1: West Midlands Police: police station in Holyhead Road in Handsworth, Birmingham, is on fire

#2: Riots have spread to Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. (Report).
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To all our European members, I am watching this in horror. Please keep yourselves safe and sane!

But SOMEONE PLEASE answer me this. I read the first post and saw some of it started with a protest from a police dept, but tell me now, are these riots now because of your economy? Is that what your news stations are saying (and in times and days like these, i'd take everything a news station says with a grain of salt and do my research), because that is what many US news stations are hinting at. ESPECIALLY the news analysis shows.

Please keep yourselves safe again, and up to date on your facts. Know what's going on in your country.
To all our European members, I am watching this in horror. Please keep yourselves safe and sane!

But SOMEONE PLEASE answer me this. I read the first post and saw some of it started with a protest from a police dept, but tell me now, are these riots now because of your economy? Is that what your news stations are saying (and in times and days like these, i'd take everything a news station says with a grain of salt and do my research), because that is what many US news stations are hinting at. ESPECIALLY the news analysis shows.

Please keep yourselves safe again, and up to date on your facts. Know what's going on in your country.

I think everyone (the rioters) has forgotten that this started out as a protest for a man shot dead by the police on Thursday. This has turned into an excuse for teenagers to destroy the place and loot anywhere and everywhere.
^^^And for the rest of the world to complain about your economy and ours apparently. This whole situation is really despicable! I'm so sorry for all of you there who are having to endure this.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear about that. :( I hope everyone in the UK remain safe.
Terrible.I hope people don´t get killed or injured.
are these riots now because of your economy? Is that what your news stations are saying (and in times and days like these, i'd take everything a news station says with a grain of salt and do my research), because that is what many US news stations are hinting at. ESPECIALLY the news analysis shows.

not really. what happens in the uk is u have a protest and it gets hijacked by thugs and kids and u end up with a riot. its nothing to do with having no jobs etc.because its always been like that. it hasnt just started in the last couple of years its just a chance for ppl to join in and loot and steal
not really. what happens in the uk is u have a protest and it gets hijacked by thugs and kids and u end up with a riot. its nothing to do with having no jobs etc.because its always been like that. it hasnt just started in the last couple of years its just a chance for ppl to join in and loot and steal

sad :(

people in London, please stay safe
not really. what happens in the uk is u have a protest and it gets hijacked by thugs and kids and u end up with a riot. its nothing to do with having no jobs etc.because its always been like that. it hasnt just started in the last couple of years its just a chance for ppl to join in and loot and steal


It's probably not just London (or nationwide for that matter) but there's a tramendous apathy towards law enforcement and the selfish element is a big problem. No one wants to help anyone in London.
Apparently ?It has now been announced on BBC News that all London homes will be issued a warrant to search their house for stolen goods.

Oh you have to be kidding me?! Did they say London postcodes (N,S,E,W) or outer boroughs (TW, UX, HA etc?)
^I don't know if they actually said it, someone might have made it up. I'll try and find out.

Sky News: 26-year-old man shot in car in Croydon last night has died in hospital.
Oh you have to be kidding me?! Did they say London postcodes (N,S,E,W) or outer boroughs (TW, UX, HA etc?)
I doubt its true.legally u can only get a warrant with legit suspicion.u cant get blanket warrants.
I heard bout the riots this morning and im compeletly stunned by it. I hope all mjjc london members & their familes are safe
have just seen some disturbing footage from London.... horrible... I hope it will be over soon.
This London Riots remind me of my own city riots, Jakarta, back in May 1998. I still remember the heat emanating from the burning fire,people were terrified and hiding inside their houses, arming themselves with knives..while the looters broke down our fences & windows...It was a horrible tragedy and I can imagine how terrified londoners must be right now...I send my prayers to London and Godspeed. I wish I could do more than just sending prayers.
We've just had an email at work saying that local banks and some solicitors offices are closing early (but not us yet) here in Uxbridge. There's lots more police around now plus they are controlling numbers going in and out of the tube station. S***s getting real.
Disgusting, this boy was beaten up, helped back up then robbed...

Hulk Hogan gives his take on the UK riots

67 year old man in hospital badly hurt after trying to stop rioting.

ITV News: Greenwich Council to seek eviction of tenants if found to be involved in criminal activities.
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The sad thing is that most of the rioters and looters are little kids aged between 12 and 16. I don't understand what their parents are doing and why are they not stopping them?
Ashtanga;3453201 said:
Here in Brazil, spoke a lot about it on tv. :( How are things now? Ihope everything has returned to normal. :angel:

There are still riots going on, it's been four days now.

MIST;3453299 said:
Terrible.I hope people don´t get killed or injured.

Over 111 policemen have been injured, one person has died after being shot.
Greater Manchester Police: Violence in Manchester is "unprecedented", worst in 30 years.
that picture is are they being allowed to get away with this.I am sorry I live in the US and I am a little to why and how this is happening.

Yeah me too it's so sad that thr riots is happing over there in the UK I hope that everyone is doing fine & safe:eek:hno:
that picture is are they being allowed to get away with this.I am sorry I live in the US and I am a little to why and how this is happening.

I heard bout the riots this morning and im compeletly stunned by it. I hope all mjjc london members & their familes are safe

Yeah I hope that all of the mjjc members thats in london is safe! let's pray for the members:cry:
I think the thread title should be changed. Riots have spread from London to Manchester, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Liverpool. Probably more that I don't even know about.