Report: Sony To Release Michael Jackson Video Game


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i hope this is o.k to post it i just saw it on the website i just through to share it with you :D

Report: Sony To Release Michael Jackson Video Game

Last week, Sony shelled out $US200 million for the rights to release 10 new posthumous Michael Jackson albums, DVDs and video games between now and 2017 reports The Independent.
This is the largest advanced sum ever paid to a musician.
The “new” material was recorded by Jackson over three decades and includes never-before-released remixes, plus totally new tracks. According to The Independent, an album is scheduled for November. And after that, the newspaper states that anniversary editions of Bad and Thriller as well as an updated take on Off the Wall, a DVD compilation and a Michael Jackson video game.
Jackson, who passed away last year, had his own video game, Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker from Sega and also appeared in music games Space Channel 5, its sequel and Midway’s fighting games Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2.
The King of Pop was reportedly working on a video game at the time of his death. MJJ Productions, Jackson’s production company, has been working on this unannounced home console title for “several months”. Word has it that the game features both Jackson’s likeness and his recorded speech as well as many of his hit songs.
“I am sure it will still be released,” a MJJ Productions rep was quoted as saying. “Michael loved games.”
In Japan, Sony released a PS3 bundle with a Blu-ray copy of documentary This Is It.

here is link:
so disappointing to read the comments left on anything related to Michael. Ofcourse there are many good replies, but too too many ignorant, mean ones.
so disappointing to read the comments left on anything related to Michael. Ofcourse there are many good replies, but too too many ignorant, mean ones.

do yourself a favor and dont read them..people can be very ignorant..:(
I'd love to see a Guitar Hero or a Singster game made with just MJ songs
sorry im not buying anything Sony or AEG they kill Michael and i wont have any part of this if i want to help the Estate ill just take money out to MJ mom in LA but im not helping those killers
sorry im not buying anything Sony or AEG they kill Michael and i wont have any part of this if i want to help the Estate ill just take money out to MJ mom in LA but im not helping those killers

Uhm, with all due respect, unless you have concrete proof to substantiate this claim I would advise that you not just make a blanket statement like that. We can 'feel' all we want but its the proof that will be required in a court of law.
so disappointing to read the comments left on anything related to Michael. Ofcourse there are many good replies, but too too many ignorant, mean ones.
You do realize people on the net are mostly lonely, weirdos? I'm not generalizing everyone (like FB users, email users or fan forums whether it be a fan forum on cars or bags or a musician) but I mean the good majority who actually have nothing better to do other than post random hateful comments on YouTube or wherever else to fill their time. What normal, happy fulfilled person has the time to do that? Who takes the time to comment on celebrities they don't even follow? So before you jump to conclusions and base the whole words view on Michael by a couple of comments by who knows who over the net, think about the reality of the situation. :)

Sorry to go off topic but I find a lot of fans get really down by comments made from losers on the internet. Its really not worth it.
i agree don't read the comments i never do so don't

you're mad at AEG & Sony i understand that what they did to him & take all his money what they did to him i understand that :yes:
You do realize people on the net are mostly lonely, weirdos? I'm not generalizing everyone (like FB users, email users or fan forums whether it be a fan forum on cars or bags or a musician) but I mean the good majority who actually have nothing better to do other than post random hateful comments on YouTube or wherever else to fill their time. What normal, happy fulfilled person has the time to do that? Who takes the time to comment on celebrities they don't even follow? So before you jump to conclusions and base the whole words view on Michael by a couple of comments by who knows who over the net, think about the reality of the situation. :)

Sorry to go off topic but I find a lot of fans get really down by comments made from losers on the internet. Its really not worth it.

i agree with what you're saying to some degree. but i think so many ppl are on the internet now, that it is not mostly lonely weirdos as you say. i generally don't care about comments, but i do like to get a sense of what people are thinking, especially for topics i am passionate about. I did not jump to any conclusions about the whole world. Outside the friendly confines of this forum are a lot of people who have no compassion or are ignorant ...and I've met real life "happy fulfilled people" who are just as openly hateful. But it still bothers me when it has to do with Michael.
Well since he was working on this game.I want to see pics of him overseeing the project and I hope the game will be on all Game consoles including Wii and PC versions.Rockband sounds cool or something that is like the comic book he was working on.I mean it has to be different than Moonwalker,Space channel 5 or Ready to Rumble 2.Because fans should know his voice by now and any simularities from older games will hurt fans and the pockets of whoever is releasing the game. So let the games begin and lets see what happens.
Hmm...hope it will come out for 360 since I sold my PS3 a while ago. If Sony have any say in it I'm not sure if it will. -_-
Oh my goodness you know what would be amazing! Those dance mat games where you just have MJ songs-that would entertain me for hours!
Oh my goodness you know what would be amazing! Those dance mat games where you just have MJ songs-that would entertain me for hours!

Me too! :wild: That would be so good! We got Wii sing and all the songs on it are rubbish,a one with all Michael songs would be so good!
That's so weird. I have that Ready 2 Rumble game for Ps1 from when I was younger...Did not know Michael had a part in it. Wonder if he is in my version
That's so weird. I have that Ready 2 Rumble game for Ps1 from when I was younger...Did not know Michael had a part in it. Wonder if he is in my version

Only ready 2 rumble "round 2" has Michael as a character, and he is a hidden character you need to unlock.
Michael looks awesome in the sega dreamcast version.

Yup- just went to find the game. Definately round 2 and whaddya know- Michael's graphic is on the back. I think I might get out the good old playstation out this week!
Michael Jackson:Complete Arcade Mode twice

That's how you get him, he's got all the cool moves and quotes to.
I would love to have a MJ Singstar with only him. I'd buy it in a hearbeat
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