Ricky Martin ... Gay-kin ... MJ ... what do they have in common?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
No, it is not musical at all. They are not working together but it appears they may have all been talking on image issues LoL Here's the deal ... Ricky Martin is apparently the father of twin boys. Unmarried, ungirflriended Ricky Martin. Turns out he decided to rock the ol' rent a uterus and had a surrogate mother deliver him a pair of sons. The AP reports:

"The children, delivered via gestational surrogacy, are healthy and already under Ricky's full-time care," said the statement. "Ricky is elated to begin this new chapter in his life as a parent and will be spending the remainder of the year out of the public spotlight in order to spend time with his children."

A representative said there was no further information on the details of the children's birth.
Ricky Martin, much like Clay Aiken, has been constantly plagued by rumors that he's gay. And, much like Clay Aiken, he chose the absolute worst possible route to dispel those rumors. What did these two sit in a room together and spitball ideas on how to look straight?

RICKY: We could maybe make love to the strippers, no?
Gaykin: I dunno if that'll work, Ricky...
RICKY: How 'bout if we impregnate a woman?
Gaykin: Wait... that's it. We'll impregnate women! But without touching their vaginas. My God, it's perfect.
RICKY: Why would we not touch the vagina? What's wrong with vagina?
Gaykin: Christ, man, have you ever seen one before? I hear they not only have teeth but can look into a man's soul.
RICKY: I'll get the test tubes.
Gaykin: Fabulous, then we can spoon .. in a manly way of course.
RICKY: Girlfriend you must be trippin' ... I got a man worth spooning and you ain't it child *snap*
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I don't even know what to say Chichi... so I'll just say LOL :lol:
See, the thing with both Ricky and Clay is that it is almost obvious that they are not into women. Both men were asked if they are gay and both men never really answered the question. As with Mike, it is understandable. I understand why he is a single father and I don't know if I can call Debbie a surrogate. Maybe a golddigger who knew what time it was to get paid, but not a surrogate. I thought it was unfair for the media to assume that MJ was "gay" because he got his children through a certain route. I mean, what guy would even think of doing anything with whatisherface anyway? Hell, people revoke MJ's playa card when he "married" that woman. LOL. MJ situation ain't the same with Clay's and Ricky's. BTW, Clay's baby's mother is not a surrogate but a friend. And I KNEW that a thread was going to be made about this. LOL. I was going to make a thread but ChiChi beat me to it.
I am very happy for these guys who chose top go the surrogate route to have their babies. I feel sometimes that I am the one crying in the wilderness when it comes to women or men using their partners just for their money. I don't like women or men who decieve and trap partmers for their fame and fortune.
It is very difficult to know who is genuine when one has so much money and fame. Provided they can give all these children the love and giuidance they need all is well. No baby momma drama.
I feel very sorry for Britney. I feel she has been used too.
I'm sry that Chi chose to put MJ's name in the thread title, but this ani't really about MJ folks. It was just Chi making lighthearted comments about RM and CA.

Carry forth and discuss well.
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u can only trap someone if they allow it.

clay and enrique have never really had a 'real' relationship w/ a woman in the eyes of the media....

to BEE...and golddigger must mean she has gold...there's a frumpiness about her that makes her almost unrecognizable anymore...

and to infer w/ mj....lol....i can't even go there cuz that'd be breaking the rules but cdfu...y'alls is a mess
It is Ricky Martin that is being discussed not Enrique Iglesias who has always been hetero and dated numerous women, Ricky on the other hand has never seriously dated a woman let alone marry one.
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Gay or straight, that's their business. I don't see anything wrong with a gay man (who can't have children normally) choosing a surrogate to carry his children. That is, if Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken are in fact gay.
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HAHA FYI RICKY MARTIN'S REAL NAME IS ENRIQUE...lawd...enrique martin morales....anywayz......

i think the issue is that both aiken (ugh) and 'ricky' claim to be straight but um....cdfu yeah....spamalot anyone?

and another fact...HOPESPRINGSETERNAL....ricky did date a woman for five damn yrs..was gonna marry her, but backed out at the last minute....

know ur facts before u post.
yall is a mess... erry last one of you :lol:

gay people should have the courage to be who they are :chichi:
maybe they do know each other.....it's so weird how the kids are born around the same time...
Gay or straight, that's their business. I don't see anything wrong with a gay man (who can't have children normally) choosing a surrogate to carry his children. That is, if Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken are in fact gay.

Thread has been cleaned. Don't complain about members being disrespectful when you are being the same way.

That will catch you an infraction.
do i sense sarcasm from 'timmmmmay' :lol:

seriously, I don't have a problem with surrogates or gay people having kids. My children are the result of a very loving and generous friend/surrogate. The issue I have is with those that make it a goal, to hide that they are or aren't one way or the other, sexually. Heterosexuals rarely Deny that they are Hetero. They are proud to be declared "STRAIGHT" and don't call them nothing else :chichi: **yes I know there are people in the middle territory as well** ;) Yall should be just as proud to be where you are ... it is the DownLow mutha-flipperz that piss me the ish off. Punk azz biatches :chichi:
damn straight boo...hell, i just wrote a letter to my city's paper b/c of the reader letter to the editor comments were so homophobic and racist. sorry but y can't we just accept people for who they are instead of trying to change them?

and hope....the fyi was for white chocolate! lol cuz they put that in their post....

and ricky/enrique has been w/ a woman, very serious and at one point was gonna propose but broke up w/ her and went to tibet instead. the song 'she's all i ever had' was about her but for some reason he left and everyone ASSumes it's b/c he's gay and couldn't be in a false marriage.

this thread shouldn't have drama nor should it have had to be moderated. i don't understand why every little CLARIFICATION turns into a damn fight. very elementary that people hold grudges w/ folks they don't even know...ON THE INTERNET AND A MESSAGEBOARD....

next time, y'alls...just ask ya'selves....IS IT THAT SERIOUS?
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do i sense sarcasm from 'timmmmmay' :lol:

seriously, I don't have a problem with surrogates or gay people having kids. My children are the result of a very loving and generous friend/surrogate. The issue I have is with those that make it a goal, to hide that they are or aren't one way or the other, sexually. Heterosexuals rarely Deny that they are Hetero. They are proud to be declared "STRAIGHT" and don't call them nothing else :chichi: **yes I know there are people in the middle territory as well** ;) Yall should be just as proud to be where you are ... it is the DownLow mutha-flipperz that piss me the ish off. Punk azz biatches :chichi:

No. ;) I agreed with you, silly. :p
oh ... no sarcasm at all ?? that is not like you :lol:

as far as little ricky and his blonde 'girlfriend' ... any gay man that watches her interview about him, can clearly see the 'fag-hag' syndrome in full effect. She very obviously knows the real reason they did not get married
**under his breath** seafood vs. BEEF

**my apologies to those offended by the term 'fag' ... or any form of it EI: 'Fag-hag'. it is not being used in a derogatory manner. If anyone has a different term that means the same, i would be happy to adopt the use of such wording ;)
oh ... no sarcasm at all ?? that is not like you :lol:

as far as little ricky and his blonde 'girlfriend' ... any gay man that watches her interview about him, can clearly see the 'fag-hag' syndrome in full effect. She very obviously knows the real reason they did not get married
**under his breath** seafood vs. BEEF

**my apologies to those offended by the term 'fag' ... or any form of it EI: 'Fag-hag'. it is not being used in a derogatory manner. If anyone has a different term that means the same, i would be happy to adopt the use of such wording ;)

I'm only sarcastic when I don't agree with something. :nerd: :lol: