
I don't believe in reincarnation. The idea of reincarnation makes me sad actually :(. If we reincarnate, what's the point of living? creating all these connections, relationships?..just to come back as somebody else...even if it is with the same personality traits. I just don't see the point..I don't know. I do however believe that consciousness survives death. I think there are different realms of existence. Realms that we can't or have not been taught to see yet. I think the ancient civilizations knew more about our consciousness and what what we are capable of...I don't believe in heaven or hell..I think it's really what you make of it. We all have our individual "heavens" and "hells" depending on what we perceive them to be...does that even make sense? lol I don't know..but overall, the idea of reincarnation is so depressing to me...i'd just like to think that after we die, our consciousness survives and we move on to a different realm where we're still aware of who we are and know who our loved ones are...I hope Michael is out there just hanging new friends. I can see him being all curious and learning about every little thing. I hope he visits his kids and family... gosh, i miss you Michael! :(
I know this is hard to talk about, it depresses me too. I dont think Michael were to do that if he had to choose because he would want to be with his children again. God I miss you Michael :cry:
The idea of reincarnation is beautiful - it instills hope, makes death seem less final.
But I'm quite convinced there's no afterlife in any shape or form - that is why I find dealing with death so difficult, because I just cannot make myself believe there's anything out there. I believe we take that final breath, close our eyes, and then there's nothing more.
Because...truly, why would there be? We humans are quite arrogant in thinking that we deserve some sort of 'justice' for our suffering in this life. We get one life, one chance - no promises it's gonna be easy, and no rewards after it's over when something goes wrong. That's what life is.

This, of course, is only my own opinion, and I'm quite happy for everyone else to have theirs.

I always loved the idea of reincarnation, so please, do continue with this discussion, I enjoy reading it very much. :)

I do believe in reincarnation, as part of my larger world-view. I believe that "reality" is so much more complicated that we can begin to understand. I also believe that the soul. . the SELF. . goes on and does not die. It might become more "complicated," but that is ok. One reason why I believe in reincarnation is because there is so much more to be learned than can happen in one, boundaried, lifetime. If we are male, and female, animal and bird, we can know so much more about how beautiful existence is?

Buddhists believe that there comes a point where we can "step off the wheel" of incarnations, and come into our own as cognitive and "feeling" selves. I choose to believe this, and I do respect others who feel differently. I BELIEVE that Michael's soul will never die. . . and I am comforted by that belief.

carry on,

I do believe in reincarnation, as part of my larger world-view. I believe that "reality" is so much more complicated that we can begin to understand. I also believe that the soul. . the SELF. . goes on and does not die. It might become more "complicated," but that is ok. One reason why I believe in reincarnation is because there is so much more to be learned than can happen in one, boundaried, lifetime. If we are male, and female, animal and bird, we can know so much more about how beautiful existence is?

Buddhists believe that there comes a point where we can "step off the wheel" of incarnations, and come into our own as cognitive and "feeling" selves. I choose to believe this, and I do respect others who feel differently. I BELIEVE that Michael's soul will never die. . . and I am comforted by that belief.

carry on,


I also agree with you. Nowadays i just make believe things that helps me get by. I find happiness in little things and i often use it to console myself.
Something I think about too much... Michael passed in his sleep. Do you think he was in pain? I hope not :cry: To think everything is dark when you are sleeping. Do you think he was dreaming? Does heaven feel like a dream? I know these questions no one can answer but I think abuot them all the time.

Aww, honey - don't focus on this.:better:
He was sleeping. He just went to sleep and didn't wake up.
He didn't suffer, he didn't know. And now he's at peace.