Rihanna broke?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Patricia Williams, who was recently released from her duties as Rihanna's accountant, tell all to New York's Page Six revealing that the singer is broke, check out the report:

Rihanna's now ex-business manager Patricia Willliams has been recently fired as she recalls "for no good reason, all in ignorance" and is "livid" with Rihanna & her management company Rebel One's decision to axe her.

Rihanna recently met with Willliams to check on her accounting affairs and was shocked to see that almost all her money was missing. She instantly accused Willliams of "stealing her money."

"I'm a professional Business Manager, I have a staff of more than a dozen, I have worked for many high profile actors, musicians and multi-million dollar corporations. Why would I steal from Rihanna?" She continues, "I showed her all the paperwork and tried to explain to her the circumstances but she wouldn't listen. She called me all sorts of horrible names and stormed off. I now feel compelled to share with the world the background story as I will not allow my name to be slandered"

The Barbados born singer has had four back-to-back albums, including a re-release since her debut of "Pon De Replay" in 2005.

According to Willliams, Marc Jordan, manager and owner of Rebel One Management has been taking care of Rihanna's financial situation with her. "Def Jam doesn't fund Rihanna properly, so Marc uses the money Rihanna makes from third-party endorsements and from tours to fund her album and music videos." Since 2005, Rihanna has been sponsored by the likes of JC Penny, Samsung, Covergirl, Secret, Venus Breeze etc,. and has gone on two major tours, most recently label-mate Kanye West's "Glow in the Dark" Tour and with PussyCat Dolls across Europe.

"I don't want to disrespect Marc's name. He is a fantastic manager and genuinely believes in Rihanna. But he uses her money to fund her future projects because he believes he can break her in the world-market. Her album sales are not nearly as close to her single sales and he knows that if she is only known as a 'singles artist' she will only be as good as her last hit. Unfortunately, he didn't inform his client and I'm receiving the brunt of it.

"Why is Def Jam lacking in funding support for there act? Why was so much money spent? How much exactly? Williams continues,

"Her record label Def Jam has put out 3 albums in a time span of 2 years. A lot of that was orchestrated through her management Rebel One. It was never Def Jam's intention to release so many albums back-to-back but Marc Jordan found loop holes and ways to make it happen. A lot of the money Rihanna made through her endorsements between CoverGirl Cosmetics, Samsung.. Notice that the majority of Rihanna's videos have a cell phone in it?"

"After the release of Rihanna and Teairra Mari, Def Jam had intention to drop both acts because their album sales were not successful. Her manager fought to get [S.O.S (Rescue Me)] and quickly tried to negotiate with as many companies as possible. Nike picked up the song and funded a video. This brought the hype back for Rihanna in the company's New York office. Majority of the official 'S.O.S' video was funded by Samsung because the record label was only willing to put up a small amount. Once 'S.O.S' picked up digitally and at radio, Def Jam agreed to fund the rest of her album. Jordan instantly got a video shot to 'Unfaithful' (he negotiated with video director Anthony Mandler to drop his price and would be given more videos from Rihanna in return). Then they shot 'We Ride' which was an extremely cheap video to create. 'Break It Off' was released as a third album, but again, Def Jam was unhappy with the sales of her album "A Girl Like Me" and refused to shoot a video. At this point Rihanna was opening up for the Pussycat Dolls in Europe. She was making 30,000 a show but she didn't see any of that money because it was needed to fund her next album." Which is now known to the greater public as a 'Good Girl Gone Bad'."

The song "Umbrella" was found & Jordan fought again for Rihanna to have it. They shot the video, which CoverGirl funded half of, and the song became a success. When the record label had there meeting with Music Stores across the U.S to order her album for shipment, the number's weren't coming in the way that they expected. When the album's first week numbers came in at less than 150,000, the label was shocked. Def Jam's President LA Reid was livid! Umbrella was #1 for 11 weeks! Any other artist would have sold way more first week. T-Pain even did better in sales than her that week. Def Jam told Jordan they were no longer funding the album, so Jordan needed money again to pay for music videos 'Shut Up & Drive' and 'Dont Stop The Music'. Almost 250,000 was spent to have those videos created. Plus, an additional 120,000 to shoot 'Hate That I Love You'. Jordan was noticing that 'Dont Stop The Music' was picking up, so her persuaded the label to support it at radio in the U.S and the remaining singles, and they did."

"Then came for the repackaging of her album 'Good Girl Gone Bad', which is called 'Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded', that entire project was funded through Rihanna's money. 'Take A Bow' was bought through her money, the video was created with her money and so is her most recent video and single 'Disturbia'. The label didn't even want to pay a dime for anything! Close to 750,000 was spent on those two songs alone. And now she expects to see money in her account?"

Williams states that Jordan, her publicist from well-respected public relations firm 42-West, Alicia Silverman has built alot of hype around Rihanna's name but the singer has only made "a little bit above a million" and "all of it was spent on making her as big as she is now. It's not my fault that she only has 20,000 to her name."
if true that's a shame. The music business is very shady
That Must Suck,lol But I Hardly Believe It.If She Is Broke She Got Chris Money To Spend.
former accountant. well if shes broke it doesnt help her in getting another job lol same ole B.S by bitter ex's
she's way too young for them to start this bs with her already. i dont trust any of these entertainment accountant's... look at what they did to someone else...and of all places she goes to peddle her story? page 6? come on... don't care who she has in her portfolio, she is lacking in integrity, something that someone who deals with finances can't afford to come up short in.
What celebrity in their right mind, want to do business with an accountant that has loose lips? That's totally unprofessional on her part. Sometimes, I do believe alot of these accountants, managers, etc takes advantage of these celebrities. They know that they're busy traveling and making appearances here and there and don't have the time nor the energy to look after mundane things--which unfortunately includes their finances. Many times these celebrities are being taken advantage of. I wouldn't be surprised if this woman DID rip Rhianna off and is now talking to the gossip pages out of spite.
it is really hard to believe anyone who goes to page six.
if she is confident, she would go to a reputable source..or..better yet..keep her mouth shut.
I was wondering why do they keep putting her out there give her a rest...but the problem with her is she doesn't write her own songs...so she can't sit back and collect royalty checks she has to be out there....but I think she's almost like a puppet with different people pulling the strings if it's true she has some evil people pulling the strings....if it's even true....plus page six must really be slipping in sale with this and the mj story....they have blatant craziness in their papers
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source? link? if rhi rhi has 20,000 bucks 2her name then im a trillionaire
I don't believe it.. the bigger the star the bigger the story. Yes she is a crappy singer and entertainer but she is very popular, which makes it a jucier story.
I don't believe it.. the bigger the star the bigger the story. Yes she is a crappy singer and entertainer but she is very popular, which makes it a jucier story.
Unfprtunately, there is very little money in performing or cutting records. By the time expenses are paid there is very little left. Celebs have always been sponsered and they get money through interviews and advertisings.
The real money makers in the music industries are the record companies, song writers and producers and the catalogue owners.
Famous people are just work horses just like everybody else. They look glamourous but they are not rich. If they are ever out of work, they go broke just like everyone else.
^^^^^^This is why Colonel Parker used to put Elvis Presley's name on the songwriting credits, and he had nothing to do with writing songs. If he was just a singer, he wouldn't have had any money to buy the house that became Graceland. He was also famous for buying cars for strangers and fans. The average singer/group at the time couldn't have done this because they were "paid" with fancy cars, clothes, etc. Little Richard says he didn't get paid at all, and he did write his material, but had a bad contract. This is how Lennon/McCartney lost their songs as well. Most of the acts just came off the street (or uneducated), and they were desperate to get a deal, so were easy to fool with big words and fancy talk. This was a common gripe with Motown acts as well, and why many of the classic era acts left. This is also a reason that acts like TLC & Toni Braxton filed bankruptcy, while their producers like Babyface were rich.
I just read somewhere Beyonce earned 80million in 2008 so
Rihanna being the damn hot thing can't be broke.
I just read somewhere Beyonce earned 80million in 2008 so
Rihanna being the damn hot thing can't be broke.

But Beyonce has done films, and also still makes money from Destiny's Child. Destiny's Child came out in 1998, so she's been out a lot longer. Besides Matthew Knowles isn't going to allow his meal ticket to lose money, lol. TLC was one of the biggest selling girl groups ever and were still broke.
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I just read somewhere Beyonce earned 80million in 2008 so
Rihanna being the damn hot thing can't be broke.
If rianna doesn't write her own songs or own catalogues yes, she can be broke. She is just a labourer like anybody else. If she doesn't perform, she doesn't get paid, esp if her payment ios through royalties. This means that if her album isn't selling, she will get very little returns for her money. Her only otyher means for making money is through adverts and perfumes, ie capitalising on her fame. If she ows the record company money, they will be paid before her. Many celebs are broke or die broke. 'All that glitters isn't gold'. Elvis Presley died broke, so did Marlon Brando.
Elvis was broke at the end of his life because he had a lot of leeches around him like Colonel Parker and the "Memphis Mafia". Having an entourage isn't cheap. Ask MC Hammer, lol.
But Beyonce has done films, and also still makes money from Destiny's Child. Destiny's Child came out in 1998, so she's been out a lot longer. Besides Matthew Knowles isn't going to allow his meal ticket to lose money, lol. TLC was one of the biggest selling girl groups ever and were still broke.

Very true.The public is being fooled by the glamour of show business but only an very few really make much money and those are the ones who are smart and invest really well. The money isn't in the music, per se, but how you invest the money that is made. Beyonce may have made millions but she must now pay all the people who work for her and they don't come cheap.
Elvis was broke at the end of his life because he had a lot of leeches around him like Colonel Parker and the "Memphis Mafia". Having an entourage isn't cheap. Ask MC Hammer, lol.
Exactly, and the hangers on are like the accessaries and the are very expensive.
didnt TLC file for bankrupty back in the mid 90's when they were the biggest group in the world.? artist get screwed cause they dont have the brains to see that labels are taking the micky with terrible royalty rates and the small print in their contracts that has them paying for everything.not that im believing the rihanna story mind you
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Beyonce also made her supposed $80 Million from the endorsements she has and the fact that she writes her songs.

Now, I would believe the story if the former accountant resigned and did not go to Page Six. We all know that Page Six is as relable as the brown stain on someone's pants. It is not chocolate.....

Anyway, Rihanna, to me, is like a puppet. She sounds like a sheep and she lacks stage presence. She is just there to be pretty. I would think that someone who is 20 and being this big would try, in some way, to see what is going on with her money, at least. However, this accountant seems adament on trying to tell people that she didn't steal her money and had nothing to do with Rihanna being supposely broke. Here is the issue though - what does her manager have to do with her money? (Then again, you hear the stories of Elvis and others when their manager basically ripped them off. But each situation is different.) Isn't that the responsbility to the accountant to know what is going on with her money? The woman is an accountant for a reason. Rihanna went to her accountant to check on her money, not her manager. I think the woman stole her money and needs to tell the real story. The endorsements that Rihanna had could be worth in the millions and the way Def Jam is promoting Rihanna, I have a feeling that they did not have an issue paying for her videos after all of the hits that she has been having.

It is possible that Rihanna is broke, but it is also possible that maybe she isn't broke. So, I really can't go by what Page Six is saying. Blah.

If RiRi is broke, she better learn from this, do some things that can get her some money, write her songs and own her songs.
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Writing songs matter financially only if they sell or if someone else happens to cover it and it becomes a hit. If they don't, it doesn't matter, except that she has to pay an outside writer regardless of if the album/single sells or not. The average popular song today isn't really suitable to be remade. In the case of rap and some current R&B, the songs are made to fit the acts personality or image. If you have a bunch of writing partners, then you have to split the money between all of them.
The music industry has virtually callapsed. The only thing that is worth anything now is classic music and catalogues. Record companies are losing money fast and they are not investing in the music as much as they used to.
When new artist are looking to be discovered, they really have no time to be talking about contracts. Nobody knows whether they will be hits or not. Everyone is taking a gamble, the artist maybe less as they are not the ones investing the money. Record companies want to make their money back and that is why they will pay the artist very little to start. Only when the artist became famous and popular do they really have any clout, but again they cannot argue too much because they won't have their contract renewed.
But Beyonce has done films, and also still makes money from Destiny's Child. Destiny's Child came out in 1998, so she's been out a lot longer. Besides Matthew Knowles isn't going to allow his meal ticket to lose money, lol. TLC was one of the biggest selling girl groups ever and were still broke.

RIGHT u aint neva lied and lmmfao @ meal ticket so true tho

And this story is on BLOGS when it makes reliable sources then i might consider believing it lol
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the spelling mistakes should've told you this "article" is fake. And no link either :lol:
the chick said rhianna only made a lil over 1mill but spent 250,000 on S.o.s and 750,000 on take a bow n distrubia...yet rhi rhi has a 2mill dollar contract with cover girl (i think covergirl..or some other modelin thingy) and a 1mill dollar contract with venus...seems like lies 2me. Plus the phone ive seen in her vids are nokia..not samsung lol and rhianna seems 2be the new face on the circuit city commercials lol. please this is B>S!
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not writing songs, re-cycling alot of 80's tracks which you have to pay the Producers, writers, musicians, video and PR,etc... and the chick only sells ringtones basically. for all the airplay she gets nobody is checking for her albums like that and I'm not surprised or shocked about this. ask TLC about not knowing the Music business amongest others?