Rihanna new album is Thriller inspired


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Rihanna’s team sure has some high standards in mind for her next studio LP. In a recent blog post on VIBE.com, Island Def Jam A&R worker Bu Thiam has stated that Rihanna’s upcoming release is set to be on the same level as Michael Jackson’s iconic ‘Thriller’ album. Check out what he had to say below:

Rihanna is coming along incredibly. I’m trying to push her to where every song will be a hit from 1 to 12. I’m talking about NO album fillers. Our bar for this album is Michael Jackson’s Thriller. We got smashes from Stargate, Ester Dean, Mel & Mus and Rock City. We’re definitely going in with Ne-Yo, The-Dream and other writers and producers that have always been a part of her creative process since day one. She’s great to work with and very hands on with every song that’s being written and produced. She has visual concepts for just about every song. It’s already giving me the feel of a timeless album, and right now is her time. {Source}

Yeah yeah. Every album coming out now is "Thriller inspired" or "Michael Jackson inspired."
Rihanna’s team sure has some high standards in mind for her next studio LP. I’m trying to push her to where every song will be a hit from 1 to 12. I’m talking about NO album fillers. Our bar for this album is Michael Jackson’s Thriller. http://www.vibe.com/posts/bu-thiams-ar-chronicles-rihanna-wants-album-thriller

Michael did not raise the bar, he broke the bar and went into orbit as Berry Gordy rightly said. Like I said before, it's good to aim high, but Rhianna's album the next Thriller? :hysterical:
In all fairness, I don't think they mean album sales, they mean quality of music. Where every song is of top quality. I think MJ was albe to do just fine with that on successive albums. Hence why Dangerous is my favorite. But that is just my opinion.
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In all fairness, I don't think they mean album sales, they mean quality of music. Where every song is of top quality. I think MJ was albe to do just fine with that on successive albums. Hence why Dangerous is my favorite. But that is just my opinion.

Even they talking about that, Thriller's impact has no equal. I dont think no one can ever make something that could be compared with Thriller. Personal opinion
I agree with that. Even so, I don't think the producer was talking about that as well. He was talking about the quality of music. The fact that every song on Thriller was a stand alone hit (Or at least he felt so). He did not once mention sales, or impact or anything like that. but he stressed the quality. I think it is something good to strive toward. And, I hope she is able to make such a high quality album.

I believe she is thinking about videos as well since it said she was thinking visually for each song also. So, all I can say is more power to her.
i agree on what this fan said on another board

"First of all nobody will ever top thriller.second,if janet couldn't do it[,and i really like janet]then i don't think rihanna even stands a slight chance in this world to even come close to Michael.People will try to always compare or try to out do Michael and they all fail so miseribly.Michael joeseph Jackson can't be outdone because what he did he did from the heart he did not try to be exactly like some one else.He had people who he admired but what he saw them do he just did it better and he made it his own.Performers nowadays don't have any heart they just try to duplicate what they see without taking things from it and making it their own.Michael had a beautiful heart and he was a spiritual man so God blessed him tremendously and i don't think we will ever see any body come close to Michael.We will be talking about and admiring Michael for decades to come but other artist will be forgotten tommorow.As far as im
concerned Michael is here to stay."
I agree with that. Even so, I don't think the producer was talking about that as well. He was talking about the quality of music. The fact that every song on Thriller was a stand alone hit (Or at least he felt so). He did not once mention sales, or impact or anything like that. but he stressed the quality. I think it is something good to strive toward. And, I hope she is able to make such a high quality album.

I believe she is thinking about videos as well since it said she was thinking visually for each song also. So, all I can say is more power to her.

I agree, he was talking about the fact every song on Thriller was hit-worthy. Not album sales -_-
Haha... No one can break the record of the album Thriller..
Well.. Good luck to Rihanna.. I'm excited to see how it will be :)
An album like Thriller came at the right time and at the right period.

It's not just the songs that made it so popular, it's also the timing.

MTV was new at the time and music video as an art form was taken into new heights with Mike's ingenuity. Motown 25 also helped and other various factors as well. It also helped that Mike was very talented.

Rihanna should participate more in her album production.
I agree, he was talking about the fact every song on Thriller was hit-worthy. Not album sales -_-

i don't know that we can determine that. it's hard to believe the guy doesn't want sales to go through the roof. it's hard to believe anyone feels that way, even if they say they feel that way. who doesn't really want an album to sell through into orbit, AND be totally hit worthy at the same time, like Thriller? and, the definition of a hit? comon..lol...all a programmer has to do these days, is say he wants something on the radio, and if payola is involved, it doesn't matter..as long as it ends up on the radio. so..the definition of 'hit' is murky. the fact is, the songs from Thriller were played on the radio, AND, the whole planet liked them, at the same time.

later on, with successive albums, Mike retained a legendary sized fanbase, after radio tried to exile him. so, the definition of 'hit', has truly been watered down, since those days.

so..i think that what that producer for Rihanna wants, is the feeling and atmosphere that surrounds Michael. and i really think that ain't happenin.
who doesn't really want an album to sell through into orbit, AND be totally hit worthy at the same time.
I don't think anyone releases a polka album and expects it to sell much.
In all fairness, I don't think they mean album sales, they mean quality of music. Where every song is of top quality. I think MJ was albe to do just fine with that on successive albums. Hence why Dangerous is my favorite. But that is just my opinion.

Personally Thriller is a masterpiece. I doubt there will other masterpieces out there like Thriller.
An album like Thriller came at the right time and at the right period.

It's not just the songs that made it so popular, it's also the timing.

MTV was new at the time and music video as an art form was taken into new heights with Mike's ingenuity. Motown 25 also helped and other various factors as well. It also helped that Mike was very talented.

Rihanna should participate more in her album production.

It wasn't just the timing, It was the musical genius of Michael Jackson. He's one of a kind. With all due respect to Rihanna, she is no genius, maybe somewhat talented but no Michael Jackson. Nobody will ever touch Michael. It's going to take a lot more than her participation in the production to be anywhere near Michael. My opinion.
Personally Thriller is a masterpiece. I doubt there will other masterpieces out there like Thriller.
well that's the great thing about MJ. so many fans feel many of his albums are masterpieces. for me, Invincible. although i love them all.
Every artist should be havin no "album fillers".

HIStory smashed Thriller btw
& Dangerous & Invincible & Bad