

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Anyone believe in it? Do you think the day or moment MJ died, his spirit found new life in a newborn somewhere in the world? And if so, how will we know? Will some new person years from now come out with a phenomenal talent like MJ??
i believe in reincarnation, but i read somewhere that the chances of coming back as a human are miniscule...
i like to imagine michael as a beautiful bird, flying through the skies and doing as he pleases :)
I'd love to think of MJ in the form of a butterfly...


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[FONT=Viner Hand ITC, Garamond][SIZE=+2]~ Myths about Butterflies ~[/SIZE][/FONT]

Many of the ancient civilizations believed that butterflies were symbols of the human soul.

The Greeks believed that a new human soul was born each time an adult butterfly emerged from its cocoon.

Butterflies have been used by the Chinese and Japanese cultures for centuries as symbols of joy and the essence of happiness. Both cultures have added them to manuscripts, paintings and drawings for centuries.

Early Europeans believed that the human soul took the form of a butterfly so, they viewed the butterfly with great respect and often with fear.

Northern Europeans throught that dreams were the result of the soul-butterfly's wanderings through other worlds.

In southern Germany, some say the dead are reborn as children who fly about as butterflies, resulting in the belief that they bring children.

The Irish believe that butterflies are the souls of the dead waiting to pass through purgatory.

Native American Indian legends told that butterflies would carry the wishes to the Great Spirit in heaven to be granted.

Shoshone Indians believed that butterfles were originally pebbles, into which the Great Spirit blew the precious breath of life.

Native American Zuni tribes believed that butterfles could predict the weather. The Zuni also believed that the white butterfly predicts the beginning of summer.

The Blackfeet Indians believe that dreams are brought to us in sleep by a butterfly.

The butterfly is a symbol of the fertility of the earth among some tribes of Mexico.

Born out of the caterpillar in the chrysalis, butterflies were a symbol of rebirth, regeneration, happiness, and joy to Native Americans in Mexico.

The Maya looked upon butterflies also as the spirits of dead warriors in disguise descending to earth.

A dying man in the Solomon Islands has a choice as to what he will become at death and often chooses a butterfly.

Among the Nagas of Assam the dead are believed to go through a series of transformations in the underworld and are finally reborn as butterflies. When the butterfly dies, that is the end of the soul forever.

The Aztecs believed that the happy dead in the form of beautiful butterflies would visit their relatives to assure them that all was well. These butterflies flew around the house and around bouquets of flowers which were carried by Aztec men of social rank.

Metamorphosis of butterflies and moths is one of the mysteries of Nature. The ability of these insects to change from the crawling caterpillar to the flying adult is almost magical.
Many people are so awe inspired by the metamorphosis that they believe that butterflies and moths could never have evolved over millions of years without a God behind it.

The night butterfly [the moth] attracted by the flame, like the soul attracted by heavenly truths, burns in the flame, reflection of the trials that must be endured to eliminate the fleshy sink-stones before knowing the joys of the beyond.
[SIZE=-1]Gagliardi RA. Lepidopteral Symbolism: Lepidoptera Symbols Relating to Flight. Butterfly and Bugs Symbolism. Fourth Issue, November 1997. Available at: .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Cherry R. Native American Mythology. Butterfly and Bugs Symbolism. Fourth Issue, November 1997. Available at: .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Mars J. Butterflies: Grace on the Wing. Kansas City , MO: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 1997.[/SIZE]
Anyone believe in it? Do you think the day or moment MJ died, his spirit found new life in a newborn somewhere in the world? And if so, how will we know? Will some new person years from now come out with a phenomenal talent like MJ??

I always say i do believe in it, i like to think we continue on! I just have such a big feeling Mike will show himself to us again some day! Someone as amazing as Michael can not just be gone forever!
yes, I was born a Hindu and do believe in reincarnation.


and according to the tenets, I would hope that MJ is now free. he doesn't have to be re-born. he's now one with his creator.
I do believe in reincarnation but like A_Powerful_Mind said I think you don't reincarnate immediatly after death.
And I believe some ppl have old souls who have been on earth many times and don't have to go back.
i believe in reincarnation, but i read somewhere that the chances of coming back as a human are miniscule...
i like to imagine michael as a beautiful bird, flying through the skies and doing as he pleases :)

This is a beautiful thought and made me warm inside :)
Oh? You don't need to die to be reborn immediately?? Wow. I didn't know that. Can you tell me more??
Like you guys from other cultures, can you tell me your beliefs on reincarnation? Like Japanese/Asian, or Hindu?
I don't believe in any particular set faith, but I do believe that death is not the end :)

I think everyone comes back in some form or another.
Yes, I totally believe in it. I have remembered some of my past lives. After the body dies, we, the spirits that we are, have a choice. We can pick up a new body right away, or just hang out. Most people try to communicate with their loved ones, who, unfortunately usually can't percieve them.
I believe Michael is still hanging around and has not gotton a new body yet. I actually do believe that because of the many cries of pain and anguish after Michael's death, he is going to some of us and trying to "flow" love and compassion to us. He really does care. Of course he's observing his children and being close to them, and viewing the family dynamics.
A person has a choice if they want a human, male or female body, or an animal. One lifetime I was a cougar! Also sometimes it depends how able the person is, how strong.
There's a book "Have You Lived Before This Life?" by L.Ron Hubbard. It's really good. It gives alot of data.
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When I think of MJ, I think of him possibly being reincarnated into a leopard...a black leopard running free, being happy and being able to climb trees. I think of MJ being a black bird, soaring free and happy...that's what gets me through this...
I hope and Pray Michael is free from future reincarnations.
I don't understand, why some people want him to be someone else? :(
I think his beautiful soul in a great balance with his body, can you imagine more beautiful eyes ( windows of soul ), or voice? Don't you love the way he is talking, the way he is walking, moving, dancing? He is so talented in everything and so special.
And if everyone would be like Michael, full of love, care and compassion, this world would be a Paradise. He is the best what human could be.
I hope and Pray after everything he went through here on Earth, he is Enjoy the Peaceful Rest in Heaven. And he can watch his children, family, friends, fans, anyone who is dear to his heart :)
( Michael, if you read it, please, don't change! Never! We Love you So Much :) Michael Jackson will live forever :) )
I hope and Pray Michael is free from future reincarnations.
I don't understand, why some people want him to be someone else? :(
I think his beautiful soul in a great balance with his body, can you imagine more beautiful eyes ( windows of soul ), or voice? Don't you love the way he is talking, the way he is walking, moving, dancing? He is so talented in everything and so special.
And if everyone would be like Michael, full of love, care and compassion, this world would be a Paradise. He is the best what human could be.
I hope and Pray after everything he went through here on Earth, he is Enjoy the Peaceful Rest in Heaven. And he can watch his children, family, friends, fans, anyone who is dear to his heart :)
( Michael, if you read it, please, don't change! Never! We Love you So Much :) Michael Jackson will live forever :) )

I agree somewhat with you Fujon. He was a precious individual. However, I just can't see all of that creative life force that was MJ being stilled forever. I can see it being released in another form some's too much energy to fade out to black like that all of a sudden...
I hope he is fulfilled his purpose and don't need to come back to Earth for more sorrow, pain, suffering and mocking.
I wish him to be safe and happy with God. There is a lot of things he can do in Heaven.
Even if there is reincarnation I don't think Michael will be reincarnate. I was told that reincarnation to a nother human only happens when the person have not complete his/her mission on earth. Reincarnation to an animal happens when the person is given a second chance to life another life on earth. If a person is holy and very pure and innocent, they go straight to heaven and don't get reincarnated.
I hope and Pray Michael is free from future reincarnations.
I don't understand, why some people want him to be someone else? :(

It seems you're misunderstanding. Michael, the spirit that he is, will always be him, he cannot be anyone else. But when he's ready, he will come back with another body, a different name. It'll still be his sweet personality, loving ways, and incredible talent. It's exciting to think of the future -- will there be "another person" (really Michael) that stands out, with the same mannerisms, and talents of Michael!

I believe in God, I don't, at this time, believe in Heaven or Hell. I know that we all come back, lifetime after lifetime. Will it all end someday, perhaps when Jesus returns, then we'll all go to Heaven or Hell? I don't know. I don't think so though. We've been around for millions of years, lots and lots of lifetimes, it's all recorded in our unconscious minds for us to remember.

When I talk to Michael now I say-- Hey now you see! You get to have more fun in your future, a happy childhood, carry on your mission to help the world and it's children! And to really find true love! I love you Michael!!! Thank you for all you've done!
I don't know whether I believe in reincarnation or not, but I think it may be possible for some people, but maybe not all. Or it may just be something like energy being recycled. After all, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So I think it has to go somewhere. So perhaps the energy left is distributed somewhere else.
It's now our mission to carry on, to help the world and children. Michael like a teacher for us all, showed an example.
His talent helped him to drew the attention to him, to become so popular on this planet, so more people will see, hear him and his serious messages, that what was in God's plan.
Now we have to continue his mission.

I wish he will stay in Heaven where he can receive pure happiness, love, healing and joy, instead goin' back to Earth, for more pain and mocking and seems this world just getting worse and worse, more dark and cruel, not the place where I wish to see Michael suffering again. He went through too much pain here, the hell, he gave so much, he is suffered so much and I wish for him the best only, the rest & peace he deserve, which only Heaven really can grant, he can join the chorus of Angels there, to sing for Creator.

Sorry, don't feel exciting, imagine he is coming back here in other body, suffering in other lives, having maybe not happy childhood again, keep struggling in pain. No one here on earth 100% happy. I wish for him pure happiness and Bliss in Heaven and hope and pray God will Bless Michael with it.
uhmm...No..I dont believe in this...I dont think Michael would want to come back here to the earth ....I wouldn't want him to come back as anything but Michael....and that is not possible so...I guess my answer is no....I just want him to be happy in Heaven....maybe come and visit me from time to time...:wink:
Anyone believe in it? Do you think the day or moment MJ died, his spirit found new life in a newborn somewhere in the world? And if so, how will we know? Will some new person years from now come out with a phenomenal talent like MJ??

I do believe in reincarnation in a way that soul can leave a spiritual world and get a new body but it has to be a reason imo. It doesn’t’ happen automatically. I do not think that Michael reincarnated already because he still has a reason to be in spirit. Listen to this MJ last channeling and you will understand what I mean:
I do believe in reincarnation in a way that soul can leave a spiritual world and get a new body but it has to be a reason imo. It doesn’t’ happen automatically. I do not think that Michael reincarnated already because he still has a reason to be in spirit. Listen to this MJ last channeling and you will understand what I mean:

Thanks! I did listen. As I said earlier, I certainly do believe he's still hanging around, helping people. When he's ready, he'll pick up a new body.
I hope and Pray Michael is free from future reincarnations.
I don't understand, why some people want him to be someone else? :(
I think his beautiful soul in a great balance with his body, can you imagine more beautiful eyes ( windows of soul ), or voice? Don't you love the way he is talking, the way he is walking, moving, dancing? He is so talented in everything and so special.
And if everyone would be like Michael, full of love, care and compassion, this world would be a Paradise. He is the best what human could be.
I hope and Pray after everything he went through here on Earth, he is Enjoy the Peaceful Rest in Heaven. And he can watch his children, family, friends, fans, anyone who is dear to his heart :)
( Michael, if you read it, please, don't change! Never! We Love you So Much :) Michael Jackson will live forever :) )

I feel the same... I want Michael to stay Michael. Not anything else. It confuses me really. Plus I want to meet him in heaven.. reincarnation means we wont get that chance :cry:
My opinion on reincarnation:

Yes, I believe in it in a way. I think that we as spirits will have the option of whether we want to reincarnate or not. I don't think it's a definite deed. I believe it is our choice. :)
I absolutely believe that there is an afterlife or atleast something after death.

As for Michael, I think he is just fine. I believe he is very happy and is with his children every second of the day.
We don`t know and we`ll never find out for a fact what REALLY happens. Has anyone considered this idea that once your dead your just gone, completely gone. Theres no spirit, no soul, no nothing. Your just gone. Theres no heaven or hell, you dont become no stars, no angels, nothing. If you are a famous person, you leave your name behind. You leave your memory behind, but your just gone. Done, erased, gone. I know its a harsh way of thinking. And i hope that there`s a heaven, i hope that there are angels and i hope that we have souls and spirits that live on forever. I Hope. But i dont want to be surprised when i go and find nothing. I really want to see Michael, i want to see my dad, my pet dog teddy. And i hope i do, when my time comes. I dont want to be disappointed and find absolutely nothing and just completey gone.
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I feel the same... I want Michael to stay Michael. Not anything else. It confuses me really. Plus I want to meet him in heaven.. reincarnation means we wont get that chance :cry:

I believe that he may "pick up a new body" no sooner than in 2000 years or maybe never. It is up to God now ,if it still will be a purpose for this soul to come back.
The idea of reincarnation is beautiful - it instills hope, makes death seem less final.
But I'm quite convinced there's no afterlife in any shape or form - that is why I find dealing with death so difficult, because I just cannot make myself believe there's anything out there. I believe we take that final breath, close our eyes, and then there's nothing more.
Because...truly, why would there be? We humans are quite arrogant in thinking that we deserve some sort of 'justice' for our suffering in this life. We get one life, one chance - no promises it's gonna be easy, and no rewards after it's over when something goes wrong. That's what life is.

This, of course, is only my own opinion, and I'm quite happy for everyone else to have theirs.

I always loved the idea of reincarnation, so please, do continue with this discussion, I enjoy reading it very much. :)
We don`t know and we`ll never find out for a fact what REALLY happens. Has anyone considered this idea that once your dead your just gone, completely gone. Theres no spirit, no soul, no nothing. Your just gone. Theres no heaven or hell, you dont become no stars, no angels, nothing. If you are a famous person, you leave your name behind. You leave your memory behind, but your just gone. Done, erased, gone. I know its a harsh way of thinking. And i hope that there`s a heaven, i hope that there are angels and i hope that we have souls and spirits that live on forever. I Hope. But i dont want to be surprised when i go and find nothing. I really want to see Michael, i want to see my dad, my pet dog teddy. And i hope i do, when my time comes. I dont want to be disappointed and find absolutely nothing and just completey gone.

Yes I have thought about it.. Its scary to think about :cry: Death must be very painful too. :( I just have to keep the faith and believe. We dont know anything about afterlife that is what makes this so hard.
Something I think about too much... Michael passed in his sleep. Do you think he was in pain? I hope not :cry: To think everything is dark when you are sleeping. Do you think he was dreaming? Does heaven feel like a dream? I know these questions no one can answer but I think abuot them all the time.