Report: Sony To Release Michael Jackson Video Game

You do realize people on the net are mostly lonely, weirdos? I'm not generalizing everyone (like FB users, email users or fan forums whether it be a fan forum on cars or bags or a musician) but I mean the good majority who actually have nothing better to do other than post random hateful comments on YouTube or wherever else to fill their time. What normal, happy fulfilled person has the time to do that? Who takes the time to comment on celebrities they don't even follow? So before you jump to conclusions and base the whole words view on Michael by a couple of comments by who knows who over the net, think about the reality of the situation. :)

Sorry to go off topic but I find a lot of fans get really down by comments made from losers on the internet. Its really not worth it.

I kind of agree here. The comments people leave on these pages would likely not be repeated in real life. MJ sold 30m+ albums wordwide last year. Successful artists don't even get that in their lifetime. MJ is bigger than the uninformed :)
A couple of years ago I had already heard about a Michael Jackson video game project. According to the article, due to excessive illegal downloads of songs on Internet, the project was to release an entire new Michael Jackson album hidden in a completely new video game. In other words the songs were to be unlocked step by step limiting on the one hand direct uploading of all songs on the net and on the other hand selling as many video games as possible containing the new album. A 2-n-1 strategy.

The only drawback is of course people who don't possess video game consoles, PS3, etc. So this project is probably put on hold or one day or another will see the day of light.
Yeah, but he's BADASS in this game!!!
I'm only looking forward for the unreleased Music And Videos that was created by michael
and not new stuff sony or any other company made to make money and to rip the fans
As a huge gamer and MJ fan, I'm looking forward to it. I also hope they'll look to reach the most of the market, thus releasing it multi-plataform so everyone can play (360, PS3, Wii, ...). I must say I really don't like exclusives as that limits the public and simply game lovers as me, who enjoys playing - whatever the console. MJ must be avaible to all, after all (ok, that sounded bad, sorry).
A PS2 release would be very unlikely, seeing as the console is pretty much dead by now. Coming from a realistic gaming approach, if they intend to reach most of the public, the game will be released for PS3, X360 and at most, Nintendo Wii (would probably make lots of money in that market actually, I think). PC gaming is pretty underrated nowadays, though there's always a chance.

PS.: That is, considering that it's a "big" game. Depending on the genre and size, it could always see Nintendo DS, PSP and, yup, PS2 releases.
I remember reading about this video game project last summer, and the articles were saying that it would be released by the holidays in 2009. I hope they really finish it.