Remembering Frank Dileo on 1 year anniversary of death / Frank DiLeo Has Passed Away

ivy;3320787 said:
anesthesia is given in every surgery - that's normal.

he had a complication after the bypass surgery , he went into a cardiac arrest and now he's in a coma.

in short he's having heart surgery related complications not anesthesia.

Exactly, plus diabetic people are very prone to such complications and recovery is really difficult. Diabetes targets eyes, heart and kidneys.
Let's hope and pray he will get over it.
My thoughts and prayers also go to his family.
Sad and rally bad news. It is scary to say but my first thought when I read this was: " Someone is calling for his friends."
I hope he gets better soon.
I hope Frank Dileo gets better. He was the best manager Michael ever had, and one of the people who never turned their backs on Michael when he needed them.
qbee;3320672 said:
Frank is 63 but that is still much to young.

Oh i thought he was a lil older than that, dont know why.

And i read somewhere here that someone wrote that he was in goodfellas??? cuz i dont remember him being in that movie
OMG not Frank too :(

I pray that he recovers. Say what you may about him, but he had Michael's back during the worst of times, and he was part of Michael's 'dream team'...
ScrEAm.Jack5on;3320778 said:
There is *some hateful uglyness coming from insensitive fans on twitter. That really says more about YOU as a person than Frank.

If you want to send the family positive/well wishes this is his niece -!/annamariex0

Sad to say but we have to admit, MJ fans are also reflective of MJ's entourage.

There are many devious individuals who take pleasure in others' suffering.

I hope & pray Frank makes it. He is, by far, my favourite MJ manager.

Get well uncle Tookie.
AndreyZidane™;3320050 said:
I know that the conspirations theories are gonna start anytime soon and I gotta say that I personally found them to be silly and don't read much into them. But for the first time though, I really feel as if all the weird events from 2009 to this point are a bit dubious. Call me crazy but it might be someone who's trying to shut Dileo up.... ESPECIALLY if Dileo knows more than he should.

When will this stop? Poor Mr. Dileo, I feel bad for him. I hope he gets doesn't gives up on fighting and that he gets better soon.

The service secret is used for injection for
cause death by heart attack
Michael's first autopsy was heart attack
Segunda autopsy, mostrou propofol
Di Leo hospitalized now with trial
de Murray, more suspect , more strange
My thoughts and prayers and with him and his family.. My god, This is all too much all too soon :(
MJfam Please STOP being so insensitive.
This is not the time to be sarcastic or make jokes
Im very tore up hear : ...............(
I don't know what to say since he gave evil look to Tatiana. She dosen't deserve it since she didn't do anything wrong.. Maybe it's just me. I wish him all the best to get better at least. Hope he gets better :/
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You are pathetic _That was the stupidest thing Ive ever heard
A MAN IS DYING !!!!!!!!!!!! Im ashamed of MJ fans

IM OUT OF HERE _ I cant control my pain and anger
From Frank's niece:
As far as we can understand Frank had a bypass on March 21st. After his surgery he went into cardiac arrest and hasn't woken up since. His condition isn't good but the family is still hopeful

My question is if he went into cardiac arrest what is keeping him alive? a ventilator?
StacyJ;3321156 said:
From Frank's niece:
As far as we can understand Frank had a bypass on March 21st. After his surgery he went into cardiac arrest and hasn't woken up since. His condition isn't good but the family is still hopeful

My question is if he went into cardiac arrest what is keeping him alive? a ventilator?

That's probably the case. Frank has a long history of heart problems, and several heart-attacks in the past. I think what happened was that he went in for heart surgery, but had a heart attack and hasn't awakened from a coma, from that.

Are there any updates on his condition?
StacyJ;3321156 said:
From Frank's niece:
As far as we can understand Frank had a bypass on March 21st. After his surgery he went into cardiac arrest and hasn't woken up since. His condition isn't good but the family is still hopeful

My question is if he went into cardiac arrest what is keeping him alive? a ventilator?

Probably so Stacy... He is on life support. If the family were to decide to pull the plug, then he would die. But since his niece says they are still hopeful, that's why they haven't pulled it yet. He has been on life support for a week and three days.. I pray he stars showing signs of improvement