Rihanna's New Album "Loud" in stores rite now!!!

Nice cover - one of the best in recent mainstream memory.

I simply can't forgive her for using domestic violence to sell an album. She didn't speak for like 9 months or so and then when her new album at the time was dropping (Rated R), suddenly girl found her voice and started hitting up all the talk shows. It was cold, calculating, and unconscionable. I don't care how "good" the music is, I'm done with Rihanna (and I used to be a fan during 'Good Girl Gone Bad').
If it works, it's paid off.

And I'm not sure it qualifies as 'music' anymore. There's nothing interesting there to keep my interest and I'm open to all kinds of music.
What do you guys think of the S&M video??

Haven't seen the video, so I won't comment on it, since it wouldn't be fair. However, I have listened to the song, and I absolutely despise it. The lyrics are not well thought-out at all: "Whips and chains excite me?" C'mon, now! Even (or should I say, especially) someone who is completely enamoured with the Marquis de Sade and the concept of sadism and masochism found this song to be lacking both in depth and richness in its portrayal of the art.

Musically, and not conceptually speaking, it fails as well. The way the lyrics are meant to go is not pleasing to the ear, the chorus verges on the annoying, and the beat is nothing special. This is certainly nothing compared to what we have seen of LOUD: Only Girl in the World and Love The Way You Lie have been great, thus far. S&M takes a great concept and butchers it in every imaginable way.
What do you guys think of the S&M video??

It's about loving to get whipped, chained and the whole plateau of sado-masochism and porn. The sarcasm behind it is simply trashed by the potent, sexually-suggestive visuals in the video and the song's more than explicit lyrics.
Sadomasochism is such an interesting idea to me. Whips and chains...it's all quite interesting at best. The song is alright though. Nothing special.
I know Rihanna could not stay a little sweetheart forever...but all this violence - sex - porn stuff is too much.
Sorry to all of her fans, but she looks like a street-girl now. ( if you know what I mean )
She is overdoing it waaaaaaay too much.
She should know that there are other ways to get attention or sel albums.
I know Rihanna could not stay a little sweetheart forever...but all this violence - sex - porn stuff is too much.
Sorry to all of her fans, but she looks like a street-girl now. ( if you know what I mean )
She is overdoing it waaaaaaay too much.
She should know that there are other ways to get attention or sel albums.
Sex sells.
Sadomasochism is such an interesting idea to me. Whips and chains...it's all quite interesting at best. The song is alright though. Nothing special.

A bit OT, but, if you're interested, I do recommend the Marquis de Sade to you. He makes for great reading.

In any case, back on topic...

Now that I've seen the actual video, all I can say is...it's absolutely terrible. She almost seems to make light of the art of sadomasochism, the concept, the brilliance carried forth by the Marquis de Sade...all lost in an ocean of latex and cheap nylon. I mean, I didn't expect cultural brilliance from Rihanna (I do like her music, but I'm a realist and I'm pretty much well aware of where she stands in the world) but I at least expected the inkling of a nod to sophistication. Does she even know who the Marquis de Sade is? I doubt she does. Does she even know of the rich history, of the complexity behind the concepts of sadism and masochism, does she know who Leopold von Sacher-Masoch is? Richard von Krafft-Ebing? Chances are, no, no, and no. This is just her (failed) attempt to appear shocking and 'bad', as she puts it.

Why can't she just be herself? You can't write a song or make a video about a concept you don't even comprehend. It will just end up looking completely ridiculous...oh, wait.
The problem today is that all those stars are NOT themselves. Don"t get me wrong..I am not saying that none of them don"t have any talent, but I would rather call them " projects ".
They have ppl who know what sells today. They make a concept, a music, video...PR and all that stuff. That is NOT art in any way. That is just bussines.
But that does not last long, thank God. You can listen to that kind of songs for about 2 weeks. And then it gets boring.
25.6 the music and art died. :( :( :(
These youngies seem to turn more and more into sex puppets, sex slaves. They simply don't care, their mind is washed out and live for shock value devoid of substance. It's trashiness being disseminated out there for the sake of trashiness. To think children get to see this much developing poor taste and soft (?..) porn makes me ill inside... These people have absolutely no concern and respect for their viewers, the music industry is the ultimate manipulator too..... Inverted crosses, journalists in bondage, whatta freak?... Simply disgusting.

So sad, for Rhianna is actually a really beautiful girl outside and if her voice got more naturally cultivated, she would be a really good singer, too. She, as well as others, don't need all this crap to come as.. different or plain shocking, they are seem to be taking after Lady Gaga, and that's just horrible. .... They're turning into what they've become, rather then into themselves again. ...
I liked the song " Te amo ". It was really good.
I can see Rihanna singing a dark love song...with a natural, deeper voice.
What she is doing now is so cheap.
Sex sells.

^^^^that's only partially true...........

Pornography sells..............

If it were only adults viewing this stuff then most of us won't have a problem with it............

..............but young children shouldn't see this.............they should be allowed to have innocence and enjoy childhood!!!!!!!
I liked the song " Te amo ". It was really good.
I can see Rihanna singing a dark love song...with a natural, deeper voice.
What she is doing now is so cheap.

Me too... I loved Rihanna's slow jams & good pop songs even when she 1st came out.... but the new rihanna is more like a street diva to me? :mello:
Heard the song S&M today for the first time. Catchy? NOT! Her voice so flat, she sounds like she begs to be your S&M doll, "you" meaning her male fans. Call me a hater-_-, but that's exactly how I feel. If you are one of the male fans and the song turns you on, I ain't mad at ya, tho.

Her hustle won't last long. She gotta get that money while she can.