Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

Can't say I'm surprise.... xD

Good for him.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

just to be clear - he wasn't saying that straight men cannot dance or move. of course they can.

if you ever went to a Ricky Martin concert he shake his hips a lot. and my friend's comment was about that move only. And Michael did not shake his hips side to side for minutes (he had forward thrusts - and that is different). hope it is clearer now :smilerolleyes:

I used to be quite a big Ricky Martin fan so yes I have seen him shake his hips, and I know u didn't mean straight men cant dance and u say Michael just had forward thrusts...................................


I see some sidewards movement going on there :dribble:

But in all seriousness i knew what u meant was just trying to have a bit of a joke no need for the eye rolls lol!!!!
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

Seriously....this thread...LOL...


He came out. Good for him. I Still hate his music, LOL. But Good for him!


Yeah his music was rubbish, if he had of came out and said he was straight now that would have been news.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

In his posting on Monday, Martin said a few months ago he had decided to write a memoir and doing so brought him closer to what he called "an amazing turning point in my life."

He only revealed that he's been living La Vida Homo to sell his memoir.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

so much for the girl who thought 'she bangs'.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

so much for the girl who thought 'she bangs'.

That doesn't make sense. A girl would have thought he bangs. He tried to pass it off for years that he thought about how 'she bangs.'
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

That doesn't make sense. A girl would have thought he bangs. He tried to pass it off for years that he thought about how 'she bangs.'

it does make sense. that girl thought she was the ish. now, she knows she wasn't.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

well good for him for coming out of the closet, I have to admit he was handsome when he was young lol. Ricky seems like a nice guy, I wish him and his kids well. I don't care about folks sexual preferences
Ricky Martin on coming out and coming into his own

Wed Nov 3, 10:04 AM By Nekesa Mumbi Moody, The Associated Press


NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ricky Martin knew his sexuality was the subject of speculation in the celebrity world for years. Still, he never confirmed that he was gay until his tweet heard 'round the world earlier this year for one simple reason: He just wasn't ready.

"I wasn't living a lie," insists Martin, who at 38 still looks like the heartthrob who made hearts flutter when he was a teen in the band Menudo and later as a global pop sensation.

"I was living my life at the moment, very fast. I started in the music business when I was 12 years old and I did not stop until 2003, until I took a moment to step out of the spotlight and really analyze what my life was about," he said in an interview Tuesday.

Much of that analysis is included in his autobiography, "Me," released this week. The book is dedicated to his 2-year-old twins, Matteo and Valentino, who inspired him to finally be open about the life he leads.

It's taken some time, but now he's truly comfortable with all aspects of Ricky Martin.

"Before I used to walk in the room and turn on the television, turn on the radio, my headphones — I needed the noise," he said. "Now, it's OK to be in silence because I guess I am not running away from anything. For me, just that is a blessing."

The Associated Press: Had you considered coming out before this year?

Martin: Everybody has to go through their own process, spiritual peace, to be able to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself and start asking questions and say, "This is you, and lift your head up high and be happy about it and be proud." But the most important thing was my children. My children gave me the strength. Like I would say, "What am I going to tell them, teach them how to lie?" No, that's not how I want my kids to grow. I want my kids to grow transparent.

AP: Do you think Latino culture is less accepting of gay culture, and do you think coming out makes it easier for other gay Latinos and Latinas?

Martin: Homophobia is a global issue. It's not something that only happens in the (United) States or in Latin America, it's all over the world. I came out because I had the need to pretty much be free and be happy with myself. ... I received a lot of emails and I received a lot of tweets from people that said, "You know what Ricky, thank you so much because you gave me the strength ..." And that feels amazing. But we have to stop the hate. Like I say in my book, I don't know if it was because of my culture, I don't know if it was my own fear. I was afraid of fear, I was afraid of rejection, and life is too short.

AP: Over the years there had been rumours you were gay. Did it make it easier for you, or when you heard that, did it make you not want to come out?

Martin: Unfortunately, the way it was treated, my sexuality with some members of the media, it was treated with a very shallow lens, it was viewed through a very, very disrespectful (lens) at times. And I would get really angry. I would say, "No, that's not me." And you know what, it would push me away from ever coming out. And I think that's a problem society is facing. Sometimes you turn on the television or you listen to the radio, or (read) the newspaper, and there's a very, very weird comment. They describe homosexuality or the character of a homosexual as a one-dimensional person who is very stereotypical, and that's not right. Stereotypes are not wrong, they are just half of the story, and yes it did push me away from accepting myself. I don't think it's right to force someone to come out.

AP: How did your spiritual awakening play a part in the person you are today?

Martin: I grew up Catholic. ... I respect all religions, they all have their beauty. But there was a moment in my life where I really needed to disconnect and step out of the spotlight for a while and just travel and be myself and find silence, because my life was very hectic, so I went to India. ... Then I found yoga and then I started meditating, so I spent many, many months focusing every day just on mediation, and it liberated me in many ways, so that's part of me today.

AP: Do you ever wish to relive the mania of the "Livin' la Vida Loca" times?

Martin: It was time for me to step back. ... I was giving so much that I was literally drained. Do I want that back? It was beautiful; I felt like the king of the world. I felt very powerful, but everything that I've done, I'm grateful. It's not about what happened 10 years ago, it's where I'm at today.

He is gay.... No matter.... -_- I like him anyway. :wub:

Agent M;3044748 said:
Ricky Martin on coming out and coming into his own

Wed Nov 3, 10:04 AM By Nekesa Mumbi Moody, The Associated Press


NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ricky Martin knew his sexuality was the subject of speculation in the celebrity world for years. Still, he never confirmed that he was gay until his tweet heard 'round the world earlier this year for one simple reason: He just wasn't ready.

"I wasn't living a lie," insists Martin, who at 38 still looks like the heartthrob who made hearts flutter when he was a teen in the band Menudo and later as a global pop sensation.

"I was living my life at the moment, very fast. I started in the music business when I was 12 years old and I did not stop until 2003, until I took a moment to step out of the spotlight and really analyze what my life was about," he said in an interview Tuesday.

Much of that analysis is included in his autobiography, "Me," released this week. The book is dedicated to his 2-year-old twins, Matteo and Valentino, who inspired him to finally be open about the life he leads.

It's taken some time, but now he's truly comfortable with all aspects of Ricky Martin.

"Before I used to walk in the room and turn on the television, turn on the radio, my headphones — I needed the noise," he said. "Now, it's OK to be in silence because I guess I am not running away from anything. For me, just that is a blessing."

The Associated Press: Had you considered coming out before this year?

Martin: Everybody has to go through their own process, spiritual peace, to be able to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself and start asking questions and say, "This is you, and lift your head up high and be happy about it and be proud." But the most important thing was my children. My children gave me the strength. Like I would say, "What am I going to tell them, teach them how to lie?" No, that's not how I want my kids to grow. I want my kids to grow transparent.

AP: Do you think Latino culture is less accepting of gay culture, and do you think coming out makes it easier for other gay Latinos and Latinas?

Martin: Homophobia is a global issue. It's not something that only happens in the (United) States or in Latin America, it's all over the world. I came out because I had the need to pretty much be free and be happy with myself. ... I received a lot of emails and I received a lot of tweets from people that said, "You know what Ricky, thank you so much because you gave me the strength ..." And that feels amazing. But we have to stop the hate. Like I say in my book, I don't know if it was because of my culture, I don't know if it was my own fear. I was afraid of fear, I was afraid of rejection, and life is too short.

AP: Over the years there had been rumours you were gay. Did it make it easier for you, or when you heard that, did it make you not want to come out?

Martin: Unfortunately, the way it was treated, my sexuality with some members of the media, it was treated with a very shallow lens, it was viewed through a very, very disrespectful (lens) at times. And I would get really angry. I would say, "No, that's not me." And you know what, it would push me away from ever coming out. And I think that's a problem society is facing. Sometimes you turn on the television or you listen to the radio, or (read) the newspaper, and there's a very, very weird comment. They describe homosexuality or the character of a homosexual as a one-dimensional person who is very stereotypical, and that's not right. Stereotypes are not wrong, they are just half of the story, and yes it did push me away from accepting myself. I don't think it's right to force someone to come out.

AP: How did your spiritual awakening play a part in the person you are today?

Martin: I grew up Catholic. ... I respect all religions, they all have their beauty. But there was a moment in my life where I really needed to disconnect and step out of the spotlight for a while and just travel and be myself and find silence, because my life was very hectic, so I went to India. ... Then I found yoga and then I started meditating, so I spent many, many months focusing every day just on mediation, and it liberated me in many ways, so that's part of me today.

AP: Do you ever wish to relive the mania of the "Livin' la Vida Loca" times?

Martin: It was time for me to step back. ... I was giving so much that I was literally drained. Do I want that back? It was beautiful; I felt like the king of the world. I felt very powerful, but everything that I've done, I'm grateful. It's not about what happened 10 years ago, it's where I'm at today.


I'm curious to read his book. For sure I'll buy it.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

I just wish that he didn't feel the need to hide it for so long.

I agree. On the other hand, it's sad that he "had" to say it. Do we feel the need to come out of the heterosexual closet? When you think about it, why would gay people have to do it then?
Who you love is private (as long as it's... legal), no one should HAVE to talk about it.

But, still, kudos to you Ricky!
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

but how can he be gay if he had girlfriends? In the past? DID he use them?
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

but how can he be gay if he had girlfriends? In the past? DID he use them?

Biggest chance is that the so-called girlfriends knew everything about his sexuality... and they might have been girlfriends, but not lovers :)
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Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

but how can he be gay if he had girlfriends? In the past? DID he use them?

sexuality is not rocket science...maybe he was transitioning from straight to bi,maybe at first he was just curious who knows...sometimes it takes a lot of years to accept your own sexuality and understand who you really are.
I think he used gf as a cover up for the unforgiving press since his product use to target female teenagers and the 90's were not a good moment to come out as gay!
or maybe he was not and was just trying to figure things out...anyway it was about time he came out(publicly),good for him.
Re: Ricky Martin Confirms He's Gay: "I Am Proud To Say that I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man"

In other news, the Earth is actually round.

Lol, JK. Good for Ricky, that he finally found peace with his own self. I always hated his songs, but just because I don't like his music doesn't mean he's not a person who deserves to be happy. I wish him a good life, I reckon. It's always a struggle to come out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, even for private citizens. Imagine how difficult it must be when your entire life is scrutinized by the media! I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Also, imagine how much harder it would be to come out when your career is largely based on a fanbase of adoring fangirls. Image is everything. It's a good thing he chose to keep true to himself, though.