Ricky Martin ... Gay-kin ... MJ ... what do they have in common?

damn straight boo...hell, i just wrote a letter to my city's paper b/c of the reader letter to the editor comments were so homophobic and racist. sorry but y can't we just accept people for who they are instead of trying to change them?

and hope....the fyi was for white chocolate! lol cuz they put that in their post....

and ricky/enrique has been w/ a woman, very serious and at one point was gonna propose but broke up w/ her and went to tibet instead. the song 'she's all i ever had' was about her but for some reason he left and everyone ASSumes it's b/c he's gay and couldn't be in a false marriage.

this thread shouldn't have drama nor should it have had to be moderated. i don't understand why every little CLARIFICATION turns into a damn fight. very elementary that people hold grudges w/ folks they don't even know...ON THE INTERNET AND A MESSAGEBOARD....

next time, y'alls...just ask ya'selves....IS IT THAT SERIOUS?

^5 and i honestly d on't think anything of guys getting surrogates, but if it's done in the way that clay and ricky do it, it looks a bit off like they're trying to hide something.

another friend of ours was at least married w/ a couple kids before ALLEGEDLY going that route.
for realz... i mean, this was a gossip article ... it should have been fun and it took this straight up **no pun intended** serious route... what the hizzle is up with that ?? Lighten up people, have some fun already :p
Wow, why even start this thread here, when you easily could lump Michael into that group as well?? What is acceptable for him is a confirmation of someone elses sexual preference?? I do smell a double standard here! ;)
no double standard on my part... nope, not at all. I included Michael in the title :lol:
Yep, but you didn't insinuate that Michael is gay.... but for the other two it's a given that having children by a surrogates makes them gay!
did I say anything about Michael's sexuality ?? you don't know what I think of his sexuality ... do you ?? ;) I have my opinion but I know that it would not be popular here :D

having a surrogate in no way proves sexual preference though, it only proves you want children.

note that both men that this forum is NOT about have um....some very persistent rumors about them...as in being busted on craig's list (aiken) and training on thebeach in a speedo w/ a trainer (his bff) achooooo martin.....

at least our homeboi's been married twice and had kids w/ a wifey.....

u take from the thread what u want.

you don't know what I think of his sexuality ... do you ?? ;) I have my opinion but I know that it would not be popular here :D
LOL I can imagine!

at least our homeboi's been married twice and had kids w/ a wifey.....
Yep, two very loving ordinary marriages... :cheeky: You know that Elton John has been married too?

Anyway... I just find this topic a bit odd on this particulary message board!